
Orchid ruta


Trail photos

Photo ofOrchid ruta Photo ofOrchid ruta Photo ofOrchid ruta


Trail stats

4.55 mi
Elevation gain
1,014 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,014 ft
Max elevation
890 ft
46 4.7
Min elevation
7 ft
Trail type
3 hours 23 minutes
December 26, 2012
December 2012
  • Rating

  •   4.7 2 Reviews

near Almuñécar, Andalucía (España)

Viewed 8116 times, downloaded 237 times

Trail photos

Photo ofOrchid ruta Photo ofOrchid ruta Photo ofOrchid ruta

Itinerary description

Orchid ruta
La ruta se llama así porque muchas orquídeas creciendo en primavera.
Una ruta bonita y variada cerca de Almuñécar

Ruten kaldes sådan fordi der vokser mange orkidéer om foråret.
En smuk og afvekslende rute tæt på Almuñécar

Comments  (3)

  • Ann Sofie Feb 11, 2016

    Jag följer med stort intresse era fina vandringar. Hoppas att kunna vara med någon gång under året.

  • Photo of Else Byskov
    Else Byskov Apr 22, 2018

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    A fine route with great views of Almuñecar from a ´new´angle. We did not see any orchids though, but it was probably not the right season. There were loads of other flowers though.

  • RobertAlan Dec 19, 2018

    I have followed this trail  View more

    The trail starts in the center of old Almunecar, near free parking. It goes to the Rio Seco dried river bed. You can park closer if you like, saving the walk in town. We walked in reverse than suggested, which was very wise. The suggestion had us waking up at a steep angle for 3 km, and it was better walking down, though taxing. The walk along the river bed is about a km or so, and is not very interesting, except for the occasional views of the old Roman aqueduct. Once going up (in reverse from the suggestion) we walked along a very narrow road. Nearly the entire walk was along a very narrow road, not a trail through the woods or mountain forest. The cars barely could fit on the road, so we had to scrunge up against a wall, or on the edge of a precipice sometimes. There were maybe 20 drivers during the whole 3-1/2 hours, maybe 30. And they were respectful, but it was a bit tight sometimes. Also, there were some very angry, very aggressive very big dogs--they were behind fences, but it was a bit disconcerting. However, after all that is said and done, the views were amazing, and we were very glad we did it. We are 66 and 70 years old, and could walk up and down, taking frequent breaks, and stopping for a picnic in a great side trail up to a grassy spot with a fabulous view of Almunecar and the surrounding mountains. Well worth it.

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