
Serbia: E4 Long Distance European Trail from Sokobanja to Jalovik Izvor


Trail photos

Photo ofSerbia: E4 Long Distance European Trail from Sokobanja to Jalovik Izvor Photo ofSerbia: E4 Long Distance European Trail from Sokobanja to Jalovik Izvor Photo ofSerbia: E4 Long Distance European Trail from Sokobanja to Jalovik Izvor


Trail stats

56.38 mi
Elevation gain
9,383 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
8,894 ft
Max elevation
3,878 ft
Min elevation
724 ft
Trail type
One Way
June 3, 2018
June 2018
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near Soko Banja, Central Serbia (Serbia)

Viewed 721 times, downloaded 46 times

Trail photos

Photo ofSerbia: E4 Long Distance European Trail from Sokobanja to Jalovik Izvor Photo ofSerbia: E4 Long Distance European Trail from Sokobanja to Jalovik Izvor Photo ofSerbia: E4 Long Distance European Trail from Sokobanja to Jalovik Izvor

Itinerary description

This track is the route of the E4 European Long Distance Trail from Sokobanja to Jalovik Izvor in Serbia based on Map 12 of "Rambling through Serbia at a slow pace", a booklet published by Planinarski Savez Srbije (PSS), the Serbian Mountain Association. While the track is close to the trail described in the booklet, I cannot guarantee it is the exact route or indeed the best, all I can say is that I successfully walked it in April 2018. More details of my trip can be found in my blog

Leaving the tidy spa town of Sokobanja behind, the route first visits the ruins of the Sokograd fortress, hidden among trees. Then it climbs up to the Devica ridge and its three summits, Ostra Cuka, Capljinac and Caske. The limestone ridge is largely free of trees giving good views to the south and was covered in flowers when I walked through. Passing through abandoned farmland the track drops into the village Beli Potok, before following the valley down to the town of Knjazevac through trees, flower filled meadows and then quite a bit of road walking. After Knjazevac the trail goes up and down through farmland and woods to the village of Donja Kamenica, famous for its medieval church. A further climb takes you close to the summit of Cuka, and then after a short overgrown section eventually leads to the small village of Jalovik Izvor, deep in a valley.

My trek along the E4 continues at The preceding section can be found at

For my complete trek on the E4 across Europe read my book "Six Pairs of Boots: Spain to Cyprus on the E4 Trail" by John Pucknell available from,, the,,, and other good online bookstores.

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PictographSummit Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofCapljinac Photo ofCapljinac


Capljinac is the highest summit of the Devica range at 1185 metres. Trees mean there is not much of a view and rocks make the summit uncomfortable, but the track to the summit along the ridge makes the climb worth the effort.

PictographSummit Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofCaske Photo ofCaske


One of summits on Devica range at 1136 metres. Good views due to lack of trees.

PictographSummit Altitude 2,674 ft


Cuka is a rounded mountain 826 metres high

PictographSummit Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofOstra Cuka Photo ofOstra Cuka Photo ofOstra Cuka

Ostra Cuka

Ostra Cuka is the most easterly summit on the Devica range at a height of 1075 metres. The rocky summit gives good views of the surrounding area.

PictographRuins Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofSokograd Photo ofSokograd Photo ofSokograd


Sokograd is a medieval city fortress, now in ruins and surrounded by trees and undergrowth it stands on a rocky promontory in a steep sided valley..

Photo ofDonja Kamenica Church

Donja Kamenica Church

14th century church, said to have ancient frescos inside

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,884 ft

No clear path

There is no clear path for some 800 metres, the GPS track winds its way through bushes


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