
Omelette in Kalterherberg - bushwhacking in the Eifel


Trail photos

Photo ofOmelette in Kalterherberg - bushwhacking in the Eifel Photo ofOmelette in Kalterherberg - bushwhacking in the Eifel Photo ofOmelette in Kalterherberg - bushwhacking in the Eifel


Trail stats

3.53 mi
Elevation gain
272 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
272 ft
Max elevation
1,807 ft
Min elevation
1,549 ft
Trail type
one hour 44 minutes
June 22, 2017
June 2017
Be the first to clap

near Kalterherberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Deutschland)

Viewed 546 times, downloaded 8 times

Trail photos

Photo ofOmelette in Kalterherberg - bushwhacking in the Eifel Photo ofOmelette in Kalterherberg - bushwhacking in the Eifel Photo ofOmelette in Kalterherberg - bushwhacking in the Eifel

Itinerary description

This is a trip for those vacationing in Kalterherberg, provided they managed to secure one of the local holiday homes. The tour is a short ramble through and around Kalterherberg, which even includes a real bushwhack! Definitely a good introduction for those who want to experience this part of the Eifel.

The trip starts at the Hof-Cafe, which we recommend for its home-baked cakes, cold beers (in summer) or warm oven-fires and Glühwein (in the off-season).

Kalterherberg is a 'Straßendorf' (ribbon-built village), which means that one only needs to go beyond one plot on the main street to be at the edge of the village.

Having explored some parts of Kalterherberg, a good first rest can be had at the benches at way point 2 or way point 3. The bench at way point 3 has the inscription 'Om-lett', which is vernacular and could read something like 'on the lid' in English. No eggs on this trip!

Soon after, you descend into the valley of the Römerbach, which is a tributary to the Perlenbach dam. Here starts the bushhwack, for a few hundred meters. The aim is to reach way-point 8, where an asphalt was leads you back into civilization. Follow our trail (fording little streams and climbing over fences), or follow the stream upwards up to any other suitable shortcut.

From here, quiet roads lead you back to the center of the village and the Hof-Cafe (no eggs!).


PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,837 ft

KO 01-Hof Cafe

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,756 ft

KO 02-Bank

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,741 ft

KO 03-Om-lett

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,566 ft

KO 04-Fork

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,550 ft

KO 05-Bridge

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,578 ft

KO 06-Ford

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,641 ft
Photo ofKO 07-Way Point

KO 07-Way Point

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,652 ft

KO 08-Paved Path


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