
Ruta por el Parque Nacional de Jotunheienem en Noruega


Trail photos

Photo ofRuta por el Parque Nacional de Jotunheienem en Noruega Photo ofRuta por el Parque Nacional de Jotunheienem en Noruega Photo ofRuta por el Parque Nacional de Jotunheienem en Noruega


Trail stats

41.87 mi
Elevation gain
13,465 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
13,120 ft
Max elevation
8,120 ft
Min elevation
3,236 ft
Trail type
One Way
3 days 9 hours 59 minutes
August 23, 2019
July 2019

near Visdalen, Innlandet (Norge)

Viewed 664 times, downloaded 7 times

Trail photos

Photo ofRuta por el Parque Nacional de Jotunheienem en Noruega Photo ofRuta por el Parque Nacional de Jotunheienem en Noruega Photo ofRuta por el Parque Nacional de Jotunheienem en Noruega

Itinerary description

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Review of the route in Adventoorer: Route through the Jotunheienem National Park in Norway .


The Jotunheimen (House of the Giants) National Park is in eastern Norway. It is a park very frequented by all kinds of people. There you can carry out a wide variety of activities, from hiking or skiing to rafting, or simply contemplating landscapes. There are a number of shelters throughout the park, some of which are accessible by road, making it accessible almost anywhere.

In this park are most of Norway's highest peaks, including the two highest: Galdhøpiggen, at 2,469 meters, and Glittertind, at 2,465 meters.

And there I'm going to take a few walks there and climb the Galdhøpiggen.

Day 1 - Besseggen Route, from Gjendesheim to Memurubu.

The first stage is the Besseggen ridge route, one of the most classic in Norway, which everyone does here. The ridge that joins the two lodgings is crossed by a route of overwhelming beauty.

To get to Gjendesheim we take a bus from the Oslo station. I think the NW160, I do not remember well, but it is not difficult to find it. After a little less than five hours we reached our destination, a guesthouse next to Lake Gjendevatnet, on the edge of the beginning of the ridge.

The next morning we start walking. The route is marked and it is evident. Climb to the top of the ridge and travel to the middle of the lake, to the Memurubu refuge.

In general, this route is done the other way around, from Memurubu to Gjendesheim. The reason is that to return you have to take a boat that runs along the lake. It is quite a long route and the path is usually not undone on foot. And since there is the problem of being late and missing the last boat of the day, Norwegians usually take the boat in the morning to Memurubu, and travel the ridge leisurely back to Gjendesheim. There is also a steeper area that in this sense is done going up, which is always easier than going down. It does not have any complications, they are very simple climbs, but it is a family route and there are many children, so it is a good option to do it this way.

Since we have to follow more days, we go the other way around than most hikers. In addition, the ship allows you to send large backpacks, so that we go with small backpacks, almost without weight. A marvel.

You gain height quickly following the path. Some small climb, some waterfall ... The environment is very beautiful, and the views of the Gjendevatnet lake are crazy.

After a while we reached the top of Veslfjellet, the highest point on the ridge. From here you begin to see Lake Mosvatnet to the north, which is about 400 meters above the Gjendevatnet. It does not surprise me that this route is made by all Norwegians, because the vision of the two almost united sides is spectacular, separated only by a narrow passage of the ridge. Each lake has a different hue. On the left, the Gjendevatnet is almost green, and on the right, the Mosvatnet has a deep blue color. Is awesome.

The point between the two lakes is reached after a climb, the most complicated of the day, but without great difficulties. Now we come across many people who come from Memurubu. You see many families with children.

After a stop in the middle of the lakes, enjoying the fabulous scenery, we continue on our way. We left the Mosvatnet behind. We go up a bit again, we cross a small lake ... All the rest of the day we continue with the Gjendevatnet on the left hand side. The lake forms a bend, so you can see it from Gjendesheim back there to almost the end in Gjendebu. We won't get that far. In front, another smaller lake appears, the Øvre Leirungen.

You don't know where to look, with so much mountain and so much lake.

