
STC 21 (Pl-sm04)



Trail stats

4.96 mi
Elevation gain
1,594 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
3,379 ft
Max elevation
3,149 ft
Min elevation
281 ft
Trail type
One Way
August 16, 2022
August 2022
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1 comment

near Chacha, São Miguel (Republic of Cabo Verde)

Viewed 320 times, downloaded 18 times

Itinerary description

O caminho origina-se nas zonas elevadas do maciço de Serra Malagueta e desce para a ribeira de Gongon percorrendo- a toda até chegar na ribeira de Principal. No início, o trajecto é caracterizado por amplos panoramas (há a possibilidade de ver uma grande parte do lado oriental da ilha de Santiago e a plana e arenosa ilha do Maio) em seguida o itinerário começa a orientar-se para dentro da ribeira de Gongon, tornando-se mais difícil e íngreme. Os panoramas proporcio- nados são deslumbrantes: a verdejante e sinuosa ribeira parece enfeitada por pequenos grupos de casas típicas que estão situados à direita e à esquerda sem ordem aparente, mas perfeitamente em harmonia com o meio circundante. Pouco antes de chegar ao povoado de Gongon, o trilho divide-se em dois, mas com o mesmo destino final, Hortelão. Todavia a diferença entre os dois percursos é relevante: o percurso da esquerda é mais panorâmico, ficando na encosta da ribeira de Gongon e cortando para a Ribeira Principal. O outro trilho desce resoluto na Ribeira de Gongon, passa nas proximidades de grupos de casas e perto do fundo da ribeira, onde existe uma grande variedade de cultivos (plan- tas de fruta tropical como manga, papaia, coco, goiaba, banana e hortaliças, entre as quais, mandioca, batata-doce, inhame e obviamente a cana-de-açúcar), que deixam esta ribeira verdejante ao longo do ano todo. Ao longo deste percurso existem várias fornalhas para produção de aguardente de cana-de-açúcar (grogue) e ainda trapiches tradi- cionais (accionados com bois) para a espremedura da cana e alambiques para a distilação e produção de grogue.

The trail starts in the heights of the of the Serra Malagueta massif and next descends along the length of the Gon- gon canyon until arriving in the canyon of Principal. At the beginning the way is characterized by many panoramas (there is the possibility to see a grand part of the eastern side of Santiago and the flat and sandy terrain of the island of Maio), after the path starts to head into the canyon of Gongon it becomes more difficult and steep. The scenery is dazzling: the green and winding canyon appears trimmed by small groups of traditional style houses that are scattered to the right and left with no apparent order, but in perfect harmony with the surroundings. A little before arriving in the village of Gongon, the trail divides in two, but with the same final destination, Hortelão. However the difference between the two trails is important: the left trail is more scenic, descending below the canyon of Gongon and cutting to the canyon of Principal. The other trail descends boldly into the canyon of Gongon, passing close to groups of houses and close to the bottom of the canyon, where there are large varieties of cultivation (tropical fruit like mangos, papaya, coco, guava, banana, and vegetables amongst them all such as manioc, sweet potato, yam and obviously sugar cane) that leaves keeps this canyon green throughout the entire year. Along this trail there are also various distilleries or “trapiches” producing the national sugar cane liquor called Grogue. Here there still exists traditional “trapiches”, operated by oxen, for the grinding of the cane and distilling for the production of Grogue.

Comments  (1)

  • Jan 8, 2023

    Be advised that currently the track is impassable as one 5m section is destroyed by a landslide. Park authority will tell you it's passable with a bit of a climb bit that might have only been possible some days prior. At its current state it definitely isn't. Ask the park office for current state before you chose to walk it.
    In addition be advised that the gps track follows an old, marked route. But the current, official one (also marked on the park maps) differs. At one point in the upper section the gps track asks you to leave the well beaten path and heads down to your left into the valley, through thick bushes. Don't do it, it'll make your life miserable. Kust continue in the well beaten path and follow it until you can turn left at a signpost.

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