
Mezzanine Ridge (direct finish)


Trail photos

Photo ofMezzanine Ridge (direct finish) Photo ofMezzanine Ridge (direct finish) Photo ofMezzanine Ridge (direct finish)


Trail stats

7.43 mi
Elevation gain
3,793 ft
Technical difficulty
Very difficult
Elevation loss
3,793 ft
Max elevation
4,474 ft
Min elevation
756 ft
Trail type
Moving time
2 hours 19 minutes
7 hours 4 minutes
September 27, 2020
September 2020

near Barney View, Queensland (Australia)

Viewed 175 times, downloaded 16 times

Trail photos

Photo ofMezzanine Ridge (direct finish) Photo ofMezzanine Ridge (direct finish) Photo ofMezzanine Ridge (direct finish)

Itinerary description

This route will take you through a direct finish to the ridge, straight up the centre of the final cliff. Don't attempt this finish unless you are a confident and experienced scrambler/climber.

Follow the path to South Ridge until the route tells you to turn right up into the scrub (not far after a fork in the main track - take the right path at the fork to South Ridge). Bush bash steeply up, all the time staying on top of the crescent of the ridge.

When you hit a rock band, climb directly up this. On top is the start of the razorback. Enjoy the double sided exposure along the knife edge ridge. At the end of the ridge, you will have to down climb a few metres - look left for the path of least resistance.

Once the wonderful razorback is over, slog steeply up hill through the bush over loose terrain, generally staying on top(ish) of the ridge.

When you hit a cliff line, scramble up, over, and back down the very right edge of it (or simply just walk all the way around it to the right).

Slog and boulder hop up the hill until you hit the next cliff line. The standard way to overcome this obstacle is to navigate around it completely to the left. This route instead climbs directly up its centre. There is a left leaning weakness up the face with enough holds/smears on it. But, it is dirty and mossy, so care must be taken. About two thirds the way up the cliff, zig to the right along a dirty ledge, then just head up following the path of least resistance. The climbing on this face is harder than anything else on the route, so if you were challenged by the earlier sections of the route, climbing this face should not be attempted.

Once on top of the cliff, make a straight bee line for the East Summit. It's a choose your own adventure affair from here.

Once complete with the stunning summit selfies, descend via the South East Ridge.


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