
Lerderderg State Park - Pyrete Range - Pyrites Creek


Trail photos

Photo ofLerderderg State Park - Pyrete Range - Pyrites Creek


Trail stats

8.63 mi
Elevation gain
758 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
758 ft
Max elevation
1,189 ft
Min elevation
675 ft
Trail type
3 hours 58 minutes
April 8, 2018
April 2018

near Coimadai, Victoria (Australia)

Viewed 807 times, downloaded 4 times

Trail photos

Photo ofLerderderg State Park - Pyrete Range - Pyrites Creek

Itinerary description

A walk with significant portions along the stream bed of Pyrites Creek, and the rest on trails and tracks. It should only be attempted after several weeks of dry weather, otherwise it will take much longer and involve a lot of walking through prickly scrub and crossing of the creek. Even in dry conditions, make sure to allow plenty of time as the stream bed is quite uneven.

Access is at the end of Antimony Mine Road, the end of which is unmade and quite corrugated at the moment. Start off through the gate going north along Antimony Mine Track, walk through another gate and past the return track on the left then head left a bit less then 1km later on an unmarked track. There is an interesting bridge made from concrete reinforcing mesh to walk across on the way down to the creek.

Navigation is tricky - the stream bed gets blocked with trees after heavy rain, and so no two walks will be the same. When exiting the stream at the south-west corner of the walk there is an orange triangle on a tree on the bank on the left that marks the point, but this is easy to miss. There are occasional orange markers along this return track, but there is one point where a newer vehicle track diverges to the right (south) up a hill where it is important to instead follow the faint foot trail, and there is currently no marker at this point.


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