
Mirimbah, up kingspawn, to the summit and back down the Delitide


Trail photos

Photo ofMirimbah, up kingspawn, to the summit and back down the Delitide Photo ofMirimbah, up kingspawn, to the summit and back down the Delitide Photo ofMirimbah, up kingspawn, to the summit and back down the Delitide


Trail stats

17.41 mi
Elevation gain
4,042 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
4,042 ft
Max elevation
5,922 ft
Min elevation
2,213 ft
Trail type
Moving time
5 hours 46 minutes
5 hours 59 minutes
November 18, 2020
November 2020

near Mirimbah, Victoria (Australia)

Viewed 142 times, downloaded 10 times

Trail photos

Photo ofMirimbah, up kingspawn, to the summit and back down the Delitide Photo ofMirimbah, up kingspawn, to the summit and back down the Delitide Photo ofMirimbah, up kingspawn, to the summit and back down the Delitide

Itinerary description

Walked up klingspawn. I forgot how intense the incline can be at the start. Midway up klingspawn the incline was much nicer to me. The track is in reasonable condition considering track maintain existing would be hard during lock down. Once at the top of klingspawn, decided to walk to the summit- why not. The summit offered beautiful views. From the summit walked through the village up Stirling road to the Delitide track. Be mindful this track is also a down hill/mountain bike track so having headphones on really loud is not recommended- you need to hear the bikes and not walk in the middle when you hear one. The Delitide is beautiful, there are 14 river crossings. Your likely to get wet feet- one of the river crossing has only one thin log left- I felt this was to dangerous to try and balance for me, so through the river it was


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