
Maja e Korabit from Radomire (Albania)


Trail photos

Photo ofMaja e Korabit from Radomire (Albania) Photo ofMaja e Korabit from Radomire (Albania) Photo ofMaja e Korabit from Radomire (Albania)


Trail stats

13.12 mi
Elevation gain
4,941 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
4,941 ft
Max elevation
9,049 ft
41 4
Min elevation
4,175 ft
Trail type
10 hours 20 minutes
October 10, 2014
August 2014
  • Rating

  •   4 1 review

near Radomirë, Dibër (Albania)

Viewed 6338 times, downloaded 225 times

Trail photos

Photo ofMaja e Korabit from Radomire (Albania) Photo ofMaja e Korabit from Radomire (Albania) Photo ofMaja e Korabit from Radomire (Albania)

Itinerary description

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The track presents the route to Maje e Korabit, from the Albanian side. We approached the summit with the red-yellow-red route, while we were going down the fragment of Macedonia, and then more or less along the red-white-red route.

MAJA E KORABIT (Golem Korab) in a nutshell, or how to get it from the Albanian side:

- the starting point is Radomire, where both routes marked by PKA begin. There is a hotel, bar, it is possible to spend the night in the wild with access to drinking water;

- we recommend taking the summit from the west, and descending the eastern side through Macedonia;

- the distance (including overrun) is about 21 km; the transition time (along with rest, calm pace) is about 10h;

- if you have a GPS or a phone that reads tracks, we recommend downloading our footprint from acquiring Maja e Korabit, which should help you make your journey easier. Take into account, however, that the pastoral paths change every year and it may be that our track will drag you into some bushes. Consider it approximate, and you will definitely benefit from it (link to tracka below).

- there are no problems with access to water on the trails, but there is some BUT. In the Panair boiler, as well as in the Fusha Korabit valley, all streams are contaminated by animal feces, so under no circumstances should you fill up the liquids there !!

- if you encounter a flock of sheep (because there are dogs at most), try to be visible and make eye contact with the shepherd so that he can dismiss the dog if necessary. If there is no shepherd, and there is a dog, then buy stones or place trekking sticks at the ready. The shepherd's dogs are fortunately intelligent and they know what it means to tear off a camouflage.

Track presents a route to Maje e Korabit, from the albanian side. To the peak we follow the PKA - Polish Alpine Club, while we are going through the red and white trail.

MAJA E KORABIT (Golem Korab) how to get there from Albanian side:

- The starting point is in the town of Radomire, where they start both pathways labeled by PKA. There is a hotel, bar and the possibility of sleeping in the wild with access to potable water;

- We recommend that you climb the east side through Macedonia;

- Distance (along a vertical) is 21km; transition time (along with the rest, leisurely pace) is approx. 10h;

- If you have a GPS navigator or a phone that reads tracks tracks tracks Ma download our download our download our download our Ma our Ma our Ma our Ma our Ma our Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma. Maja e Korabit, who should help you on the journey. Bear in mind that the pastoral path changes every year. Think of it as an indication, even now.

- On the trails there are no problems with water, but it is certain BUT. In the Panair, as well as in the valley of Fusha Korabit all streams are contaminated by the faecal matter, so under no circumstances you should not drink it.

- Beware of sheepgods, which can be very aggresive!

Comments  (2)

  • mpazera Jul 24, 2018

    Zamierzamy pójść waszymi śladami na Korab :) Ściągam właśnie plik. Dam znać po powrocie jak wrażenia z trasy.

  • Photo of szoker
    szoker Sep 14, 2019

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    Staraliśmy się podążać wyznaczonym szlakiem, podana trasa na wikiloc była raczej orientacyjna, ale niestety szlak zgubiliśmy kilkukrotnie przez co straciliśmy dość dużo czasu i sił. Ostatecznie cała trasa zajęła nam 10:30h (zgubienie się, postoje i oczywiście najdłuższa przerwa na samym szczycie, więc i tak bardzo dobrze ;) ). Gorąco polecamy, widoki rekompensują całe zmęczenie :). Zdecydowanie radzimy zacząć trasę tzw. 'szlakiem hiszpańskim' (czerwono-żółto-czerwony; podejście bardziej strome), dłuższa trasa teoretycznie łatwiejsza, ale bardzo bardzo się dłuży, więc samo wejście mogłoby zniechęcić ;)

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