
Oahu: kahekili trail


Trail photos

Photo ofOahu: kahekili trail Photo ofOahu: kahekili trail Photo ofOahu: kahekili trail


Trail stats

5.02 mi
Elevation gain
2,257 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
2,257 ft
Max elevation
1,964 ft
Min elevation
9 ft
Trail type
Moving time
2 hours 3 minutes
5 hours 14 minutes
August 26, 2023
August 2023
Be the first to clap

near Ka‘a‘awa, Hawaii (United States)

Viewed 90 times, downloaded 4 times

Trail photos

Photo ofOahu: kahekili trail Photo ofOahu: kahekili trail Photo ofOahu: kahekili trail

Itinerary description

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Spectacular route. Leave the car in the parking lot of the beach. We had a hard time finding the beginning of the route. Do not follow the first kilometer of the track. From the parking lot go directly to Kaawa Firefox station and follow the street to the end. The path starts between 2 houses and is obvious even though there is no sign. Further on, at the first crossroads, continue to the left (if you continue straight you will reach the lower part of the waterfall) and immediately there is a sign that warns (with exaggeration) of the difficulty of the path and begins a steep climb. Immediately you have a beautiful view of the surroundings.
The waterfall was without water. Then there is a piece with a lot of vegetation that almost covers the path. The end of the route is a 2-kilometer road link with a lot of traffic.

Comments  (3)

  • Photo of ClaraVI
    ClaraVI Jan 15, 2024

    Ayer vimos tu trekking y dijimos vamos a hacerlo… es espectacular! Sí que es verdad que a partir de la cascada ha sido una locura porque las plantas se habían comido prácticamente el camino. Por cierto a raíz de hacer esta ruta hemos dicho: nunca más vamos a hacer un trekking de un vasco jajajajaja
    Muchas gracias!

  • diegoenpunta28 Jan 16, 2024

    Que buenaaaa!
    Yo iré mañana si el tiempo lo permite!
    Tiene que ser espectacular!!

  • diegoenpunta28 Jan 19, 2024

    Muy entretenido.
    Gracias Jon!!!!

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