
Roundtrip Montserrat-Santa Magdalena-Sant Jeroni-Trompa de l'Elefant-Montserrat 14 km


Trail photos

Photo ofRoundtrip Montserrat-Santa Magdalena-Sant Jeroni-Trompa de l'Elefant-Montserrat 14 km Photo ofRoundtrip Montserrat-Santa Magdalena-Sant Jeroni-Trompa de l'Elefant-Montserrat 14 km Photo ofRoundtrip Montserrat-Santa Magdalena-Sant Jeroni-Trompa de l'Elefant-Montserrat 14 km


Trail stats

8.52 mi
Elevation gain
3,409 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
3,409 ft
Max elevation
3,965 ft
Min elevation
2,227 ft
Trail type
6 hours 9 minutes
October 20, 2023
July 2023

near Monestir de Montserrat, Catalunya (España)

Viewed 183 times, downloaded 0 times

Trail photos

Photo ofRoundtrip Montserrat-Santa Magdalena-Sant Jeroni-Trompa de l'Elefant-Montserrat 14 km Photo ofRoundtrip Montserrat-Santa Magdalena-Sant Jeroni-Trompa de l'Elefant-Montserrat 14 km Photo ofRoundtrip Montserrat-Santa Magdalena-Sant Jeroni-Trompa de l'Elefant-Montserrat 14 km

Itinerary description

Great hike in the spectacular Natural Park of Montserrat, ‘the serrated mountain’. The park consists of spectacular rock formations formed from conglomerate, a form of sedimentary rock. The hike starts near the Benedictine Abbey Santa Maria de Montserrat, from the paid parking. Alternatively, you can get to the start with the cable car. You can only find something to eat or drink around the abbey, at the start. It is recommended to start early to beat the crowds. Most of the paths are straightforward, partly paved, and/or consisting of stairs. There are two minor paths requiring scrambling and orientation skills, the one to the top of Sant Salvador/ Trompa de l’Elefant being the most difficult, with a very steep slope and then ending at a crack in the rocks, through which you can climb to the top, but I decided not to try. This latter part made me mark this track difficult, but the largest part is quite straightforward. I saw an ibex, raven and common firecrest among others. Views across the mountains and the surrounding countryside are great: choose a clear day for this hike. The GPS was sometimes a bit off in gorges or close to steep rock faces.
From the parking you walk along the Carretera de Montserrat to the square in front of the abbey. You can have a look in the abbey as well, as I did. From there you walk to the start of the path Escales deis Pobres, a path with steps taking you up through a canyon towards the Pas deis Francesos. Looking back once and a while you will have a view of the abbey. Shortly after the Pas you get to Plaça de Santa Anna, where the path bifurcates. You keep left, pass the Ermita de Santa Anna, and continue to follow the path through the woods towards Cami vell de Sant Jeroni, and then on to Cami nou de Sant Jeroni. You climb a bit further and then a bit towards Ermita de Sant Jaume. I did not scramble all the way to this Ermita, returned to the path and continued to the Capella de Sant Joan. Shortly after you follow a path below cliffs in which to hermitages can be found, Ermita de Sant Joan and Onofre, both ruined. The path takes you to steep stairs between two cliffs. You climb these and shortly after keep left towards the Ermita de Santa Magdalena. The path climbs further to the top of a big rock, the Miranda Santa Magdalena. After enjoying the view, you return on the same path to the bifurcation and then descend to the Cami nou de Sant Jeroni. This easy path takes you for 2 km on the southwest side of the Torrent de Santa Maria valley with views to the countryside below Montserrat on the left, and the peculiar serrated rocks all around. The path then joins the Cami vell de Sant Jeroni and starts to climb towards the Ermita de Sant Jeroni. You continue past this Ermita to get to the foot of the climb to the summit of Sant Jeroni, the highest peak of Montserrat at 1236 meters. This climb is partly on stairs. There is a platform at the top with great views. I also took a look at the peak next to the platform and then descended. On the way down I took a look at the Monument a Verdaguer and took another path down by way of Coll de les Pinasses, bypassing the the Ermita de Sant Jeroni. You then return on the same path until the bifurcation of the new and the old path to Sant Jeroni (Camí nou de Sant Jeroni and Camí vell de Sant Jeroni). Here you take the old path left through the valley floor of the Torrent de Santa Maria. You walk through the stream bed of this stream part of the way (almost completely dried out during my trip). You follow the path to Pla deis Ocells, and then take another path taking you out of the valley. Shortly after you take a minor path left which takes you up to Coll de la Canal Plana. This minor path is sometimes hard to follow and requires some orientation and a bit of scrambling. You get to the pass and follow then the Camí de la serra de les Lluernes, an easier to follow path with yellow dots. Before de Coll de Sant Salvador you have to take another minor path left which takes you up to a small pass below Roca de Sant Salvador and Trompa de l’Elefant. From this pass a very steep ‘path’ across a steep rock face takes you up further. The path ends at a crack in the rocks, with great views on the way. You can go further here climbing the crack to get to the summit, but I decided against that and returned to the pass, and then descended to the Ermita de Sant Salvador, below the rock face of Trompa de l’Elefant, a rock looking like an elephant’s trunk. When descending further you have an occasion view towards the trunk. The path descends past the Sant Benet shelter and the viewpoint Miranda deis Ermitans to the Plaça de Santa Anna. From here you take the Escales deis Pobres back to the abbey. On the way back to the parking I passed by the Stairway of Understanding.