So we continue until we approach Memurubu. To get to the refuge there is a steep descent. Once there, we go down to the dock to collect the backpacks. I take this opportunity to climb a nameless piquito that is next to the refuge. Just to see the views of the lake. It doesn't take long and it's worth it.

Day 2 - From Memurubu to Glitterheim.

We started by raising yesterday's descent to the refuge, which is still just as strong, but up.

We arrive at the hill and we are offered very wide views of the valley that we are going to travel. We will skirt the Russvatnet lake, another beauty of blue waters, and then climb a hill and cross the next valley, where we will descend to Glitterheim.

Skirting the lake can be somewhat uncomfortable, depending on how dry the area is. They drain several streams that you have to cross as best you can. In general there are no problems, but if they go down with a lot of water you may have to get wet sometime.

Before starting the climb there is time for a quick swim in the lake. Pretty fast, because the water is close to absolute zero. But the day is hot and it is nice to cool off a bit.

When I started to climb the hill I deviated from the path to see if I could climb any of the peaks that were there, but as I progressed it seemed to me that that did not make much sense, because I did not know how far they were or how it was going, like that that I turned to the road. It is not worth following the path marked on the route, it is better to climb the path all the time.

We go up to a hill, covered by a wide snowfield, and on the other side we can see, there in the distance, far below, the refuge of Glitterheim.

We begin to go down to a very wide valley, crossed by the Sjoa river. To the left, in the mountains in the background, you can see a large glacier. In front, behind the refuge, appears the Glittertind, the second peak of Norway. You can already see snow in the heights.

The descent of the hill is very comfortable. The path leads to a bridge that crosses the river. It is appreciated, because it goes down with great force.

The shelter is very new, or it seems. They are in the works, expanding it. They put us in a building a little apart from the main one that still smells of paint. For dinner there is a wide variety of dishes, with local fish and a wide variety of products. The food is wonderful, although there is a shortage of bathrooms. I suppose that the works they are doing will include some more.

The best thing about these shelters is that they usually include a drying room for your clothes, so you can do your laundry without worrying about it being damp the next day.

Day 3 - From Glitterheim to Spiterstulen.

Today's route doesn't have much of a climb. You only reach a small hill, and from there there is a great descent to Spiterstulen, the last refuge.

We left Glitterheim following the river in the direction of the glaciers. The valley is approaching them, but before reaching them it turns north. There begins a while going up to the hill. It is not a big thing.

More than a hill, it is a long gorge between the two valleys. Very pretty, with a few lakes along the pass, some snowfields, and elk in the distance, in the snowdrifts at the top of the mountains. They stay in the snow to cool off, making them easy to spot.

Once you have crossed the hill, a sea of stones begins. It is a huge scree that reaches the end of the massif, before the final steep descent to Spiterstulen. Very curious and very beautiful. In addition, on the other side of the valley you can already see the final goal, the Galdhøpiggen.

You can see where we are going to climb, and the three peaks that we have to do: the Svellnose, the Keilhaus Topp and the Galdhøpiggen. A long but easy climb. I already want to start.

An alternative route that can be done is the one that crosses the middle of the massif, which allows the ascent to Glittertind. I would have liked to, but going in a group many times takes away your freedom.

The descent into the valley is quite direct. In the distance you can see the refuge, which can be reached by road. At the bottom of the valley, next to the river, you can see the asphalt and some cars circulating. Despite this, the landscape does not detract. It is a pleasure to go down the valley.

Day 4 - From Spiterstulen to Galdhøpiggen, and back to Spiterstulen.

We left the refuge early, to be able to climb calmly. The route begins on the other side of the river. A very well marked trail begins the ascent. There is no loss, both for the many red T-shaped marks throughout the park, and for the sheer number of hikers climbing. It's an easy climb, and it must be very traditional in Norway.

There is no difficulty on the route, apart from the accumulated unevenness of about 1400 meters. From time to time we find wide snowfields that are easily avoidable or traversable.

The initial path is transformed into a path that crosses a continuous but comfortable quarry. Huge snow-capped walls rise behind us, and behind a steep slope, appears what at first seemed our goal, but obviously not yet.

