
Lares trek 3D/2N day 1 (Huaran to Cancha Cancha)



Trail stats

5.01 mi
Elevation gain
2,858 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
89 ft
Max elevation
12,888 ft
30 4.7
Min elevation
10,167 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
one hour 46 minutes
3 hours 18 minutes
May 17, 2018
May 2018
  • Rating

  •   4.7 1 review
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near Tajllapatamojo, Cusco (Peru)

Viewed 645 times, downloaded 25 times

Itinerary description

Lares trek with SAM Travel in May 2018
The first day we arrive by can to Huaran and go up to Cancha Cancha where we camp for the night.
The standard plan is to eat half way but we do the whole distance in the morning, stopping for pictures and snacks. Not very difficult. Nice walk most of the time by a river. High mountain only at the end, many trees during the walk (all the time up).
After lunch we go for a walk up in the area around the town without the guide (nothing else to do there), which was very nice. Some houses, lamas, more water courses.

Comments  (1)

  • Carla-Kna Jan 21, 2020

    I have followed this trail  View more

    It is possible to do this trek on your own: I did it in January 2020 and asked in the town of Huaran wether anyone would be able to borrow us a horse and walk with us to Quishuarani, camping one night in Cancha Cancha. We found very quickly somone that agreed for 60 soles a day (not including tips) and started the trek two days later. We took the whole food & camping equipment needed for the time in our backpacks which were brought by the horse to the destination. The person with the horse stayed with a person they knew in Cancha Cancha and drooped our baggage the next day in Quishuarani where we picked it up and followed to path to the main road leading to lares where we eventually took a collective to Lares. It is a very nice trek that is easy to follow if you have the gpx track. But you should anyhow be an experienced hiker and have good gear.

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