
SANAHIN - AKNER - KAYAN - HAGHPAT (Lori Marz, Armènia)



Trail stats

6.55 mi
Elevation gain
1,056 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,145 ft
Max elevation
3,366 ft
32 3
Min elevation
2,633 ft
Trail type
One Way
4 hours 15 minutes
August 27, 2012
August 2012
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near Sanain, Lorri (አርሜኒያ)

Viewed 3306 times, downloaded 73 times

Itinerary description

(There is an English abstract below)

Caminada que uneix dos notables monestirs a la província armènia de Lori. El primer tram, des de la sortida del poble de Sanahin i fins el poble d’Akner, és seguint una carretera local. Tot i que hi havia molt poc trànsit (almenys el dia que hi varem passar nosaltres), no deixa de ser empipador. Si algú coneix un camí alternatiu, que ho digui!. En tot cas, el paisatge és agradable, i hi havia moltes mores, prunes i algunes cireres. Passada l’estació transformadora, hi ha una font i una petita cascada on els més optimistes s’hi banyen/dutxen.

Per anar de d’Akner a la fortalesa de Kayan cal travessar la plana de pastures que hi ha davant del poble, anant decididament cap a la punta del pla que queda més allunyada del nucli. La línia elèctrica que travessa els prats pot servir de guia. Des d’aquest punt es veu perfectament la fortalesa i la carena que hi porta. El camí que hi baixa no és gaire evident, i inclou algun pas que requereix una miqueta d’atenció. Mantenint-se sempre prop de la carena la traça no es perd mai. Quan s’arriba al coll que separa el promontori on hi ha la fortalesa, trobem a la dreta un sender ben marcat que serà el que prendrem per continuar cap a Haghpat. No obstant, val la pena pujar fins a la fortalesa, que no és lluny, és interessant i té bona vista.

El sender s’allunya de Kayan en direcció a la capçalera de la vall tot flanquejant suaument, perdent alçada poc a poc. S’arriba finalment arriba al fons de la vall, a un lloc on hi ha una font dissortadament bastant bruta. (Des d’aquí sembla que hi ha un camí que puja directament a Akner sense passar per la fortalesa. Una canonada pot servir de referència). Es travessa el riu per un pont i s’arriba a la carretera que puja a Haghpat.

Per pujar des d’aquí a Haghpat és preferible deixar la carretera a l’esquerra i prendre la pista que va segueix pel fons de la vall. Poc després es pren un camí carreter que surt a l’esquerra, passa prop d’una casa habitada que queda a la dreta i puja dret fins a un collet des del que ja es veu Haghpat tot proper. Continuant en ascens més suau, s’arriba al poble i al monestir de Haghpat. El bareto de davant del monestir, ombrejat i ventilat, va resultar MOLT adequat per fer-nos passar la set i la gana.

Atenció: Nosaltres vam fer l’excursió així, però fer-la en el sentit invers probablement té avantatges: la pujada no està tant al final i no és tant sobtada; i si cal es pot tallar el tros de carretera si teniu vehicle de recollida. Això si, us perdreu la referència per a la birra final!

(Els Turrais donem per formalment acomplert el compromís que varem contraure amb la Irina Israyelyan d’explicar detingudament aquesta ruta- La Irina va ser la nostra amfitriona a un B&B d’Alaverdi absolutament recomanable).

It’s a pleasant walk between two notable Armenian monasteries. From Sanahin to the village of Akner the itinerary is by the local road. Although there was very little traffic (at least on the day we were there we go), it's really annoying. If anyone knows an alternative way, let them say!. By the way, you’ll found a fountain and a small waterfall.

The way from to Akner to Kayan starts crossing the fields. From the village, you must go decidedly towards to the fields’ furthest point. A power line can serve as a guide. From the top of the cliff you can see Kayan at the end of the ridge. The path down is not very clear, and there are some steps that requires a bit of attention. Staying close to the ridge trace is never lost. When you arrives at the lowest point before the fortress, you’ll found on the right a clearly marked path by continuing to Haghpat. Before continuing, it’s worth up to the fortress, which is not far and has a good view.

The path continues toward the head of the valley flanking, gradually losing altitude. You get finally get to the bottom of the valley to a place where there is a source unfortunately quite dirty. (From here there seems to be a path that leads directly to Akner bypassing the fortress. Pipe may serve as a reference). We cross the river by a bridge and get to the road up to Haghpat.

The stretch of road from here to Haghpat may be avoided if you take the trail that follows the valley bottom, leaving the road to the left. Take (left) another trail witch up strongly, passing near an inhabited house (right) and arrive to a point you can see all Haghpat next. From here, rising slowly, reach the town and the monastery..

Note: We did the tour as we have explained, but probably is better do it in the inverse sense: rise is not so much the end and not so sudden.

(This description was asked by Irina Israyelyan, our hostess in a B & B highly recommended)

Comments  (2)

  • Photo of don.coleman
    don.coleman Apr 17, 2014

    We just did this route in the opposite direction (from Haghpat to Sanahin, taking a shorter route which skips the fortress, and follows the pipe mentioned above. Where the road descends from Haghpat to the river, there is a really nice arch foot bridge to cross the river. The path is clear, but not marked. Start ascending towards the base of the cliff. The path moves to the left, towards a pipeline which you can see at the top of the ridge. You reach the ridge at the same point as the pipeline. There is a small covered picnic table here, with a non-working fountain.

  • Photo of don.coleman
    don.coleman Apr 17, 2014

    Ok walk, but not fantastic -- mostly following very lightly travelled roads, with some nice views into some canyons, and you can see the country life in the villages, and also soviet era apartment block construction.

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