
Las Rocas Trail


Trail photos

Photo ofLas Rocas Trail


Trail stats

0.29 mi
Elevation gain
0 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
95 ft
Max elevation
180 ft
Min elevation
62 ft
Trail type
One Way
May 28, 2010
May 2010
Be the first to clap

near Agua Buena, Puntarenas (Costa Rica)

Viewed 1330 times, downloaded 8 times

Trail photos

Photo ofLas Rocas Trail

Itinerary description

Distance: 0.4 Km.
Difficulty: Easy
Duration: 15 Min

Branching off from the Terciopelo Trail as an alternate route to Piro beach, Sendero Las Rocas shares many of the same characteristics. The trail is 0.45 km and ends in an often flooded area dominated by spiny palms (Bactris major) between the forest and the beach. Depending on the tide and the course of the Piro River, the water level can reach 40-100 cm. The trail ends near a rocky outcropping where temporary tidal ponds form, allowing you to see interesting marine invertebrates. Locals often fish on these rocks, but you should be very careful when the tide is rising, as powerful crashing waves make this a potentially dangerous pastime.
between the forest and the beach. Depending on the tide and the course of the Piro River, the water level can reach 40-100 cm. The trail ends near a rocky outcropping where temporary tidal ponds form, allowing you to see interesting marine invertebrates. Locals often fish on these rocks, but you should be very careful when the tide is rising, as powerful crashing waves make this a potentially dangerous pastime.

This trail is part of the Osa Biodiversity Center hiking trail system.

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