
Moni Odigitrias - Martsalos Gorge - Agiofarango - Moni Odigitrias


Trail photos

Photo ofMoni Odigitrias - Martsalos Gorge - Agiofarango - Moni Odigitrias Photo ofMoni Odigitrias - Martsalos Gorge - Agiofarango - Moni Odigitrias Photo ofMoni Odigitrias - Martsalos Gorge - Agiofarango - Moni Odigitrias


Trail stats

13.94 mi
Elevation gain
2,287 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
2,290 ft
Max elevation
995 ft
59 3.7
Min elevation
22 ft
Trail type
6 hours 7 minutes
August 16, 2012
August 2012
  • Rating

  •   3.7 1 review
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near Lístaros, Crete (Greece)

Viewed 7431 times, downloaded 149 times

Trail photos

Photo ofMoni Odigitrias - Martsalos Gorge - Agiofarango - Moni Odigitrias Photo ofMoni Odigitrias - Martsalos Gorge - Agiofarango - Moni Odigitrias Photo ofMoni Odigitrias - Martsalos Gorge - Agiofarango - Moni Odigitrias

Itinerary description

Impotant to WEAR GOOD SHOES and bring a lot of WATER with you, mostly because in summer it's pretty hot and there isn't drinkable water until you reach Agiofarango! Now that I've advised you:
This route is going to show you the area of Agiofarango. It's mainly a easy track except when you go from Martasalos Gorge to Agiofarango where there are some parts that are a little more difficult, sometimes because of the terrain but principaly because it's not that clear to follow it. But if you are used walking on mountains, it won't be a big deal.
This walk start at the Moni Odigitrias which you can visit before starting. You will have to take the way that goes to "Martsalos", to one that goes right. You can go by car but since it's a circular route, I'd park the car at the church. The first 5'6km are really easy, it's a clear way and you can't get lost. At this point you arrive at a church. From here you will see a steps that go down the gorge. This track follows this steps because there is a beaitul church in a cave there, but it's not mandatory to go there (I recommend it though). You can see that the track goes a little crazy at this point, it's because the coberage of the GPS is not good and beacause I wasn't finding the right path. Before going down the steps, there is the waypoint "Desviation", here you will see an unclear path that goes up. At this point you will have to follow the RED MARKS that you will be finding. Now you follow them an you will cross a fence. You will continue following the path and the red marks. This is the path that I talked about telling you that is the most difficult.
At the 10,31km there is the waypoint "Begining of the right path". What it means is that we took the wrong path because I didn't follow the red marks. At this point, to your right, must be the right path and the red dots on the stones. Follow them until the waypoint "Ending of the right path" where I found again the red marks. So, it's important to follow them. (If you follow the GPS, therefore, my path, it's more diffucult but possible). Now, here begins the Agiofarango. At this point the path is again really clear and you can't get lost.
At the end of the Agiofarango is a beach where you can swim and relax. And from here to Moni Odigitrias there are 8~9km. On this way you can find some geocaches if you know what it is.
If you follow this route, it would be grateful if you leave your opinion of it :D Thank you.
Important portar BONES SABATES i FORÇA AIGUA ja que a l'estiu hi fa molta calor i no hi ha fonts pel camí fins que no arribes a Agiofarango. Ara que ja t'he avisat:
Aquesta ruta t'ensenyarà l'àrea d'Agiofarango. És un camí força fàcil excepte el tram que et porta des del barranc de Martsalos fins a Agiofarango on el camí és més difícil, a vegades pel terreny però sobretot perquè no és molt clar. Si estàs acostumat al senderisme, però, no et suposarà cap problema gaire greu.
Aquesta caminada comença al Moni Odigitrias que pots visitar abans de començar. Hauràs d'agafar el camí que porta cap a “Martsalos” que és el de la dreta. Aquest camí el pots fer en cotxe però ja que és una ruta circular i acabaràs aquí, et recomano aparca-lo a Moni Odigitrias. Els primer 5,6km són molt fàcils i no et pots perdre. En aquest punt arribes a una esglesieta. Des d'aquí pots veure unes escales que baixen a la gorja. Aquest track segueix les escales perquè hi ha una ermita a la cova a baix, però no és obligatori visitar-lo (us ho recomano). A més, pots veure que el track es torna una mica boig. Això és degut a que la cobertura no és gaire bona i que estava buscant el camí correcte. Veuràs, abans de baixar les escales hi ha el waypoint “Desviation”. Aquí cap a l'esquerra veuràs un camí que puja no gaire clar. A partir d'aquí hauràs de seguir les MARQUES VERMELLES. Les vas seguint i creuaràs una reixa. Segueix buscant les marques fins que ho indiqui. Aquest és el tram de camí que advertia que era més difícil.
Al quilòmetre 10,31, hi ha el waypoint “Begining of the right path”. Això vol dir que jo vaig agafar el camí incorrecte ja que NO vaig seguir les marques vermelles en aquest punt. Doncs allà, cap a la dreta segueix el camí amb les marques vermelles, segueix-lo fins al waypoint “Ending of the right path” on vaig trobar-les de nou. Així que és important seguir-les. (Si segueixes el track del GPS, és més difícil però no impossible, no t'ho recomano).
Aquí comença Agiofarango. A partir d'aquí el camí ja no té pèrdua fins al final. Al final del barranc hi ha la platja, molt maca, on et pots banyar i descansar una estona. Fins a Moni Odigitrias hi ha un 8~9km per un camí molt ample on hi passen cotxes. Al llarg de la ruta pots trobar unes 6 geocaches, si saps què és.
Si et descarregues la ruta i la segueixes agrairé que deixessis la teva opinió :D Moltes gràcies.


