
Mt Maroon Caves, Mt Barney NP QLD


Trail photos

Photo ofMt Maroon Caves, Mt Barney NP QLD Photo ofMt Maroon Caves, Mt Barney NP QLD Photo ofMt Maroon Caves, Mt Barney NP QLD


Trail stats

2.71 mi
Elevation gain
932 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
932 ft
Max elevation
1,763 ft
59 5
Min elevation
957 ft
Trail type
Moving time
one hour 44 minutes
3 hours 13 minutes
January 12, 2019
January 2019
  • Rating

  •   5 1 review

near Cotswold, Queensland (Australia)

Viewed 3014 times, downloaded 193 times

Trail photos

Photo ofMt Maroon Caves, Mt Barney NP QLD Photo ofMt Maroon Caves, Mt Barney NP QLD Photo ofMt Maroon Caves, Mt Barney NP QLD

Itinerary description

Video of trail here:

This is a trail up to some spectacular Caves on the northern side of Mt Maroon.

Parking at end of Cotswold Rd, you start up the usual route up the Mount, but then you take a right turn towards a distinct grassy fire trail (sort of opposite a closed metal gate facing east) and start following the trail west.

Easy to follow fire trail. After about 10 minutes of walking, cross over two gullies and then you'll see a yellow tape marker to the left toward the Mountain. Then it's up, up, up towards the rock face!

This section is a very loose ground Rocky scramble upwards. Keep going (it is a mountain after all!) and veer to the right westward. You'll come to a distinct foot trail pretty much at the base of northern rocky face... Some tape markers here and there to give you confidence. Follow this loose trail west and it will ascend a bit more and then will naturally wrap around up to the Caves.

The caves were not so much a deep cavern but rather a sheltered cutout in the mountain. I found the view spectacular. Evidence of people having a little fire and probably staying the night here. Very sandy soil up in the caves and a lot of great rocks and boulders to rest on and floor area to chill. Kick back.... Enjoy the view... Have mornos... Fly a drone.

The hike up to the caves could take about 30 mins from the carpark if you trail-ran it. That's what I love about this one.... So close. Just be aware of the loose steep terrain going up from the fire trail to the mountain base.


PictographPhoto Altitude 335 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 971 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 1,041 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 1,039 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 1,099 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 1,182 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 1,209 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 1,582 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 1,590 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 1,681 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 1,684 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 1,762 ft
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Comments  (12)

  • Photo of Raymond 1945
    Raymond 1945 Mar 27, 2019

    Awesome, amazing views. There is really no trail. GPS needed. Steep.rock scrambling. Great fun , and the view at the caves is worth the effort

  • Photo of Jelbuilder
    Jelbuilder Mar 27, 2019

    Yeah... I definitely agree! Glad you enjoyed your hike... It really is a little beauty.

  • Photo of Raymond 1945
    Raymond 1945 Mar 27, 2019

    Jelbuilder,i see you put easy.i would put moderate, myself,
    I think of the beginner,when i fitness is ok.but a beginner might find it quite difficult.
    Just saying 😊

  • Photo of Jelbuilder
    Jelbuilder Mar 27, 2019

    Fair enough, however I always rate my trails according to how I found it personally as a record for myself. I try to put in some helpful notes when I can to help others in the description field. However I actually did find this one quite short and easy compared to most other trails I frequent... It only has one primary steep ascent from the fire trail to the main terrace that leads to the cave. A great beginner trail for exploring the beautiful Mt Maroon.

  • Photo of Raymond 1945
    Raymond 1945 Mar 28, 2019

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    If new at hiking.take a GPS, there's no real trail after first kilometre. The occasional cairn of stones.that,s all.
    The trail is a fire break track at beginning, then you leave it and go up a steep rocky slope.some rock scrambling. Then veer off and down to the right and basically follow the cliff face ,till you see the cave .
    You need a reasonable fitness level to do this hike
    But it is great fun.and the cavern is amazing, amazing views also.
    I would suggest to not do it if rain,it can be slippery, i know, i was caught in the rain 😁😁

  • Photo of Raymond 1945
    Raymond 1945 Mar 28, 2019

    I was asked to do another review, hence the second review.
    😁😁 I think now it was a robot generated request.

  • Photo of Colin Bridge
    Colin Bridge May 1, 2019

    G'day. Can you get across to the summit trail (safely) from the caves track. Would like to incorporate this with a walk to the summit if possible.

  • Photo of Jelbuilder
    Jelbuilder May 1, 2019

    Hmm... Haven't tried from the caves to the main summit trail so can't tell for sure. In a few weeks I'll be going from the caves to the summit via the western side of the mountain... ie, just keep following the caves trail round to the other side and upwards. I've seen a few wikilocs entries of others doing that.

  • Photo of Colin Bridge
    Colin Bridge May 1, 2019

    Ok, someone has mentioned that to me also. I will check it out. Thanks.

  • Photo of Colin Bridge
  • Photo of Jelbuilder
    Jelbuilder May 1, 2019

    Yep, that's the one. Thanks for leaving the link Colin. Cheers.

  • Photo of Raymond 1945
    Raymond 1945 May 1, 2019

    Colin, yes you can,i did it last time i was there, Caves to Summit Trail

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