
Makra Peak - from Paye Meadows (Autumn attempt with the snow)


Trail photos

Photo ofMakra Peak - from Paye Meadows (Autumn attempt with the snow) Photo ofMakra Peak - from Paye Meadows (Autumn attempt with the snow) Photo ofMakra Peak - from Paye Meadows (Autumn attempt with the snow)


Trail stats

3.52 mi
Elevation gain
2,884 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
154 ft
Max elevation
12,655 ft
Min elevation
9,920 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
one hour 50 minutes
3 hours 37 minutes
November 1, 2021
October 2021

near Dhadre di Mahli, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan)

Viewed 835 times, downloaded 6 times

Trail photos

Photo ofMakra Peak - from Paye Meadows (Autumn attempt with the snow) Photo ofMakra Peak - from Paye Meadows (Autumn attempt with the snow) Photo ofMakra Peak - from Paye Meadows (Autumn attempt with the snow)

Itinerary description

We attempted and reached the summit successfully on October 31 2021.
It was autumn/Semi Winter attempt.
Shogran and Siri were completely clear.
Paye meadows was clear too, however there were small patched of snow.

Makra mountain was covered in snow. There were some clear patches but most of it was covered in 6 inches to 2 feet of snow.
There was no snow on the summit and on Kashmir side.

I would suggest to workout it out properly before you depart. Many paths leads to Makra and some are excessively time and energy consuming. As we were off to a wrong path, a local guy told us to go around the hills as it would save the energy and he was completely right. We met with crisp clear weather as against the notorious cloudy weather at Makra which causes people to lose trail and get separated from there groups. Usually on descend people get lost and sometime get injured too. Make sure a good coordination among group members to ensure safety.

It was amazing experience and one must try it during October or early November.

I went with a commercial tour operator.
You can read about my whole trip on my blog at following link.

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PictographWaypoint Altitude 9,967 ft
Photo ofFollow the old Jeep track

Follow the old Jeep track

Follow the old jeep track, don't climb upwards yet. Go left.

PictographPhoto Altitude 10,226 ft
Photo ofView of snow covered Makra

View of snow covered Makra

PictographWaypoint Altitude 10,456 ft
Photo ofGo right

Go right

Don't start hiking the way ahead, instead go right to find a much shorter route. The summit is not visible from here, it's on the right side.

PictographPanorama Altitude 10,945 ft
Photo ofMakra massif Photo ofMakra massif

Makra massif

A view of makra massif, and in shining needle in the right is the summit itself.

PictographRisk Altitude 10,935 ft
Photo ofSteep Ascend

Steep Ascend

Hiking up this steep terrain is bit risky.

PictographRisk Altitude 11,457 ft
Photo ofDangerous crossover

Dangerous crossover

Had to cross deeper snow with risk of slipping down towards my shadow. As you can see, my shadow has grown several meter tall.

PictographRisk Altitude 11,490 ft
Photo ofRock climbing

Rock climbing

To keep our swift rise towards summit, we had to climb over these rocks. I had two hiking sticks with me, managing which was a little issue.

PictographPanorama Altitude 11,726 ft
Photo ofPanoramic view of the ridge

Panoramic view of the ridge

A panoramic view after which everything was a lot more risky. Thankfully trail has already been broken. I moved forward by fitting my feet in the snow pockets.

PictographSummit Altitude 12,743 ft
Photo ofThe Summit Photo ofThe Summit Photo ofThe Summit

The Summit


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