
Ranui - Odle - Zanser


Trail photos

Photo ofRanui - Odle - Zanser Photo ofRanui - Odle - Zanser Photo ofRanui - Odle - Zanser


Trail stats

7.04 mi
Elevation gain
2,274 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,201 ft
Max elevation
6,618 ft
77 5
Min elevation
4,505 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
2 hours 36 minutes
5 hours 8 minutes
June 11, 2018
June 2018
  • Rating

  •   5 3 Reviews

near Santa Maddalena, Trentino-Alto Adige (Italia)

Viewed 6293 times, downloaded 103 times

Trail photos

Photo ofRanui - Odle - Zanser Photo ofRanui - Odle - Zanser Photo ofRanui - Odle - Zanser

Itinerary description

Volta pels voltants del parc natural Puez Odle - Tour around the Puez Odle natural park

(Written originally in Catalan. English version below)

Volta pel parc natural Puez Odle, a la vall de Funes (sud de Brixen).

Comencem el recorregut a l'estació d'autobusos de Brixen (Bressanone en italià) on prenem l'autobus 340 fins al final de recorreut (Ranui). També es pot agafar l'autobús a l'estació de tren.

Caminem cap al nucli de Ranui, on trobem els indicadors dels diversos camins. Prenem el 28, que mena cap al refugi de l'Odle. Seguim una pista ampla i ben marcada mantenint-nos en la via 28 fins que, més endavant, la deixem per agafar la 34A seguint sempre cap al refudi de l'Odle. La pista segueix pujant fins arribar al refugi, al cap d'un parell d'hores. Es possible menjar-hi i les vistes són espectaculars. Gran lloc.

Optem per baixar resseguint la vall fins arribar a Zanser. Des d'allà, l'autobús 389 ens torna a Ranui, on agafem de nou l'autobus 340 bins Brixen (a la mateix parada).

Si teniu cotxe, probablement és millor deixar-lo a Zanser i fer pujada al refugi des d'allà.


Tour around the Puez Odle Nature Park, in the valley of Funes (south of Brixen).

We start the route at the Brixen bus station (Bressanone in Italian) where we take bus 340 to the end of the route (Ranui). You can also take the bus at the nearby train station.

We walk to the center of Ranui, where we find the indicators of the various trails. We take the 28th, which leads to the refuge of the Odle. We follow a broad and well-kept track keeping us on the 28 road until, later on, we leave it to take the 34A following always the signs to the refuge of the Odle. The track continues to climb until you reach the refuge, after a couple of hours. It is possible to have a meal there and the views are spectacular. Great place.

We choose to descend by following the valley until you reach Zanser. From there, bus 389 returns to Ranui, where you can take the 340 bus back to Brixen (on the same bus stop).

If you have a car, it is probably best to leave it in Zanser and start your hike to the refuge from there.


PictographPhoto Altitude 5,032 ft
Photo ofFoto


PictographPhoto Altitude 5,143 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 5,150 ft
Photo ofTake left, 34A

Take left, 34A

PictographPhoto Altitude 5,421 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 5,742 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 6,570 ft
Photo ofOdle


PictographPhoto Altitude 6,600 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 6,610 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 6,614 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 6,609 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 6,509 ft
Photo ofFoto


PictographPhoto Altitude 6,503 ft
Photo ofFoto


PictographPhoto Altitude 6,499 ft
Photo ofFoto


PictographPhoto Altitude 6,497 ft
Photo ofFoto


Comments  (5)

  • sibs4385 Aug 20, 2018

    Excellent route. Beautiful views the whole way. It seems that most people do this hike in the opposite way, so you are on you own for most of the first part of the hike.

  • sibs4385 Aug 20, 2018

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    Excellent route.

  • litust Aug 7, 2021

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    Ahir divendres vaig seguir la vostra ruta per arribar al refugi.
    Va anar tot perfecte i el lloc és brutal.
    Gràcies per compartir-la!!

  • Photo of Toni ostos
    Toni ostos Jan 14, 2022

    Hola buenos días, si la compartes en Castellano seguro que más de 500 millones Castellanos parlantes en el mundo te lo agradecerán, Gracias.

  • Photo of Toni ostos
    Toni ostos Jan 14, 2022

    Un lugar increíble como es todo en esta zona, una ruta pendiente de hacer

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