The thing is getting more vertical, although at no time dangerous. It is normal that there are so many people here. The highest peak of any site always attracts many people, and while being easy but with a certain harshness, many mountain fans come to climb it. Big and small ones. There are many families.

Suddenly, to our right a great chasm opens up, and a huge glacier appears before our eyes. What a past. Crossing it is another way to climb the Galdhøpiggen, although this is surely a bit more complicated.

Higher, higher. To the left appears another huge glacier. Now we are surrounded by snow, and there is only escape forward and to the top.

This is starting to be spectacular. The higher we get, more mountains appear in the distance. Although they do not reach much height, the appearance that they have is impressive.

Now yes, now you can see the top of Galdhøpiggen up there in the distance, behind the other two peaks that we are going to do. You can even see the strange bar at the top.

This way the road, or disappears under the snowfields, or it is not there. We are going up stones. It's simple, but you don't have to lose concentration to avoid a smack.

We arrived safely at the Svellnose and the Keilhaus Topp. From all the way the views are tremendous, but from the peaks even more.

Now there is only the last arreón to get to the top. We are surrounded by a varied fauna of all kinds of hikers. From the very equipped who have crossed the glacier, to families with small children in slippers, or people with dogs. As is usual in the mountains, some worry more and others less about safety. It is true that the climb is very simple, but even so, a bit of good sense never hurts.

The bar is a little below the top itself, where there is a compass that points to the peaks around it. It is impossible to take a look, because the overcrowding is so great that they do not leave you a free space. Anyway, what you see around is reward enough. Mountains everywhere, glaciers, snow and rocks. It's a tremendous alpine environment, if you don't look at the people.

After a while around here, and eating a little, we turn around and undo the road. Without news, beyond a silly slip that could have made me unhappy, but that had no consequences. Never get lost!

Back at the refuge, we just have to celebrate with a prohibitively priced beer and rest until they pick us up tomorrow.

A round trip, with a little of everything and without great difficulties. Jotunheienem Park offers everything any nature lover needs.



PictographSummit Altitude 4,290 ft
Photo ofCima Photo ofCima Photo ofCima



PictographMountain pass Altitude 5,523 ft
Photo ofCollado Photo ofCollado Photo ofCollado



PictographMountain pass Altitude 5,429 ft
Photo ofCollado Photo ofCollado Photo ofCollado



PictographIntersection Altitude 3,857 ft
Photo ofCruce Photo ofCruce Photo ofCruce



PictographSummit Altitude 8,109 ft
Photo ofGaldhøpiggen Photo ofGaldhøpiggen Photo ofGaldhøpiggen



PictographMountain hut Altitude 3,274 ft
Photo ofGjendesheim Photo ofGjendesheim Photo ofGjendesheim



PictographMountain hut Altitude 4,561 ft
Photo ofGlitterheim Photo ofGlitterheim Photo ofGlitterheim



PictographIntersection Altitude 3,992 ft
Photo ofIzquierda Photo ofIzquierda Photo ofIzquierda



PictographIntersection Altitude 4,569 ft
Photo ofIzquierda Photo ofIzquierda Photo ofIzquierda



PictographSummit Altitude 7,731 ft
Photo ofKeilhaus Topp Photo ofKeilhaus Topp Photo ofKeilhaus Topp

Keilhaus Topp

Keilhaus Topp

PictographMountain hut Altitude 3,327 ft
Photo ofMemurubu Photo ofMemurubu Photo ofMemurubu



PictographPhoto Altitude 5,583 ft
Photo ofMirador Photo ofMirador Photo ofMirador



PictographBridge Altitude 4,083 ft
Photo ofPuente Photo ofPuente Photo ofPuente



PictographBridge Altitude 4,488 ft
Photo ofPuente Photo ofPuente Photo ofPuente



PictographBridge Altitude 3,917 ft
Photo ofPuente Photo ofPuente



PictographMountain hut Altitude 3,644 ft



PictographSummit Altitude 7,467 ft



PictographLake Altitude 5,721 ft



PictographWilderness hut Altitude 5,638 ft



PictographWilderness hut Altitude 6,869 ft




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