
MWG - Walk 97 - Garrucha To Las Cuartillas Loop


Trail photos

Photo ofMWG - Walk 97 - Garrucha To Las Cuartillas Loop Photo ofMWG - Walk 97 - Garrucha To Las Cuartillas Loop Photo ofMWG - Walk 97 - Garrucha To Las Cuartillas Loop


Trail stats

7.03 mi
Elevation gain
433 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
433 ft
Max elevation
298 ft
Min elevation
27 ft
Trail type
3 hours 18 minutes
December 1, 2019
November 2017
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1 comment

near La Marina de la Torre, Andalucía (España)

Viewed 189 times, downloaded 15 times

Trail photos

Photo ofMWG - Walk 97 - Garrucha To Las Cuartillas Loop Photo ofMWG - Walk 97 - Garrucha To Las Cuartillas Loop Photo ofMWG - Walk 97 - Garrucha To Las Cuartillas Loop

Comments  (1)

  • Photo of MWG
    MWG Feb 21, 2020

    This walk can be started anywhere on the loop circuit. For the details below (and GPX file) this was recorded from Garrucha Cemetery. From the Cemetery we head for the "busy" main Garrucha to Los Gallardos road (A370). After taking great care in crossing the road we climb the hill on the other side of the A370 to a height 88 metres before descending and cutting across the campo. At this point we can see on our left (and parallel to the old railway track the A370 road to Los Gallardos). We then pick up a decent track which takes us back down to the "lakes" near the railway track. Crossing the old railway and keeping the "Lakes" on our right we head for the A370 (again taking extreme care crossing) and on to Las Cuantrillas pueblo where we lunch. After lunch we follow the track that runs along the side of the Rio Aguas, under the bypass to Mojacar towards the Golf Course. After the Golf course we then head for Garrucha cemetery in the near distance.

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