
Monte Kilimangiaro: Marangu route da Horombo Hut a Kibo Hut


Trail photos

Photo ofMonte Kilimangiaro: Marangu route da Horombo Hut a Kibo Hut Photo ofMonte Kilimangiaro: Marangu route da Horombo Hut a Kibo Hut Photo ofMonte Kilimangiaro: Marangu route da Horombo Hut a Kibo Hut


Trail stats

6.13 mi
Elevation gain
3,196 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
0 ft
Max elevation
15,422 ft
Min elevation
12,225 ft
Trail type
One Way
January 26, 2023
January 2023
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near Ghombon, Kilimanjaro (Tanzania)

Viewed 101 times, downloaded 2 times

Trail photos

Photo ofMonte Kilimangiaro: Marangu route da Horombo Hut a Kibo Hut Photo ofMonte Kilimangiaro: Marangu route da Horombo Hut a Kibo Hut Photo ofMonte Kilimangiaro: Marangu route da Horombo Hut a Kibo Hut

Itinerary description

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The third day on the Marangu route leads from the refuge of Horombo Hut to Kibo Hut.

The trail is very scenic on a plateau that offers the view of the peak of Mawenzi and Kibo.
You walk on ground covered in gravel which then becomes much easier. In the last part you pass on a sandy bottom.
The vegetation is now scarce but you can meet wild animals that come from nearby Kenya.
When I got to 4,500 meters I started to get short of breath, so I had to slow down.

The last camp is the least comfortable because there is no running water in the bathrooms or even for cooking, so you have to bring your own.
However, the huts of the refuge are the same as those of the other camps at a lower altitude.
You can feel the cold a lot but since in the evening you will have to leave for the climb you are full of adrenaline.

Km: about 10
Walking time about 5 hours

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