
Mushrif Park hiking trail - 3km Hike as Corporate fun event


Trail photos

Photo ofMushrif Park hiking trail - 3km Hike as Corporate fun event


Trail stats

1.83 mi
Elevation gain
121 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
141 ft
Max elevation
146 ft
Min elevation
80 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
49 minutes
one hour one minute
November 4, 2023
November 2023
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near Al Mizhar, Dubai (United Arab Emirates)

Viewed 47 times, downloaded 1 times

Trail photos

Photo ofMushrif Park hiking trail - 3km Hike as Corporate fun event

Itinerary description

Mushrif Park hiking trail - 3km Hike as Corporate fun event

The Mushrif Park hiking trail and cycle track are located adjacent to Mushrif Park but not within the park itself.
Therefore, the opening and closing times of the main park do not affect the access to the hiking and cycling trail.
But the hiking trail is monitored by officials (Marshals), so the trail opens at 6AM.
At the beginning of the hike, they will brief about the trail, safety measures and guidelines.
Also there are emergency numbers in case if you need any support during the hike.


Nearest Parking :
Located next to “Cafe Pelaton”

There is another large parking, like 500m before the above one.


The trails can be accessed from a parking area, and once you pass Cafe Pelaton, you can see the hiking and cycling trails on the left side. There are information boards at the beginning of the trail, as well as signboards and distance measuring boards throughout.

As per the information board, total distance of the normal route is 8.3km. It runs alongside a main dirt road, making it easy to return whenever you wish. Hike is easy with very little elevation. In few places, you can extend the hike by deviating from the normal route to make bit more lengthy, around 9+kms. (All navigation sign ports are available)

The cycling trail follows a similar path, with some intersections where both hiking and cycling trails overlap. Along the trail, you can find features like stairways, bridges, and resting benches, which are made from wood.

One thing to note is that the hiking trail is marked/covered with sand, so it doesn't have a hard surface. This might make it a bit challenging to walk with regular shoes, as sand can get inside your footwear.

We have done this hike as part of the corporate event, so we haven't done the full trail. We decided specific path to complete the hike within 1h - 1.5hrs. We have started the hike at 7.45AM and back at the base by 9.00AM. In total, we covered around 3.3km

Our Previous hike on same trail:


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