
LANGTANG CIRCUIT: circular route from Syabrubesi by Tserko Ri, Ganja La 5.183 and Goisankund NEPAL


Trail photos

Photo ofLANGTANG CIRCUIT: circular route from Syabrubesi by Tserko Ri, Ganja La 5.183 and Goisankund NEPAL Photo ofLANGTANG CIRCUIT: circular route from Syabrubesi by Tserko Ri, Ganja La 5.183 and Goisankund NEPAL Photo ofLANGTANG CIRCUIT: circular route from Syabrubesi by Tserko Ri, Ganja La 5.183 and Goisankund NEPAL


Trail stats

74.13 mi
Elevation gain
31,860 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
31,844 ft
Max elevation
16,974 ft
87 4.7
Min elevation
4,709 ft
Trail type
12 days 5 hours 42 minutes
January 1, 2013
October 2012
  • Rating

  •   4.7 6 Reviews

near Shyaphru, Central Region (Nepal)

Viewed 13909 times, downloaded 539 times

Trail photos

Photo ofLANGTANG CIRCUIT: circular route from Syabrubesi by Tserko Ri, Ganja La 5.183 and Goisankund NEPAL Photo ofLANGTANG CIRCUIT: circular route from Syabrubesi by Tserko Ri, Ganja La 5.183 and Goisankund NEPAL Photo ofLANGTANG CIRCUIT: circular route from Syabrubesi by Tserko Ri, Ganja La 5.183 and Goisankund NEPAL

Itinerary description

[text in catalan & english]


Ruta circular de 120km que recorre els llocs més clàssics i interessant del Parc Nacional de Langtang. L´he anomenat Langtang Circuit donat que dóna una volta sencera. És una suma dels trekkings:

1.Langtang valley (3.600m)
2.Ganja La (5.183m)
3.Goisankund (4.600m)

Hi ha lodges en tot el itinerari excepte en la part del Ganja La, on cal portar tenda de campanya per un parell o tres de nits. Al Ganja La (5.183m) pot requerir l´ús de grampons, sobretot en la pujada pel vessant nord.


Dia1: Syabrubesi - Rimche
Dist. 10,9 km
Desn. + 1.100 m / -100 m
Temps: 5h45

Dia2: Rimche - Langtang
Dist. 12,6 km
Desn. +1.120 m / -170 m
Temps. 6h15

Dia3: Langtang - Kyangin Gompa
Dist. 6,7 km
Desn. +420 m / -20 m
Temps. 2h15

Dia4: Tserko Ri
Dist. 10 km
Desn. +/- 1.135 m
Temps. 5h30

Dia5: Kyangin Gompa - Naya Kanga BC
Dist. 4 km
Desn. +540 m / -100 m
Temps. 2h30

Dia6: Naya Kanga BC - Keldang
Dist. 10 km
Desn. +930 m / -970 m
Temps. 2h15

Dia7: Keldang - Dhukpu
Dist. 7,5 km
Desn. +360 m / -560 m
Temps. 3h30

Dia8: Dhukpu - Tarkeghyang
Dist. 11,1 km
Desn. +350 m / -1.870 m
Temps. 5h45

Dia9: Tarkeghyang - Melanchigaon
Dist. 6,7 km
Desn. +630 m / -690 m
Temps. 3h30

Dia10: Melanchigaon - Gopte
Dist. 8,2 km
Desn. +1.250 m / -400 m
Temps. 5h30

Dia11: Gopte - Goisankund
Dist. 11,2 km
Desn. +1.530 m / - 510 m
Temps. 6h30

Dia12: Goisankund - Thulo Syabru
Dist. 8,9 km
Desn. +40 m / -1.150 m
Temps. 3h

Dia13: Thulo Syabru - Suabrubesi
Dist. 11,7 km
Desn. +60 m / -1.900 m
Temps. 6h15

De Kàtmandu surten 2/3 autobusos en direcció Dunche ben aviat pel matí. Aproximadament surten a les 6:30h-7:30h-8h. La parada dels busos a Langtang
(GPS 45R 332964 3069049) surten de prop de la Central Bus Station, al nord de Kàtmandu (taxi 200-300Rp).

El bus triga unes 8-10h per fer poc més de 100km. Solen parar a esmorzar i/o dinar. Pot ser que el bus només vagi a Dunche, i allí s´hagi de fer transbord a un altre bus que porti fins a Syabrubesi.

