
Rond Kasteel Middachten (De Steeg)


Trail photos

Photo ofRond Kasteel Middachten (De Steeg) Photo ofRond Kasteel Middachten (De Steeg) Photo ofRond Kasteel Middachten (De Steeg)


Trail stats

6.37 mi
Elevation gain
157 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
157 ft
Max elevation
193 ft
37 5
Min elevation
-130 ft
Trail type
2 hours 25 minutes
December 28, 2020
December 2020
  • Rating

  •   5 1 review

near De Steeg, Gelderland (Nederland)

Viewed 443 times, downloaded 13 times

Trail photos

Photo ofRond Kasteel Middachten (De Steeg) Photo ofRond Kasteel Middachten (De Steeg) Photo ofRond Kasteel Middachten (De Steeg)

Itinerary description

Having been forecast as a sunny day in the eastern part of the country we went on our way. Quite soon though a fog appeared with an atmosphere all its own, especially around and over the water of the river Ijssel.

Another phenomenon that surprisingly appeared all over the (Middachter) woods was frostbeard, also known as icewool or hairice, an amazing sight. (The day and night before there had been frost.)

With the Middachter woods, the floodplains, the tree-lined Middachterallee and the river Ijssel on our way there was an appealing variety in landscapes. The only downside is the part where you cross the motorway (A 348) with its inevitable traffic noise.


PictographCar park Altitude 278 ft
Photo ofMiddachten carpark

Middachten carpark

Castle is not open to the public, the woods are though.

PictographTree Altitude 45 ft
Photo ofAvenue lined with beeches Photo ofAvenue lined with beeches Photo ofAvenue lined with beeches

Avenue lined with beeches

Historic avenue lined with beech trees

Comments  (2)

  • Photo of Artur Lemur
    Artur Lemur May 30, 2021

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    Nice trail, combination of forest and fields which is very good for a sunny day.

  • Photo of janetraveller
    janetraveller May 31, 2021

    Great to hear that you enjoyed this trail ! Thanks for your comment.

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