
Nerja (San Juan Capistrano) Cerro Mangueno-Pinarillo-Cueva de Nerja.


Trail photos

Photo ofNerja (San Juan Capistrano) Cerro Mangueno-Pinarillo-Cueva de Nerja. Photo ofNerja (San Juan Capistrano) Cerro Mangueno-Pinarillo-Cueva de Nerja. Photo ofNerja (San Juan Capistrano) Cerro Mangueno-Pinarillo-Cueva de Nerja.


Trail stats

6.67 mi
Elevation gain
1,896 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,936 ft
Max elevation
2,156 ft
31 3.3
Min elevation
445 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
3 hours one minute
4 hours 58 minutes
February 13, 2019
February 2019
  • Rating

  •   3.3 1 review
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near San Juan de Capistrano, Andalucía (España)

Viewed 440 times, downloaded 11 times

Trail photos

Photo ofNerja (San Juan Capistrano) Cerro Mangueno-Pinarillo-Cueva de Nerja. Photo ofNerja (San Juan Capistrano) Cerro Mangueno-Pinarillo-Cueva de Nerja. Photo ofNerja (San Juan Capistrano) Cerro Mangueno-Pinarillo-Cueva de Nerja.

Itinerary description

Great relatively low level hike views either side of ridge.
Start San Juan Capistrano-opposite street sign Pueblo Jazmin 1-14.
Where linea 1 bus turns around.
Proceed up to the ridge using either red blobs or cairns both routes take you to the top, turn right and hike up the first peak Cerro Tragalamocha then head north onto Cerro Boniato following blue blobs and then cairns up to Cerro Mangueno. The path continues north, ignoring a path going off to the left your route can be clearly seen going along a lower ridge to your right down to Collado Galgos.
After which follow the wide dirt road down watching out for a path on your right GR249 which you take going to the Picnic area, great place for lunch.
Next follow the wide dirt road south for 5k to the Nerja Caves for lovely coffee and an apple cake as a reward at the Aguila open air restaurant.
You can return by walking down the road past the viaduct back home to Nerja.


PictographPhoto Altitude 2,062 ft
Photo ofPhoto


PictographPhoto Altitude 2,068 ft
Photo ofPhoto


PictographPhoto Altitude 2,068 ft
Photo ofPhoto


Comments  (2)

  • ulf.daving Jan 7, 2020

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    Trail was a great experience, scenery fantastic. Some parts a bit tricky so in total a would say in between moderate and difficult. Also following the "blue dots" was in the beginning easy but they where fewer and fewer and suddenly halfway disappeared. Had to rely on the map and GPS on my phone but that worked well.
    The track is longer than the 10k that was in the description. We took a little bit different route in the end crossing the Maro canyon and walked back to San Juan Capistrano (starting point) i got 19,3 km om my Garmin watch. But still following the track to the caves must be longer than 10k. I guess approx 15k.

  • Photo of Nigel James
    Nigel James Jan 7, 2020

    Thanks for comments much appreciated and glad you enjoyed it, Nig.

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