PictographReligious site Altitude 2,413 ft
Photo ofBasílica de la Mare de Déu de Montserrat Photo ofBasílica de la Mare de Déu de Montserrat Photo ofBasílica de la Mare de Déu de Montserrat

Basílica de la Mare de Déu de Montserrat

Basílica de la Mare de Déu de Montserrat

PictographReligious site Altitude 3,420 ft
Photo ofBelow Ermita de Sant Jaume Photo ofBelow Ermita de Sant Jaume Photo ofBelow Ermita de Sant Jaume

Below Ermita de Sant Jaume

Below Ermita de Sant Jaume. To get there you have to traverse a steep slope.

PictographReligious site Altitude 3,147 ft
Photo ofBelow Sant Benet Photo ofBelow Sant Benet Photo ofBelow Sant Benet

Below Sant Benet

Below Sant Benet, a shelter.

PictographIntersection Altitude 3,496 ft
Photo ofBifurcation Camí vell and Cami nou de Sant Jeroni Photo ofBifurcation Camí vell and Cami nou de Sant Jeroni Photo ofBifurcation Camí vell and Cami nou de Sant Jeroni

Bifurcation Camí vell and Cami nou de Sant Jeroni

Here the old and new path of Sant Jeroni meet.

PictographIntersection Altitude 3,506 ft
Photo ofBifurcation to minor path to Roca de Sant Salvador Photo ofBifurcation to minor path to Roca de Sant Salvador Photo ofBifurcation to minor path to Roca de Sant Salvador

Bifurcation to minor path to Roca de Sant Salvador

Bifurcation to minor path to Roca de Sant Salvador. Here you leave the main path with yellow dots and turn left on a minor path ascending to Roca de Sant Salvador

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,488 ft
Photo ofCamí vell de Sant Jeroni Photo ofCamí vell de Sant Jeroni Photo ofCamí vell de Sant Jeroni

Camí vell de Sant Jeroni

Cami vell de Sant Jeroni, the old path to Sant Jeroni, takes you through the bed of the Torrent de Santa Maria, which ran dry during my trip.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,355 ft
Photo ofCamí de la serra de les Lluernes Photo ofCamí de la serra de les Lluernes Photo ofCamí de la serra de les Lluernes

Camí de la serra de les Lluernes

Camí de la serra de les Lluernes indicated with yellow dots

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,300 ft
Photo ofCamí nou de Sant Jeroni Photo ofCamí nou de Sant Jeroni Photo ofCamí nou de Sant Jeroni

Camí nou de Sant Jeroni

Camí nou de Sant Jeroni, the new path of Sant Jeroni.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,301 ft
Photo ofCamí nou de Sant Jeroni towards Camí vell de Sant Jeroni Photo ofCamí nou de Sant Jeroni towards Camí vell de Sant Jeroni Photo ofCamí nou de Sant Jeroni towards Camí vell de Sant Jeroni

