
Rishikesh circular a shri neekthal temple



Trail stats

10.84 mi
Elevation gain
4,255 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
4,249 ft
Max elevation
4,440 ft
22 3.9
Min elevation
1,107 ft
Trail type
One Way
6 hours 32 minutes
December 26, 2017
December 2017
  • Rating

  •   3.9 3 Reviews

near Rishīkesh, State of Uttarakhand (India)

Viewed 583 times, downloaded 42 times

Itinerary description

Rishikesh circular a shri neekthal temple

Comments  (5)

  • Minkebree Apr 13, 2018

    I have followed this trail  View more

    The first part of the loop (to the temple) is the most difficult part. Uneven ground, some basic route finding using the provided trail map downloaded to a phone, as the path is unkept and difficult to follow near the top and along the ridge.
    The return trail is very easy as it just follows a (mostly) paved trail down with tea stalls along the way.
    Started at 6am from Laxman Jhula in April and made it to the top while the hill was still in shade. Hot in the sun though! Wouldn't recommend doing it in the full heat of the day.
    Highly recommend the trail!

  • lerd Apr 14, 2018

    Thanks for sharing. Actually, we middes a litlle the way up but easy to see and in clear days awesome views of snowed mountains. Second time i tried to do, i cancel becuase i saw a leopard nearby trying to haunt a deer... It's really a very lonely route, so better not go alone... I did in december and temperatures were quite good!

  • j.poolej Apr 20, 2018

    Hi, we attempted this today and got as far as when the route switches back and up just before devi mandir temple. We couldnt any path up on to the ridge, just a rocky steep slope and had to turn back. It was also getting late and a storm was coming in! Any tips for if we try again? The section we completed was fantastic though, stunning views.

  • Alexander Millen Feb 23, 2019

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    The route to the peak of the hill was fantastic, very obvious where to walk and as you reach the top the only thing which beats the view of the river below is the snow topped peaks of the Himalayas in the distance. The route down is very simple to follow, you're likely to be pestered for selfies though so I would consider skipping the temple route and doubling back on yourself after reaching the peak. Very enjoyable, completed the route in about 4.5 hours without many stops.

  • T029 Dec 28, 2022

    I have followed this trail  View more

    So we were walking this trail, approximately 3 km in, we were told by the forest department of Uttarakhand that it is not allowed for tourist to take this trail. Apparently there are some displacement issues with local villages. The government wants to turn this area into a national park, but the villagers don’t want to move. I guess local authorities don’t want tourists to see this. We were told this in a rather unfriendly and threatening manner, so I don’t suggest you to try this trail anymore.

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