
Montejaque circuit (with Guy)


Trail photos

Photo ofMontejaque circuit (with Guy) Photo ofMontejaque circuit (with Guy) Photo ofMontejaque circuit (with Guy)


Trail stats

10.68 mi
Elevation gain
1,811 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,811 ft
Max elevation
3,256 ft
38 5
Min elevation
2,267 ft
Trail type
Moving time
3 hours 59 minutes
6 hours 8 minutes
November 4, 2019
November 2019
  • Rating

  •   5 1 review

near Montejaque, Andalucía (España)

Viewed 364 times, downloaded 29 times

Trail photos

Photo ofMontejaque circuit (with Guy) Photo ofMontejaque circuit (with Guy) Photo ofMontejaque circuit (with Guy)

Itinerary description

Montejaque circuit (with Guy)


PictographPhoto Altitude 2,602 ft
Photo ofGriffon vulture perch, (gåsgamar), guano but not a nesting site

Griffon vulture perch, (gåsgamar), guano but not a nesting site

2 nesting sites in the area, more protected

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,120 ft
Photo ofLeaving the gravel road, old moorish footpath on the right

Leaving the gravel road, old moorish footpath on the right

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,236 ft
Photo ofCattle gate, trail leveling out

Cattle gate, trail leveling out

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,121 ft
Photo ofKarst sinkhole

Karst sinkhole

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,142 ft
Photo ofNava, big flat field, sediment has filled in deep valley

Nava, big flat field, sediment has filled in deep valley

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,164 ft
Photo ofCattle gate, follow the cairns on the other side

Cattle gate, follow the cairns on the other side

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,039 ft
Photo ofFollow Guy's arrow across nava #2

Follow Guy's arrow across nava #2

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,046 ft
Photo ofStone piles, sign of former cultivation

Stone piles, sign of former cultivation

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,019 ft
Photo ofPicnic spot, Gully of the dead

Picnic spot, Gully of the dead

17-18 young Grazalema men killed and buried in the gully during the Civil War. Also Las Siete Rosas, seven prominent Grazalema women, not far from here.

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,006 ft
Photo ofCattle gate

Cattle gate

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,777 ft
Photo ofCattle fence gate

Cattle fence gate

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,849 ft
Photo ofCattle gate

Cattle gate

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,867 ft
Photo ofSign to trail

Sign to trail

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,918 ft
Photo ofCattle guide

Cattle guide

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,988 ft
Photo ofSign to Grazalema

Sign to Grazalema

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,999 ft
Photo ofCattle gate

Cattle gate

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,058 ft
Photo ofCattle gate

Cattle gate

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,937 ft
Photo ofMemorial to Don (local landowner) Alonso Moscoso Solano

Memorial to Don (local landowner) Alonso Moscoso Solano

Assasinated (shot) 15 september 1935 in this spot, refused to be taken to Ronda

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,896 ft
Photo ofCortijo del Huerfano, the orphan of Don Solano

Cortijo del Huerfano, the orphan of Don Solano

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,827 ft
Photo ofTrail down!

Trail down!

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,757 ft
Photo ofCattle gate

Cattle gate

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,933 ft
Photo ofCattle gate

Cattle gate

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,529 ft
Photo ofTrail down

Trail down

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,461 ft
Photo ofOld threshing floor, every farm had one in windy spot

Old threshing floor, every farm had one in windy spot

Comments  (2)

  • Photo of Lynne Barton
    Lynne Barton Oct 2, 2023

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    Used to back up the instructions in Cicerone walking guide. A great walk although the 35 degree heat in October was a shock

  • Photo of Therese Iversen
    Therese Iversen Oct 3, 2023

    Glad to hear it was helpful! 😀 Wow, I am envious... In Sweden the temperatures are often hovering around 0 these days. 😎

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