Camí nou de Sant Jeroni towards Camí vell de Sant Jeroni

Camí nou de Sant Jeroni towards Camí vell de Sant Jeroni from Mirador de la Serra de les Paparres.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,458 ft
Photo ofCamí nou de Sant Jeroni towards Mirador de la Serra de les Paparres Photo ofCamí nou de Sant Jeroni towards Mirador de la Serra de les Paparres Photo ofCamí nou de Sant Jeroni towards Mirador de la Serra de les Paparres

Camí nou de Sant Jeroni towards Mirador de la Serra de les Paparres

Camí nou de Sant Jeroni towards Mirador de la Serra de les Paparres

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,527 ft
Photo ofCamí vell de Sant Jeroni to Ermita de Sant Jeroni Photo ofCamí vell de Sant Jeroni to Ermita de Sant Jeroni Photo ofCamí vell de Sant Jeroni to Ermita de Sant Jeroni

Camí vell de Sant Jeroni to Ermita de Sant Jeroni

Camí vell de Sant Jeroni to Ermita de Sant Jeroni

PictographReligious site Altitude 3,316 ft
Photo ofCapella de Sant Joan Photo ofCapella de Sant Joan Photo ofCapella de Sant Joan

Capella de Sant Joan

Capella de Sant Joan

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,362 ft
Photo ofCarretera de Montserrat Photo ofCarretera de Montserrat Photo ofCarretera de Montserrat

Carretera de Montserrat

Carretera de Montserrat

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,554 ft
Photo ofClimb to Miranda de Santa Magdalena Photo ofClimb to Miranda de Santa Magdalena Photo ofClimb to Miranda de Santa Magdalena

Climb to Miranda de Santa Magdalena

Climb to Miranda de Santa Magdalena

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,818 ft
Photo ofClimb to Sant Jeroni Photo ofClimb to Sant Jeroni Photo ofClimb to Sant Jeroni

Climb to Sant Jeroni

Climb to Sant Jeroni

PictographMountain pass Altitude 3,352 ft
Photo ofColl de la Canal Plana Photo ofColl de la Canal Plana Photo ofColl de la Canal Plana

Coll de la Canal Plana

Coll de la Canal Plana

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,568 ft
Photo ofDescent to Ermita de Sant Salvador Photo ofDescent to Ermita de Sant Salvador Photo ofDescent to Ermita de Sant Salvador

Descent to Ermita de Sant Salvador

Descent to Ermita de Sant Salvador

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,585 ft
Photo ofDescent to Sant Benet Photo ofDescent to Sant Benet Photo ofDescent to Sant Benet

Descent to Sant Benet

Descent to Sant Benet, with views of the 'Trunk of the elephant', Trompa de l'Elefant

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,807 ft
Photo ofDescent via coll de les Pinasses Photo ofDescent via coll de les Pinasses

Descent via coll de les Pinasses

Descent via coll de les Pinasses

PictographReligious site Altitude 3,793 ft
Photo ofErmita de Sant Jeroni Photo ofErmita de Sant Jeroni Photo ofErmita de Sant Jeroni

Ermita de Sant Jeroni

Ermita de Sant Jeroni

PictographReligious site Altitude 3,586 ft

Ermita de Sant Salvador

Parc Natural Muntanya de Montserrat

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,509 ft
Photo ofEscales deis Pobres Photo ofEscales deis Pobres Photo ofEscales deis Pobres

Escales deis Pobres

Escales deis Pobres, the path with steps up the gorge from the abbey

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,613 ft
Photo ofCrack in the rocks giving access to summit Roca de Sant Salvador Photo ofCrack in the rocks giving access to summit Roca de Sant Salvador Photo ofCrack in the rocks giving access to summit Roca de Sant Salvador

Crack in the rocks giving access to summit Roca de Sant Salvador

Crack in the rocks giving access to summit Roca de Sant Salvador. I did not scramble up here.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,090 ft
Photo ofMinor path to coll de la Canal Plana Photo ofMinor path to coll de la Canal Plana Photo ofMinor path to coll de la Canal Plana

Minor path to coll de la Canal Plana

Minor path to coll de la Canal Plana. The path is not always very clear across rock faces and between scrubs and trees.

