
Mt Maroon up Nth West via Cave


Trail photos

Photo ofMt Maroon up Nth West via Cave Photo ofMt Maroon up Nth West via Cave Photo ofMt Maroon up Nth West via Cave


Trail stats

4.35 mi
Elevation gain
2,457 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
2,457 ft
Max elevation
3,167 ft
57 3.7
Min elevation
1,167 ft
Trail type
Moving time
3 hours 10 minutes
5 hours 54 minutes
January 19, 2019
July 2018
  • Rating

  •   3.7 2 Reviews

near Cotswold, Queensland (Australia)

Viewed 4010 times, downloaded 151 times

Trail photos

Photo ofMt Maroon up Nth West via Cave Photo ofMt Maroon up Nth West via Cave Photo ofMt Maroon up Nth West via Cave

Itinerary description

WARNING:- Not the easy way up! After the cave we did a bit of bush bashing to the first of the summit areas before heading across the saddle and up to the main summit. Then down the tourist trail.
TIP: After the cave you need to scramble down, then bush bash west around the mountain before climbing up (don't follow the false trail alongside the Cave area - Dead end!). Note: Check the general direction you need to go, the GPS trail isn't 100% accurate due to the rocky cliffs.


PictographPhoto Altitude 1,327 ft
Photo ofMt Maroon

Mt Maroon

Comments  (4)

  • Photo of pjp617
    pjp617 Apr 6, 2019

    Sure was difficult, but a great off-track hike. My GPS went crazy near the cave. I think I agree that anti-clockwise is preferable. Thanks for your map and track notes.

  • Cycling Noob Aug 14, 2020

    Oh Damn! I read this and totally forgot today!! I followed that False Trail to the dead END!!! and only then I remembered this post! arrgg.. ended up back tracking all the way to the cave and the bushwhacking west was damn tough..Thank you for your notes.. Ideally I would go to the cave then back to the tourist track much easier.. however the views wouldn't be as great.. the west ridge summit was out of this world..Breathe taking views, once we got to the Mt Maroon Submit my honest reaction was.."is that it"

  • Cycling Noob Aug 14, 2020

    I have followed this trail  View more

    Ideally for more experience Hiker, gps on this hike is no where near accurate as for most of the trail it showed me I was on track only to hit a dead end then it re-appeared saying I was 40m above the track... I highly recommend going with someone who has done this before saving you valuable time and energy.. =) Oh the views are out of this world..

  • Photo of Emily Darling
    Emily Darling Dec 18, 2021

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    Just did this hike Route and sure was difficult but fun and rewarding. Finding the caves was fairly easy but required a lot of bush bashing and rock scrambling. definitely have hiking shoes and maybe a stick/hiking pole to help stabilize yourself. After the caves and heading west to go up Mt Maroon and to the summit was difficult and exhausting as it was no clear path and required focus climbing up and not slipping on leaves and unsteady rocks. However once we got to the top of the mountain it was far easier with walking up along the larger rocks and was very satisfying. The summit isn’t too hard to get too but requires some fitness and more rock scrambling. The way down was quiet steep and at times it was easy to get off track. So definitely have a hiking partner and gps/map to prevent you from getting lost! I definitely recommend this hike as the views were spectacular and was rewarding!

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