
Predeal - Trei Brazi - Poiana Secuilor - Cotul Donului - Predeal


Trail photos

Photo ofPredeal - Trei Brazi - Poiana Secuilor - Cotul Donului - Predeal Photo ofPredeal - Trei Brazi - Poiana Secuilor - Cotul Donului - Predeal Photo ofPredeal - Trei Brazi - Poiana Secuilor - Cotul Donului - Predeal


Trail stats

6.34 mi
Elevation gain
1,316 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,316 ft
Max elevation
3,940 ft
74 5
Min elevation
2,890 ft
Trail type
Moving time
2 hours 43 minutes
4 hours 32 minutes
August 3, 2024
August 2024
  • Rating

  •   5 1 review

near Predeal, Județul Brașov (România)

Viewed 387 times, downloaded 8 times

Trail photos

Photo ofPredeal - Trei Brazi - Poiana Secuilor - Cotul Donului - Predeal Photo ofPredeal - Trei Brazi - Poiana Secuilor - Cotul Donului - Predeal Photo ofPredeal - Trei Brazi - Poiana Secuilor - Cotul Donului - Predeal

Itinerary description

EN: Start: from Hotel Orizont (Strada Trei Brazi 6, Predeal 505300).

This hike, classic for those who visit the surroundings of Predeal, starts from the city, at the end of Trei Brazi Street (or from the Orizont hotel parking lot). The yellow tape marking follows the serpentines of the road and continues at the beginning with a slight climb on a forest path to the left of the road. After cutting a few bends in the road, we reach a huge clearing with a superb view towards the northern steepness of Bucegilor. We continue another 1 km to the beautiful cabin Poiana Secuilor with a beautiful view of the Postăvarul Massif. We continue on the yellow triangle marking in continuous descent until the Don bend and after crossing the Vlădeţ stream on the national road we begin a long climb on the same marking to the Mihail Săulescu Hero Monument. You are back in Predeal after a beautiful and varied circuit, with numerous viewpoints.

RO: Plecare: de la Hotelul Orizont (Strada Trei Brazi 6, Predeal 505300).

Această drumeţie, clasică pentru cei care vizitează împrejurimile Predealului, începe din oraş, în capătul Străzii Trei Brazi (sau din parcarea hotelului Orizont). Marcajul bandă galbenă urmează serpentinele drumului şi continuă la început cu o urcare uşoară pe o cărare în pădure în stânga drumului. După ce tăiem câteva coturi ale drumului ajungem într-o poiană uriaşă cu o superbă vedere spre abruptul nordic al Bucegilor. Continuăm încă 1 km spre frumoasa cabană Poiana Secuilor cu o frumoasă vedere spre Masivul Postăvarul. Continuăm pe marcajul triunghi galben în continuă coborâre până la Cotul Donului şi după ce traversăm pârâul Vlădeţ pe drumul naţional începem o urcare lungă pe acelaşi marcaj până la Monumentul Eroului Mihail Săulescu. Sunteţi din nou în Predeal după un frumos circuit variat, cu numeroase puncte de belvedere.

!!! English
The routes are uploaded for the sole purpose of information and guidance for those who wish to use them. Therefore, it is the exclusive responsibility of each user, to apply, adapt and particularize the data provided, to the personal, climatic and environmental conditions of each moment and of each person. It is always advisable to walk accompanied by at least one other person, as well as to be provided with a GPS and a mobile phone to be able to facilitate your position at all times. If you need it, call Emergencies (112). It must be taken into account that the technical difficulty of a route is not the same as the effort it will cost us to do it, because a stage can be very easy for a person with a high or very high physical shape and be very difficult or impossible to perform for another person with a low physical form.


PictographPhoto Altitude 3,903 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 3,713 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 3,674 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 3,521 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 3,529 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 3,382 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 2,939 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 3,392 ft
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