Mirador Falso Belvedere y Cascada Inacayal
near Villa La Angostura, Neuquén (Argentina)
Viewed 310 times, downloaded 18 times
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Itinerary description
Julio de 2023 (Invierno): Dificultad medio alta en algunos tramos por el hielo en la senda. El mirador vale la pena. Es posible hacer hacer el trayecto mucho más rápido sin detenerse tanto a mirar el mundo ; )
July 2023 (Winter): Mid-high difficulty occasionally because of ice in the trail. Mirador Falo Belvedere is worth the trip. It is possible to hike the trail faster if you don't stop so much to look at the world ; )
July 2023 (Winter): Mid-high difficulty occasionally because of ice in the trail. Mirador Falo Belvedere is worth the trip. It is possible to hike the trail faster if you don't stop so much to look at the world ; )
3,685 ft
Cajón negro? | Villa la Angostura
Cartel contradictorio pero el sendero es evidente.
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