Photo ofMoni Odigitrias Photo ofMoni Odigitrias Photo ofMoni Odigitrias

Moni Odigitrias

Monastery of Moni Odigitrias. Beautiful place where you can park your car and start the walk.

PictographCave Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofVirgin Martsaliani Photo ofVirgin Martsaliani

Virgin Martsaliani

Beatiful church in a cave at the begining of the Martsalos gorge

PictographIntersection Altitude 0 ft


You will have to follow the red marks

PictographIntersection Altitude 0 ft

Begining of the right path

Begining of the right path

PictographIntersection Altitude 0 ft

Ending of the right path

Ending of the right path

PictographGeocache Altitude 0 ft

Moni Odigitrias :: GC23244

PictographGeocache Altitude 0 ft

Martsalos gorge :: GC2V3CG

PictographGeocache Altitude 0 ft

agiofaraggo :: GC1Y4C8

PictographGeocache Altitude 0 ft

Agiofarango Gorge :: GC205GB

PictographGeocache Altitude 0 ft

Vourvoulitis :: GC220JD

PictographGeocache Altitude 0 ft

Agia Kiriaki :: GC2V3C8

Comments  (4)

  • Photo of Bezdomny
    Bezdomny Oct 10, 2013

    I have followed this trail  View more

    This is a great hike, If I had enough battery on my Texet I would have rerecorded it and posted it without errors, but to be honest the errors are nice and lead you to some unique places, like the cavern church!

  • Photo of SastRe.O
    SastRe.O Oct 11, 2013

    Thank you Bezdomny for leaving a comment with your opinion! :D
    Glad you liked the hidden corners. As you say, they are really unique!

  • zafiri14 May 6, 2014

    This area is really picturesque and Agio Farango is beautiful. I would definitely recommend a visit. Also, if you're a rock climber there are loads of great routes to climb in Agio Farango gorge - check out .

    There are some farmers in the area that use dogs to guard gates (so the goats don't escape) but unfortunately the dogs are neglected, and given little to no food and water. The dogs are given little shelter - if they do get shelter it is often a old metal oil barrel that gets hot in the sun and realistically offers no shelter. Please take an extra bottle of water so that you can give it to the dogs if need be. Additionally, please take a photo and record the location of the dog, and then report it to the police (who have a duty to investigate). Anything else you can do, such as notifying local tavernas or hotels, would be good too. for more info google 'crete barrel dogs'.

  • Photo of Wandervogel17
    Wandervogel17 Apr 22, 2019

    Thank you for this beautiful and lonesome trail. We enjoyed the hike very much.

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