PictographPanorama Altitude 3,313 ft
Photo ofMirador de la Serra de les Paparres Photo ofMirador de la Serra de les Paparres Photo ofMirador de la Serra de les Paparres

Mirador de la Serra de les Paparres

Mirador de la Serra de les Paparres. There was some work on the viewpoint when I was there.

PictographSummit Altitude 3,595 ft
Photo ofMiranda de Santa Magdalena Photo ofMiranda de Santa Magdalena Photo ofMiranda de Santa Magdalena

Miranda de Santa Magdalena

Top of a rock with great views.

PictographPanorama Altitude 2,949 ft
Photo ofMiranda deis Ermitans Photo ofMiranda deis Ermitans Photo ofMiranda deis Ermitans

Miranda deis Ermitans

Miranda deis Ermitans

PictographMonument Altitude 3,839 ft
Photo ofMonument a Verdaguer Photo ofMonument a Verdaguer Photo ofMonument a Verdaguer

Monument a Verdaguer

Monument a Verdaguer

PictographMountain pass Altitude 2,803 ft
Photo ofPas deis Francesos Photo ofPas deis Francesos Photo ofPas deis Francesos

Pas deis Francesos

Pas deis Francesos

PictographReligious site Altitude 3,397 ft
Photo ofPath past Ermitas Photo ofPath past Ermitas Photo ofPath past Ermitas

Path past Ermitas

Path past the ruins of two hermitages

PictographReligious site Altitude 2,929 ft
Photo ofPath to Cami vell de Sant Jeroni Photo ofPath to Cami vell de Sant Jeroni Photo ofPath to Cami vell de Sant Jeroni

Path to Cami vell de Sant Jeroni

Path to Cami vell de Sant Jeroni through woods and past the hermitage de Santa Anna

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,217 ft
Photo ofPath to Capella de Sant Joan Photo ofPath to Capella de Sant Joan Photo ofPath to Capella de Sant Joan

Path to Capella de Sant Joan

Path to Capella de Sant Joan

PictographIntersection Altitude 2,944 ft
Photo ofPlaça de Santa Anna Photo ofPlaça de Santa Anna Photo ofPlaça de Santa Anna

Plaça de Santa Anna

Plaça de Santa Anna

PictographSummit Altitude 3,902 ft
Photo ofSant Jeroni Photo ofSant Jeroni Photo ofSant Jeroni

Sant Jeroni

The highest peak of Montserrat, at 1236 meters.

PictographSummit Altitude 3,847 ft
Photo ofSecond peak Sant Jeroni Photo ofSecond peak Sant Jeroni Photo ofSecond peak Sant Jeroni

Second peak Sant Jeroni

Next to the platform there is a secondary peak

PictographReligious site Altitude 2,389 ft
Photo ofSquare in front of Basilica Photo ofSquare in front of Basilica Photo ofSquare in front of Basilica

Square in front of Basilica

Square in front of Basílica de la Mare de Déu de Montserrat

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,490 ft
Photo ofStairs Torrent Fondo Photo ofStairs Torrent Fondo Photo ofStairs Torrent Fondo

Stairs Torrent Fondo

Stairs from the valley of Torrent Fondo up between two rock faces

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,555 ft
Photo ofSteep ascent Photo ofSteep ascent Photo ofSteep ascent

Steep ascent

Steep ascent with scrambling across a rock face to Roca de Sant Salvador

PictographPanorama Altitude 2,229 ft
Photo ofThe Stairway of Understanding Photo ofThe Stairway of Understanding Photo ofThe Stairway of Understanding

The Stairway of Understanding

The Stairway of Understanding

PictographPanorama Altitude 3,538 ft
Photo ofViewpoint below Roca de Sant Salvador Photo ofViewpoint below Roca de Sant Salvador Photo ofViewpoint below Roca de Sant Salvador

Viewpoint below Roca de Sant Salvador

Viewpoint below Roca de Sant Salvador


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