
Rinjani Trekking


Trail photos

Photo ofRinjani Trekking Photo ofRinjani Trekking Photo ofRinjani Trekking


Trail stats

14.08 mi
Elevation gain
8,839 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
5,797 ft
Max elevation
12,225 ft
Min elevation
3,696 ft
Trail type
One Way
one day 2 hours 26 minutes
August 14, 2015
August 2015

near Karya, Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (Indonesia)

Viewed 1269 times, downloaded 29 times

Trail photos

Photo ofRinjani Trekking Photo ofRinjani Trekking Photo ofRinjani Trekking

Itinerary description

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3-day trek on the island of Lombok in the Indonesian archipelago.
Without a doubt it is one of the most interesting that you can do in the whole country, if not in the whole world. They offer it to you as a tourist attraction plus many agencies on the island and you have to bear in mind that it is not a tour, even if they offer it as such. It has several possibilities (you can do it in 2, 3 or 4 days) We chose 3, which gave us the possibility of entering the park through one town and leaving through another, although these three days are a bit misleading, since the last, at 12 noon we were already in civilization. In fact, we regret a lot of not doing it on our own since the personnel that make up these teams try to "put it in" whenever they can and really if you are fit and willing to carry enough weight, I think that it compensates you a lot to go with full Liberty.
Unfortunately I could not record the entire route we made due to problems when starting the route in the small village of Sembalun Lawang, where we had spent the night (I started recording almost an hour after starting to walk) and especially because I exhausted the battery of the mobile just down to the impressive Lake Segara Anak, so a good part of our route is missing.
After a first rural section on the outskirts of said town, we begin to climb through the savannah area, at first with little slope and progressively we gain more height until we reach the last effort of the day, where the road steepens badly (the Trekking is very famous and here is more than one that you could possibly regret being offered it as a "nice walk" on the beaches of Kuta). We finally reached the rope of the main crater where all the tents are set up, with impressive views, both towards the inner lake and towards the main top lal that we would climb the next day. There is a wonderful sea of clouds that rises up the slope and sometimes reaches the camp. The site in terms of location could not be more spectacular, although there are tons of garbage around and there is such a density of people and shops, that it is difficult to get lost in order to enjoy this wonderful environment.
The second day, very early, we began the ascent in total darkness and continuing on a pilgrimage, half sleepwalking, at first leveling, then steeply climbing and then up the slope, which is becoming increasingly uncomfortable (due to the slope and the type of terrain volcanic ash). To say that, despite the fact that we had hired guides within our team, we went up alone because it was obvious that they did not want to make the effort to go up and down, and they knew that we could do it without any problem (they wanted to sell us the motorcycle with which they had long been air, which was dangerous some sections of the ridge to get to the top, but we ignored them and we were faster and above all freer to enjoy at our own pace. We reached the summit, where there is a small smaller crater, before That it dawns and it is quite cold (you have to take something warm, because the 3700m is noticeable, we sin to wear little clothes). There are many people and there is not much room. When the sun finally rises the views are spectacular. going everywhere. The descent is by the same slope, but it is done very quickly if you are used to going down "skiing" (your shoes will fill with ash). We arrive at the camp where we have breakfast and after finishing picking up, We guide the route down to Lake Segara Anak, a beautiful and immense lagoon in which several interior craters of this network of volcanoes seem to float, one inside another. Here we make a short stop to enjoy the surroundings. We then go to some nearby natural thermal baths where we take a comforting hot bath. The battery of my mobile "dies" and I stop recording the route. After eating by the lake (spectacular views of the nearby and smoking volcano that emerged within it), we continue our route, first skirting the quiet lagoon and then progressively climbing again to the edge of the main crater (this time through its eastern sector). The last section of this climb has some very steep areas (it seems incredible that porters can pass through here). At last we reached the edge of the largest crater, where there is another camp and perhaps the best views of the entire trek. Unfortunately, we did not stay here and we continued down the slopes of the volcano, quickly losing the impressive views we had inland, and almost without realizing it we are entering the jungle. Soon we stopped at what would be our second camp. Certainly a much quieter place than the one we had visited just now, but with much less suggestive views.
The next morning we woke up surrounded by monkeys. After having breakfast and collecting, we continue down the route through beautiful and lush jungle. It is perhaps the section of the entire route with the best path. Thus we arrive at the entrance gate (or exit in our case) of the National Park. We continued a while more until we reached what would be the point where they would pick us up by car and therefore we finished our beautiful and spectacular trekking.
The length of our route was about 38 kms and the uphill slope will be around 3400m and the downhill one almost 4000m, so it is not a walk, taking into account that the paths were sometimes not comparable to the ones you can find. for Europe or America. We were struck by the amount of garbage in general, especially in the camps (a shame and a shame, which detracts from the spectacular landscape that we travel).


PictographIntersection Altitude 4,314 ft
Photo ofEnlazamos con la ruta principal del Rinjani Photo ofEnlazamos con la ruta principal del Rinjani Photo ofEnlazamos con la ruta principal del Rinjani

Enlazamos con la ruta principal del Rinjani

Enlace con la ruta principal.

PictographProvisioning Altitude 4,738 ft

Pos 1

PictographProvisioning Altitude 4,979 ft
Photo ofPos 2. Parada para tomar algo. Photo ofPos 2. Parada para tomar algo. Photo ofPos 2. Parada para tomar algo.

Pos 2. Parada para tomar algo.

PictographPanorama Altitude 8,473 ft
Photo ofLlegando al borde del Cráter mayor del Rinjani. Hasta aquí llega el Campamento Base Photo ofLlegando al borde del Cráter mayor del Rinjani. Hasta aquí llega el Campamento Base Photo ofLlegando al borde del Cráter mayor del Rinjani. Hasta aquí llega el Campamento Base

Llegando al borde del Cráter mayor del Rinjani. Hasta aquí llega el Campamento Base

PictographCampsite Altitude 8,590 ft
Photo ofCampamento Base del Rinjani. 1ª noche. En el borde del cráter mayor del volcán. Photo ofCampamento Base del Rinjani. 1ª noche. En el borde del cráter mayor del volcán. Photo ofCampamento Base del Rinjani. 1ª noche. En el borde del cráter mayor del volcán.

Campamento Base del Rinjani. 1ª noche. En el borde del cráter mayor del volcán.


PictographSummit Altitude 12,225 ft
Photo ofCima principal del Rinjani. 3720m. Hace mucho frío si subes a primera hora para ver las primeras luces. Mucha peña arriba! Photo ofCima principal del Rinjani. 3720m. Hace mucho frío si subes a primera hora para ver las primeras luces. Mucha peña arriba! Photo ofCima principal del Rinjani. 3720m. Hace mucho frío si subes a primera hora para ver las primeras luces. Mucha peña arriba!

Cima principal del Rinjani. 3720m. Hace mucho frío si subes a primera hora para ver las primeras luces. Mucha peña arriba!


PictographLake Altitude 6,604 ft
Photo ofLago Danau Segara Anak. Impresionante. Photo ofLago Danau Segara Anak. Impresionante. Photo ofLago Danau Segara Anak. Impresionante.

Lago Danau Segara Anak. Impresionante.



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