
Pedrotti - Tukett - Croz del altissimo (etapa 6)


Trail photos

Photo ofPedrotti - Tukett - Croz del altissimo (etapa 6) Photo ofPedrotti - Tukett - Croz del altissimo (etapa 6) Photo ofPedrotti - Tukett - Croz del altissimo (etapa 6)


Trail stats

5.89 mi
Elevation gain
1,946 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
4,757 ft
Max elevation
8,524 ft
Min elevation
4,846 ft
Trail type
One Way
6 hours 11 minutes
September 22, 2016
September 2016
Be the first to clap

near Molveno, Trentino - Alto Adige (Italia)

Viewed 1987 times, downloaded 30 times

Trail photos

Photo ofPedrotti - Tukett - Croz del altissimo (etapa 6) Photo ofPedrotti - Tukett - Croz del altissimo (etapa 6) Photo ofPedrotti - Tukett - Croz del altissimo (etapa 6)

Itinerary description

Català (English below)
Des dels "Rifugio Pedrotti" es baixa al "Rifugio Tosa" (2439 m) en 5'. Un cop allí entres el sender 303 Sentiero “Osvaldo Orsi” que et porta, rodejant la "Cima Brenta Alta", fins a la "Busa degli Sfulmini i Massodi" (2380 m) coronada per les espectaculars Cima Brenta Alta, Campanil Basso i Campanil Alto i Cima degli Sfulmini. El camí voreja la base dels diferents cims, continua horitzontalment per la "Busa dei Armi" (2450 m) i arriba als peus de "Naso dei Massodi" (2510 m) des d'on veus la "Val Perse".

Des d'allí el camí continua per la vora d'un penya-segat a l' "Spallone dei Massodi" amb un cable de vida (Sega Alta). El que queda del camí voreja la cara est de la "Cima Brenta" i poc després s'arriba a la cruïlla sota la "Bocca del Tuckett".
Temps de caminada Rifugio Pedrotti Tosa – cruïlla 322: 2h.

Les vistes de tota aquesta area són realment impressionants, sobretot les que tens sobre les agulles de Brenta. En diferents llocs el camí està adequat amb un cable de vida, l'ús de casc, arnes i dissipadors és molt necessari. Atenció, en cas d'hivern amb molta neu comprovar la necessitat de grampons i piolet contactant al "Rif. Pedrotti"

Des de "Bocca del Tuckett" descendim seguin el "Sentiero delle Val Perse" 322 passant per la "Busa dell’Acqua" (1955 m) i en unes 2h arribem al fins de la vall (1600 m). Des d'aquí triguem uns 30' a arribar al "Rifugio Croz dell'Altissimo" (1430m).
Una hora més de caminada seguint el 340 fins al poble de Molveno (865m)

From Rifugio Pedrotti it takes only a few minutes to descend to the terrace immediately below Rifugio Tosa (2439 m) where you enter the path waymarked SAT 303 Sentiero “Osvaldo Orsi” that in ups and downs goes round the bottom of the large rock flank of Cima Brenta Alta and after a while comes out in Busa degli Sfulmini and Massodi (2380 m) crowned by the superb rock wall of Cima Brenta Alta, Campanil Basso and Campanil Alto and Cima degli Sfulmini. The path skirts the edge of the whole basin, continues horizontally in Busa dei Armi (2450 m) and then reaches the foot of Naso dei Massodi (2510 m) where it overlooks Val Perse.

From here the path continues along an easy ledge hewn in the steep wall of Spallone dei Massodi which is facilitated with an iron cable (Sega Alta). Remaining high up and traversing screes and snowfields you go round the bottom of the east flank of Cima Brenta and after a short climb you reach the crossway below the Bocca del Tuckett. Walking time Rifugio Pedrotti Tosa – crossway path SAT 322: 2,00 hours.

This wild stony area affords a continuous variety of scenery and rewarding views of the jagged pinnacles of the Brenta. In some places the path is facilitated with iron cables and the use of hlemt, crampons and pickaxe is essential in case of snow. Attention, in case of snowy winter and at the beginning of the summer season always check the condition of this path by contacting Rifugio Tosa Pedrotti!

From below the Bocca del Tuckett you descend on Sentiero delle Val Perse SAT 322 across the Busa dell’Acqua (1955 m) and in about 2,00 hours reach the fork (1600 m). From there it takes about 30' to reach the Rifugio Croz dell'Altissimo (1430m).
You should work one more hour to reach the village of Molveno (865m).

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PictographIntersection Altitude 8,127 ft
Photo ofSendero Orsi

Sendero Orsi

Sendero Orsi

PictographIntersection Altitude 7,936 ft
Photo ofBusa dei Sfulmini

Busa dei Sfulmini

Busa dei Sfulmini

PictographRisk Altitude 8,422 ft



PictographIntersection Altitude 8,350 ft
Photo ofBocca Tuckett

Bocca Tuckett

Bocca Tuckett

PictographIntersection Altitude 5,817 ft
Photo ofVallazza



PictographIntersection Altitude 4,908 ft
Photo ofdsp



PictographMountain hut Altitude 4,856 ft

Rif. Croz del Altissimo

Rif. Croz del Altissimo


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