
Moanalua Valley Trail to the TOP of the Ha'ikū Stairs


Trail photos

Photo ofMoanalua Valley Trail to the TOP of the Ha'ikū Stairs Photo ofMoanalua Valley Trail to the TOP of the Ha'ikū Stairs Photo ofMoanalua Valley Trail to the TOP of the Ha'ikū Stairs


Trail stats

10.26 mi
Elevation gain
2,825 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
2,825 ft
Max elevation
2,760 ft
Min elevation
265 ft
Trail type
Moving time
5 hours
6 hours 56 minutes
October 18, 2022
October 2022
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near Moanalua, Hawaii (United States)

Viewed 276 times, downloaded 26 times

Trail photos

Photo ofMoanalua Valley Trail to the TOP of the Ha'ikū Stairs Photo ofMoanalua Valley Trail to the TOP of the Ha'ikū Stairs Photo ofMoanalua Valley Trail to the TOP of the Ha'ikū Stairs

Itinerary description

The trail is difficult, but not as hard as you can read about it, at least with a sunny day like today!! (I was scared with all the advices about microspikes and gloves...). For sure not for beginners or people scared of highs, cause the last part of it is just on the top of the crest of the cliff, and definitely not in a rainy day (or just expecting rain), cause it will be really slippery.

In sunny days like today the terrain is dry enough to have a grip with your boots or trekking shoes (not sneakers or flip flops), and in the steepest parts of the trail you have ropes to help you with the climb and mostly with the descent.

About the Haiku Stairs (Stairs to Heaven), there are some misunderstandings. This trail DOESN'T USE these Stairs at all, wich are forbidden, apparently due to poor conditions after a big storm, you just arrive to the top of them by the cliff, so 100% safe. Then, on the top, you can go down a bit to feel their verticality 😱.

The views from the last third of the hike, and from the Old Radio Station itself at the very end of it, are just spectacular!!!

Important Note: you can not park at the parking slots at the trail head, those are just for neighborhood residents, but you can park in the same street not far away (I know... it has no sense, but it is like this).


PictographDoor Altitude 301 ft
Photo ofInicio de Ruta

Inicio de Ruta

PictographPanorama Altitude 726 ft
Photo ofPanorámica


PictographPanorama Altitude 2,363 ft
Photo ofHacia atrás

Hacia atrás

PictographPanorama Altitude 2,363 ft
Photo ofHacia delante

Hacia delante

PictographPanorama Altitude 2,691 ft
Photo ofFrom the Radio Station

From the Radio Station

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