
Markaj-Curraj i Epërm-Theth



Trail stats

21.83 mi
Elevation gain
9,869 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
7,982 ft
Max elevation
6,509 ft
25 5
Min elevation
559 ft
Trail type
One Way
August 20, 2016
August 2016
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near Aprip, Kukës (Albania)

Viewed 1454 times, downloaded 70 times

Itinerary description

Markaj-Curraj i Epërm-Lenght: 15 km, highest point 924 m, lowest point 174 m, time to go 6 hours. Curraj i Epërm-Theth-Lenght: 18 km, highest point 1912 m (Boshi Pass), lowest point 724 m (Curraj Eperm), time to go: 2 days.

Comments  (3)

  • Nicola perpepaj Apr 4, 2017

    I have followed this trail  View more

    Most beautiful and untouched place in Albania still no road for automobile and hope it never get built

  • Photo of Mendim
    Mendim Jan 8, 2018

    what about pictures? or never happened?

  • Nicole Farnsworth Jul 23, 2022

    Others who had travelled this trail and uploaded it to Wikiloc had provided very little information about this trail. Nor could I find accurate recent info about it when I went. Therefore here are some more detailed notes as of July 2022... The trail is very well marked (thanks to "The Czechs" as several people told me). There are only a couple places where I lost the trail after Curraj i Eperm due primarily to fall down or lack of markers, but it was easy to find again by following this Wikiloc trail with GPS. I started from the bridge below Curraj i Poshtem. From there, the trail is clearly used regularly to Curraj i Eperm. Its a climb up with excellent views of the vallies below. There are plenty of freshwater springs on this section so need to haul a lot of water. After Curraj i Eperm, the trail is obviously less used, with some sections fairly overgrown with ferns and trees, as well as several sections of falldown with large trees blocking the path. All are safely surmountable. There is almost no water between Qerec Mulaj (which is largely uninhabited) and Theth so take plenty. Also, although I did the entire path in one day, I would not recommend it as it makes for a very long day (for me with only two short breaks it was 6:30 am to 23) and approximately the last third I did in the dark with a headlamp, missing the views. Incredible wildflowers and views on top. Lots of evidence of bear activity so make some noise particularly if you go alone.... I rated it moderate as although it involves a lot of climbing, and, in my case, a long day, its not too technical aside from climbing over a bit of fall-down. Enjoy!

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