
OS Pathfinder: Wye and Crundale Downs



Trail stats

8.62 mi
Elevation gain
988 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
988 ft
Max elevation
606 ft
Min elevation
145 ft
Trail type
April 15, 2020
April 2020
Be the first to clap

near Wye, England (United Kingdom)

Viewed 27 times, downloaded 3 times


PictographWaypoint Altitude 146 ft

os pathfinder wye and crundale downs

(Start) Walk along Churchfield Way towards the church. Follow the Stour Valley Walk waymark through the churchyard to the north-east corner, on to a footpath that passes allotments and bears right past the former Wye Agricultural College buildings to cross a road on to Occupation Road, which is waymarked with a North Downs Way logo. Pass sheds and nurseries, the road becoming a track sheltered by conifers and poplars as it heads towards the escarpment of the downs. Leave the track by turning left on a path (2) across fields, following the Stour Valley Walk emblem.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 219 ft

os pathfinder wye and crundale downs

After a spinney, cross a road to a track, which leads up through trees to a radio mast. Bear off left before the mast to follow a path through beech trees and then cross another lane. Exit the trees (3) and turn right on to a good field track.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 325 ft

os pathfinder wye and crundale downs

At the end of the wood follow a path left across the field, rising steeply as it nears narrow Beech Wood on the far side. Climb through the wood and up to the top of the meadow beyond. The path dips down into a hollow, and then rises to cross a stile beside a gate to reach a junction of five ways on the edge of Warren Wood (4).

PictographWaypoint Altitude 484 ft

os pathfinder wye and crundale downs

Turn left along the Stour Valley Walk, the path following the edge of Warren Wood with a fence to the right before heading deeper into the wood. Keep to the main path, which soon becomes a grassy track as it descends steeply to leave the wood. Turn immediately left off the track to follow a path north across a downland meadow below the wood to meet a track (5) at the far end of the wood.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 329 ft

os pathfinder wye and crundale downs

Turn right and walk past the northern end of Marriage Wood on a lovely green lane. Descend to the second white house, pass to the right of it and follow the track as it climbs up the flank of the hill, but before the top turn right on to another bridleway and then almost immediately left over a stile by a gate to the left (6).

PictographWaypoint Altitude 276 ft

os pathfinder wye and crundale downs

Climb to the top of the paddock to a stile opposite the east end of Crundale's early Norman church and turn right on to a good track, which strikes south along the top of the Crundale Downs. This is exhilarating walking, with larks singing above and ever-changing views over an expanse of countryside. Almost too soon you come to Towns Wood, where the track through it may become muddy in winter. The track eventually drops down to meet and cross a lane (7) leading to Hassell Street.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 434 ft

os pathfinder wye and crundale downs

Follow a path along the right-hand edge of two fields on a generous headland to reach a gate. Descend into the crater to find a stile on the other side, then follow the grassy track to the bottom of the field (8).

PictographWaypoint Altitude 422 ft

os pathfinder wye and crundale downs

Turn left to follow the fence away from Coombe Manor. The path climbs up to the woods again towards a stile at the end of the field. Go through the gate ahead and keep to the right-hand side of a paddock to a stile. Cross the next two fields diagonally to a stile at the top corner. The stile after this takes the path on to the drive from Stoackes Cottage. Turn left and follow it to the road at Folly Town. Cross the road and walk past Staple Farm and the farmyard at Cold Blow. Turn right through a gate, before the National Nature Reserve's notice board, on to the North Downs Way (9).

PictographWaypoint Altitude 583 ft

os pathfinder wye and crundale downs

The path goes across the field to a field-edge path, which skirts the top of Newgate Scrubs to reach open downland, where you have glorious views across the Wealden countryside. The road is close to the right and to the left is the Devil's Kneading Trough, a spectacular steep-sided combe. After leaving the reserve, the North Downs Way crosses the road to a byway (10).

PictographWaypoint Altitude 540 ft

os pathfinder wye and crundale downs

Almost immediately, turn left through a gate, following the North Downs Way alongside the fence to the right, with Wye coming into view ahead. Continue over the high ground, passing a viewpoint to reach a stile. The path skirts round the top of a small piece of woodland to reach a lane. Turn left, then leave the road to the left (11) just before it swings right

PictographWaypoint Altitude 447 ft

os pathfinder wye and crundale downs

Follow the North Downs Way on to a bridleway through a wood. Follow along the edge of a field and across a road before rejoining the outward route at (2).

PictographWaypoint Altitude 145 ft

os pathfinder wye and crundale downs



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