
Minyon Falls, NSW, Australia


Trail photos

Photo ofMinyon Falls, NSW, Australia Photo ofMinyon Falls, NSW, Australia Photo ofMinyon Falls, NSW, Australia


Trail stats

5.61 mi
Elevation gain
1,024 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,024 ft
Max elevation
1,222 ft
Min elevation
612 ft
Trail type
Moving time
one hour 53 minutes
3 hours 12 minutes
February 3, 2020
February 2020
Be the first to clap

near Upper Coopers Creek, New South Wales (Australia)

Viewed 159 times, downloaded 5 times

Trail photos

Photo ofMinyon Falls, NSW, Australia Photo ofMinyon Falls, NSW, Australia Photo ofMinyon Falls, NSW, Australia

Itinerary description

Beautiful track to visit the bottom of Minyon Falls, you walk through a tropical forest, covered by big trees, after this you have to cross a creek (easy to cross through the rocks) then turn left, you have to walk on a few rocks, and finally you'll see the bottom of the falls, it's an amazing spot.
Be aware of SNAKES, they can be in the shadow under the rocks; and carry with enough water (at least 1,5L), we did this track in summer but really early in the morning, and it's still very hot!
Bonito sendero para visitar la base de la cascada Minyon. Primero, atraviesas un bosque tropical frondoso, la mayor parte de la ruta discurre por este bosque. Tras ello, tienes que cruzar un arroyo (es fácil, saltando las rocas), y luego girar a la izquierda, donde pasarás un tramo por encima de rocas grandes hasta llegar a la base de las Minyon Falls.
Ten cuidado con las SERPIENTES, pueden estar escondidas en la zona sombría de debajo de las rocas. Lleva agua suficiente (al menos 1,5L), nosotros hicimos la ruta en verano pero por la mañana temprano, y aún así sigue haciendo muchísimo calor.


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