El trekking el podem dividir en 3 parts diferenciades.

1. La primera és l´anomenat clàssicament com a Langtang trek (etapes 1-4). En aquest tram,no trobem cap dificultat tret del guany d´alçada, sobretot la pujada al Tserko Ri, que és fàcil, però on es guanyen 1000m de desnivell en poca estona, fet que pot provocar mal d´alçada.

2. La segona part del trekking seria la del Ganja La (etapes 5-8). És aquí on trobem les dificultats del circuit. Durant aquests 3-4 dies no trobarem cap allotjament. Haurem de portar tenda i menjar per tots els dies. La pujada al Ganja La pot requerir l´ús de grampons. A l´octubre, que és quan vam fer aquesta ruta, hi havia neu dura en un parell de trams. Una persona del grup els va fer servir, uns metres, mentre que l´altre integrant va poder passar sense dificultats. Tot depèn de la experiència de cadascú en l´ús dels grampons. Durant la primavera és possible que hi hagi més neu.

Cal parar atenció a les temperatures. A principis d´octubre vam tenir:
Naya Kanga BC 4.300m: -8ºC
Campament alt sud (5.000m): -15ºC
Keldang (4.300m): vam dormir al campament alt, a les roques
Dhukpu 4.100m: -6ºC

3. La última part del circuit (etapes 9-13) correspon al trekking del Goisankund, on podem trobar de nou, allotjaments i restaurants durant les jornades que resten, ja sense cap mena de dificultat.

Una altra manera de fer el circuit seria sortint des de Timbu, al sud de Tarkeghyang (3-4h a peu). Des d´aquesta població es pot començar la volta tant en sentit horari (Timbu-Melanchigaon-Goisankund-Thulo Syabru-Lama Hotel-Langtang-Kyangin Gompa-Ganja La-Tarkeghyang-Timbu) com a l´invers.

L´avantatge d´aquesta opció és l´estalvi d´hores de bus, ja que Timbu es troba més a prop de Kàtmandu que no pas Syabrubesi.

Per contra, si fem el circuit en el sentit horari (més lògic per anar aclimatant correctament, i emprendre el Ganja La aclimatats correctament) haurem de carregar durant més dies tot allò que necessitem per als 4 dies de càmping (gas, menjar, màfega...)


It´s a 120km circular route that runs through the most traditional and interesting Langtang National Park. I've been called Langtang circuit that gives a full turn.

All the circuit it is a sum of three different treks:
1.Langtang valley (3.600m)
2.Ganja (5.183m)
3.Goisankund (4.600m)

There are lodges throughout the tour except the part of the Ganja La, where we bring tent for two or three nights. The Ganja La (5.183m) may require the use of crampons, especially in the north side climb. We climb it in october and found not enought snow to use crampons.


Stage1: Syabrubesi - Rimche
Dist. 10,9 km
Desn. + 1.100 m / -100 m
Temps: 5h45

Stage2: Rimche - Langtang
Dist. 12,6 km
Desn. +1.120 m / -170 m
Temps. 6h15

Stage3: Langtang - Kyangin Gompa
Dist. 6,7 km
Desn. +420 m / -20 m
Temps. 2h15

Stage4: Tserko Ri
Dist. 10 km
Desn. +/- 1.135 m
Temps. 5h30

Stage5: Kyangin Gompa - Naya Kanga BC
Dist. 4 km
Desn. +540 m / -100 m
Temps. 2h30

Stage6: Naya Kanga BC - Keldang
Dist. 10 km
Desn. +930 m / -970 m
Temps. 2h15

Stage7: Keldang - Dhukpu
Dist. 7,5 km
Desn. +360 m / -560 m
Temps. 3h30

Stage8: Dhukpu - Tarkeghyang
Dist. 11,1 km
Desn. +350 m / -1.870 m
Temps. 5h45

Stage9: Tarkeghyang - Melanchigaon
Dist. 6,7 km
Desn. +630 m / -690 m
Temps. 3h30

Stage10: Melanchigaon - Gopte
Dist. 8,2 km
Desn. +1.250 m / -400 m
Temps. 5h30

Stage11: Gopte - Goisankund
Dist. 11,2 km
Desn. +1.530 m / - 510 m
Temps. 6h30

Stage12: Goisankund - Thulo Syabru
Dist. 8,9 km
Desn. +40 m / -1.150 m
Temps. 3h

Stage13: Thulo Syabru - Suabrubesi
Dist. 11,7 km
Desn. +60 m / -1.900 m
Temps. 6h15

From Kathamndu thera are 2/3 Buses every morning to Dunche. Thet leave approximately between 6:30 pm-7: 8h-30h.

