
Narada falls. Glacier National Park.


Trail photos

Photo ofNarada falls. Glacier National Park. Photo ofNarada falls. Glacier National Park. Photo ofNarada falls. Glacier National Park.


Trail stats

0.33 mi
Elevation gain
108 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
108 ft
Max elevation
4,531 ft
55 5
Min elevation
4,406 ft
Trail type
12 minutes
August 12, 2016
August 2016
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near Nisqually Vista, Washington (United States)

Viewed 240 times, downloaded 13 times

Trail photos

Photo ofNarada falls. Glacier National Park. Photo ofNarada falls. Glacier National Park. Photo ofNarada falls. Glacier National Park.

Itinerary description

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Narada falls
Important announcement. Disclaimer
The information contained in My wikiloc routes are data, opinions and experiences of the author. I am not a mountain guide, I am not qualified to guide people and this route is only a reflection of my experience in carrying it out. This information can never be considered sufficient to carry out any of the routes or activities described.

For the practice of adventure sports, hiking, mountaineering, etc ..., you need appropriate physical conditions in addition to having technical knowledge and adequate material, as well as knowing the environment, the characteristics of each place and consult the weather forecasts. Otherwise, if we do not have enough knowledge to carry out these activities with guarantees, we must hire the services of a professional or carry out a training course offered by clubs and federations.

The author is not responsible for the consequences that may arise from the lack of all or part of the above as well as the misuse of the information that appears here.
I have made this route under my own responsibility and the assessment of its difficulty may not be shared by other users. Everyone who makes it under his. The GPS positions exposed are not necessarily an exact guide of the route since the GPS positioning could have failed or not be exact. The rains, landslides, etc ... can change the state of the tracks and trails. Each one carries out this type of activities under his responsibility.
Activities in nature carry certain intrinsic risks. Therefore, it is necessary to highlight some recommendations for the practice of hiking, which can improve the safety of people. You can encourage this behavior by remembering these simple rules, which are specified in the following:
- Prepare in advance the excursion to make:
Check the weather forecast and check that the technical characteristics of the route are appropriate for you.
- Clothing and footwear must be suitable for hiking.
- Take enough food and water, a coat, sunscreen, a hat and a charged mobile phone in your backpack. Canes can also be useful.
- Always walk in company and only on the signposted path.
- Always inform family or friends of the route you are going to make.
Remember: traveling through the natural environment carries risks. You walk at your own risk. Be prudent In case of emergency, call emergency.


PictographWaterfall Altitude 4,406 ft

Narada falld

Narada falld

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