
Serbia: E4 Long Distance European Trail from Monsa to Vratna Monastery


Trail photos

Photo ofSerbia: E4 Long Distance European Trail from Monsa to Vratna Monastery Photo ofSerbia: E4 Long Distance European Trail from Monsa to Vratna Monastery Photo ofSerbia: E4 Long Distance European Trail from Monsa to Vratna Monastery


Trail stats

104.48 mi
Elevation gain
11,565 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
11,083 ft
Max elevation
2,478 ft
Min elevation
121 ft
Trail type
One Way
May 5, 2018
May 2018
Be the first to clap

near Mosna, Central Serbia (Serbia)

Viewed 847 times, downloaded 46 times

Trail photos

Photo ofSerbia: E4 Long Distance European Trail from Monsa to Vratna Monastery Photo ofSerbia: E4 Long Distance European Trail from Monsa to Vratna Monastery Photo ofSerbia: E4 Long Distance European Trail from Monsa to Vratna Monastery

Itinerary description

Note: see for a updated GPX file for part of the route.

This track is the route of the E4 European Long Distance Trail from Monsa to Vratna Monastery in Serbia based on Map 9 of "Rambling through Serbia at a slow pace" a booklet published by Planinarski Savez Srbije (PSS), the Serbian Mountain Association. While the track is close to the trail described in the booklet, I cannot guarantee it is the exact route or indeed the best, all I can say is that I successfully walked it in March 2018. More details of my trip can be found in my blog

This section of the E4 includes some notable sites such as the Iron Gates of the Danube from the peak of Veliki Strbac , a Roman fort and a Turkish fortress. The walk includes flat sections by the Danube, climbing up and down hills and mountains, and across farmland and through woods. I had some difficult in some sections. Coming down to Golo Brdo I found I had exited a field with a "No Admittance" sign (see waymark). I would suggest future walkers avoid Golo Brdo altogether, there is nothing to see. I have also waymarked a section where the path down a ridge was difficult to find, there may be a better alternative. Another waymarked section was overgrown by brambles, I have waymarked a suggested route around it. Then there is a valley side I made my way down where I could not find a path.

For my complete trek on the E4 across Europe read my book "Six Pairs of Boots: Spain to Cyprus on the E4 Trail" by John Pucknell available from,, the,,, and other good online bookstores.

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PictographWaterfall Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofBlederija Waterfall

Blederija Waterfall

A waterfall depositing limestone tufa as a series of little dams. There are picnic tables nearby.

PictographCave Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofBuranov Ponor (Cave)

Buranov Ponor (Cave)

Buranov Ponor is a cave limestone system into which a stream disappears. It is not a tourist cave and there are no barriers to entry.

PictographCastle Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofTurkish Fortress of Kladovo

Turkish Fortress of Kladovo

The walls of a Turkish fortress, now enclosing a recreational area.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft

Lost path as it went down to the river

If there was a path down the side of the valley I could not find it, so there was a bit of clambering over fallen trees etc. on a steep slope, then a paddle across a brook to a good track leading up the far side of the valley.

PictographSummit Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofMali Strbac Photo ofMali Strbac

Mali Strbac

Mali Strbac is a mountain 628 metres high that overlooks the Danube with excellent views. There are steep cliffs on the Danube side.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 874 ft

No Admittance Sign

As I was exiting a field I saw a "No admittance" sign warning me not to enter. I was going to Golo Brdo, but I would have been better to avoid it, there was nothing there, which would also have avoided this farm.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,123 ft

Overgrown with Brambles

This track had become overgrown with brambles forcing me to push my way through branches in the adjacent woods. There is an alternative route, which I have not investigated but looks OK on maps, this is marked by the waypoint called "Start of alternative route".

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft

Path difficult to follow

This is an old path down a ridge that is now difficult to follow. Maybe better alternatives.

Photo ofRoman ruins of Diana Fortress

Roman ruins of Diana Fortress

Roman ruins of a fortress that seemed to have been sacked and rebuilt a number of times

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft

Start of alternative route

The route marked out by this gpx track is overgrown with brambles, as an alternative, you could try and follow the track on the left at this point which should also bring you to the Danube.

Trajans bridge

A pier left from the bridge built by the Roman emperor Trajan across the Danube

PictographSummit Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofVeliki Strbac

Veliki Strbac

Veliki Strbac is a 768 metre summit overlooking the Iron Gates of the Danube in Djerdap National Park.

Photo ofVratna Monastry

Vratna Monastry


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