



Trail stats

5.11 mi
Elevation gain
1,834 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
171 ft
Max elevation
3,379 ft
26 3.7
Min elevation
1,716 ft
Trail type
One Way
August 21, 2013
  • Rating

  •   3.7 2 Reviews
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near Lavelanet, Midi-Pyrénées (France)

Viewed 1447 times, downloaded 23 times

Itinerary description

Cette balade est interesante pour les grands randoneurs car la montée est très rude et au retour c'est pas mieux pour la déscente.


PictographPhoto Altitude 3,432 ft

Château de Montsegur

Comments  (2)

  • Supervet Feb 1, 2014


    I have followed this trail  View more

    I did this on 1st February 2014, wet, cold but great fun. At this time of year a great deal of the path is like a stream or very wet. It's very rocky, slippery and tricky for a lot of the way so make sure you have safety back up for accidents. Suitable for a mountain goat like me but I don't advise trying it if you're not agile. The path is easy to follow with one mentionable uphill. When you hit the road turn left, then right for 30 metres to refind the path.

  • Photo of Puji72
    Puji72 Sep 6, 2024


    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    Hem seguit aquesta ruta a través del teu track però també seguint la senyalació i marques que hi ha en el camí anomenat "Le sentier des tisserands" o Sender de les Teixidores. Molt fàcil seguir malgrat en alguns trams de la vall el camí està bastant cobert de vegetació (ortigues!!!) que fa recomanable anar en pantaló llarg.
    La ruta la classificaria de dificultat moderate si sou persones acostumades a fer excursions per mitja o alta muntanya.

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