
Nuth - Aalbeek


Trail photos

Photo ofNuth - Aalbeek


Trail stats

8.17 mi
Elevation gain
279 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
279 ft
Max elevation
413 ft
Min elevation
244 ft
Trail type
December 16, 2018
December 2018

near Nuth, Limburg (Nederland)

Viewed 207 times, downloaded 3 times

Trail photos

Photo ofNuth - Aalbeek

Itinerary description

Why worthwhile? Slanting walk through wide stretched fields and small hamlets.

Starting point: Parking lot Deweverplein [Nuth – Limburg]

Distance: 13 km

Details: tour across mainly field roads and partially asphalted roads. Mostly well marked and easy to find routes.

Route description:

From the parking lot at the Deweverplein in Nuth we move in south-eastern direction towards the Henri Hermansstraat: we follow the red markings (posts). The route takes us to the outer village limit near the motorway and further through a small industrial area (Industrial park Reuken). At the crossing with the Pastorijstraat we stay left in to the Pastorijstraat towards Laar. At the t-fork in Laar we go straight ahead (we’re leaving the red markings) and follow a footpath between 2 houses, we end up in open fields. We keep walking in south-eastern direction (Brommelderweg). We cross a following 5-fork and follow the Waalhuizerweg. We keep following this field road and eventually end up in the stead Swier (here we follow (other) red markings).

In Swier we cross the asphalted road and continue in to the field (red markings). We keep following these red markings for a while. Once we walk across an asphalted road (Allee) between Swier and Wijnandsrade we take a left into a field after a right-hand bend (Knevelsweg, De Velde). We walk past a farm on it’s right-hand side and continue left past a forest’s limit. We come across new red markings yet again and follow these to the right (in to the forest, Hulsbergerbos). We eventually reach the edge of Hulsberg (beautiful resting point with bench).

We keep following the red markings (Hooleweg), cross the Wijnandsraderweg and continue our way across the Fellisgats (field road). Past a crossing (which we cross over straight) we follow the right-hand branch of a y-fork which we come across after several meters (still following the red markings). We end up near Aalbeek and cross the Aalbekerweg. At the next farm the red markings branch off to the left: here we stick to the right (straight ahead, northern direction, Puttersweg). At the next crossing we follow the blue markings in northern direction (Puttersweg) further towards the stead Helle.

In Helle we go up left (Nelisweg). The blue markings branch of to the left at t he next fork, but we walk straight on. At a t-fork we take a right (Maastrichterweg, northern direction). At the next fork (with trees, bench and holycross) we keep right towards Grijzegrubben / Nuth (Maastrichterweg). After a while, where de road bends left, we go right in to a field road (Dreckweg). This takes a turn to the right and passes in to the Bronkweg (also field c.q. forest road). At the end we keep left and than continue right towards Tervoorst (following blue markings). Once in Tervoorst we follow the red markings back to the parking lot in Nuth (Voorsterstraat).

Done in 2009.


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