The buses stop for Langtang (GPS 45R 332964 3069049) depart from near the Central Bus Station, north of Kathmandu (taxi 200-300Rp). The bus takes about 8-10am for just over 100km. They usually stop for breakfast and / or lunch. Maybe the bus run only to Dunche, and there may have to change to another bus to take Syabrubesi.

The trekking can be divided into three parts.

1. The first is called the classic trek to Langtang (stages 1-4). In this section, we find no difficulty unless the gain high, rising above the Tserko Ri, which is easy, but earn on 1000m altitude in short, which may cause altitude sickness.

2. The second part of the trek would be the Ganja La (stages 5-8). That is where the difficulty of the circuit. During these 3-4 days will not find any accommodation. We carry and store food every day. The climb of the Ganja may require the use of crampons. In October, when we did this route was snow lasts a couple of sections. One of us used them during few meters, while the other member could pass without it. It all depends on the experience of everyone in the use of crampons. During the spring it is possible that there is more snow.

Pay attention to the temperature. In early October we had the following temperatures:

Naya Kanga BC 4.300m -8 º C
South High Camp (5,000 m): -15 ° C
Keldang (4.300m) slept in the camp high on the rocks
Dhukpu 4.100m -6 º C

3. The last part of the loop (steps 9-13) corresponds to the Goisankund trek where we can find lodgings and restaurants without any difficulty since the end of the trek.

Another way to make the circuit would be leaving from Timbu, south Tarkeghyang (3-4hrs walk). From this population may begin around both clockwise (Timbu-Melanchigaon-Goisankund-Thula Syabru Lama Hotel-Langtang Ganja Kyangin Gompa-the-Tarkeghyang-Timbu) or inverse.

The advantage of this option is saving hours bus as Timbu is closer to Kathmandu than Syabrubesi. Conversely, if we do the circuit clockwise (logical acclimating to take the Ganja La acclimated correctly) we charged many days everything needed for the four days of camping (gas, food, matress...)


PictographMountain pass Altitude 11,342 ft

Ama Yangri pass

PictographMountain hut Altitude 6,280 ft
Photo ofBridge.River Side Lodge

Bridge.River Side Lodge

PictographCampsite Altitude 16,391 ft
Photo ofCampament Rock

Campament Rock

PictographCampsite Altitude 13,458 ft
Photo ofDhukpu (camp without water)

Dhukpu (camp without water)

PictographMountain pass Altitude 17,005 ft
Photo ofGanja La 5.183m Photo ofGanja La 5.183m Photo ofGanja La 5.183m

Ganja La 5.183m

PictographMountain hut Altitude 9,797 ft


PictographMountain hut Altitude 11,253 ft
Photo ofGhopte


PictographMountain hut Altitude 14,554 ft
Photo ofGoisankund


PictographMountain hut Altitude 14,104 ft
Photo ofKeldang Photo ofKeldang Photo ofKeldang


PictographMountain hut Altitude 12,638 ft
Photo ofKiangyn Gompa

Kiangyn Gompa

PictographMountain hut Altitude 8,110 ft
Photo ofLama Hotel

Lama Hotel

PictographMountain hut Altitude 11,319 ft
Photo ofLangtang


PictographMountain hut Altitude 13,061 ft


PictographMountain pass Altitude 15,249 ft
Photo ofLaurebina pass 4.648m

Laurebina pass 4.648m

PictographMountain hut Altitude 8,287 ft
Photo ofMelanchigaon


PictographCampsite Altitude 14,147 ft
Photo ofNaya Kanga BC

Naya Kanga BC

PictographCampsite Altitude 16,145 ft
Photo ofNaya Kanga C1

Naya Kanga C1

PictographBridge Altitude 12,392 ft
Photo ofPont metal.lic

Pont metal.lic

PictographMountain hut Altitude 8,156 ft
Photo ofRimchhe


PictographMountain hut Altitude 10,902 ft
Photo ofSingh Gompa

Singh Gompa

PictographCar park Altitude 4,793 ft
Photo ofSyabrubesi bus stop

Syabrubesi bus stop

PictographMountain hut Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofTarkeghyang


