
Sartsapat mountain I Dimats mountain I The Ijevan mountains I Armenia


Trail photos

Photo ofSartsapat mountain I Dimats mountain I The Ijevan mountains I Armenia Photo ofSartsapat mountain I Dimats mountain I The Ijevan mountains I Armenia Photo ofSartsapat mountain I Dimats mountain I The Ijevan mountains I Armenia


Trail stats

18.16 mi
Elevation gain
6,017 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
5,023 ft
Max elevation
8,260 ft
Min elevation
3,681 ft
Trail type
One Way
June 22, 2021
June 2021

near Hovk’, Tavush (አርሜኒያ)

Viewed 1021 times, downloaded 28 times

Trail photos

Photo ofSartsapat mountain I Dimats mountain I The Ijevan mountains I Armenia Photo ofSartsapat mountain I Dimats mountain I The Ijevan mountains I Armenia Photo ofSartsapat mountain I Dimats mountain I The Ijevan mountains I Armenia

Itinerary description

Sartsapat ( Սառցապատ լեռ) and Dimats ( Դիմաց լեռ) mountains are peaks of The Ijevan mountains range ( Իջևանի լեռներ )
They are famous for their fantastic views and the beautiful trails leading to them.

Some information about this trail:
--- You start your hike from Hovk village ( Հովք ) and head to Haghartsin monastery ( Հաղարծինի վանք ) through mountains.

--- First 6 kms from Hovk you can use also 4 x 4 car, that will do your hike way easier.

--- Both Sartsapat and Dimats peaks are not as attractive as the trail itself, for the best photo follow the trail and be attentive when you get the part where the trail goes astray, it leads to the best vista point of the trail, don't miss it.

--- The length of the trail is about 30 km.

--- Season for this trail starts from May till November (first snow)
The pictures below are taken in June.


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