PictographMountain hut Altitude 11,942 ft


PictographMountain hut Altitude 7,369 ft
Photo ofThulo Syabru

Thulo Syabru

PictographSummit Altitude 16,365 ft
Photo ofTserko Ri 4.988m

Tserko Ri 4.988m

Comments  (32)

  • Photo of hikehimalayas
    hikehimalayas Feb 19, 2013

    Langtang Valley Trek

    Langtang is a narrow valley that lies just south of the Tibetan-border. It is sandwiched between the main Himalayan range to the north and a slightly lower range of snowy peaks to the south. A trek to the Langtang Valley offers an opportunity to explore ethnic villages, climb small peaks and visit glaciers at comfortably low elevations.

    Day 01: Drive Kathmandu to Dhunche (1,950m)
    Day 02: Trek to Syabru Village (2087m)
    Day 03: Trek to Lama hotel (2280)
    Day 04: Trek to to Langtang
    Day 05: Trek to Kyanjing gompa (3700m)
    Day 06: Trek to Yala-Kyanjin Gompa (Rest Day)
    Day 07: Trek to Lama Hotel
    Day 08: Trek to Syabru Besi
    Day 09: Drive Syabru Besi to Kathmandu

  • Photo of Wonho Shin
    Wonho Shin May 13, 2013

    대단합니다. 간자라 패스를 넘다니, 저로서는 힘이 납니다.

  • Photo of Albert F.
    Albert F. May 13, 2013

    감사합니다. 당신이 길을 좋아 희망

  • Photo of Wonho Shin
    Wonho Shin May 13, 2013

    I have a Questions.
    1. Ganja-Ra passed without Porter?
    2. How feeling about Ganja-Ra difficult passing?
    3. How supplied food?

    Thank you~

  • Photo of Albert F.
    Albert F. May 13, 2013


    1.Yes, we passed Ganja La without porter. Coming from Kyanjin Gompa the climb is little more difficult that reverse. But no special skills necessary.

    2. Not difficult. We passed in october, only few snow just in the pass. No scramble, no climb, but be careful in the last meters before de pass.

    3. We bought some noddles and biscuits in Kyanjin gompa. We bring the stove and gas cartridges from Kathmandu. It´s enough for 2-3 days without lodges in this part of the route.


  • Photo of Wonho Shin
    Wonho Shin May 13, 2013

    Thanks for your help~

  • Photo of Wonho Shin
  • Giako Oct 7, 2013

    Hi Afalqo,
    I have two questions about the part without accommodation of the Ganaja-La track.
    1. Did you carry a tend with you from the begging of the track or you rent it at the last village before the 3/4 days without accommodation?
    2. Have hear of anyone doing it in January?
    Thanks for your help.

  • Photo of Albert F.
    Albert F. Oct 7, 2013


    I carried a tent from Syabrubesi. In Kyangin Gompa is very difficult if not impossible rent a tent, so i recomment you bring one from the start of the trek.

    In Naya Kanga BC there is nothing, but in Keldang you can sleep in a very basic sheperd´s hut.

    No news from anybody passing Ganja La in january, but maybe will be full of snow.

  • Photo of mademir
  • Photo of hikehimalayas
  • Photo of subashpaudyal
    subashpaudyal Nov 9, 2014

    Loving Track but I was only possible to reach upto Kyanjin Gompa due to avalance during my visit (Nov, 2014)...

    Will try again in future, if time gives to complete the circuit...

  • Photo of José Rolo de Sousa
    José Rolo de Sousa Jan 9, 2015

    Muito interessante. Belas fotos.

  • Photo of VaSivinayak
    VaSivinayak Jan 18, 2015

    wow.. so beautiful trails. . like your gallery..

  • Photo of Wonho Shin
    Wonho Shin Feb 4, 2015

    I have followed this trail  View more


  • evewen Feb 27, 2016

    Hi, Daquiaqui:
    First of all, thanks very much for sharing this track, with all the explanations and answered questions!
    1) I'm planning to do this route in May-June, which it isn't probably the best time. Anyway, you have said that it's not very difficult, no any special skill required, so I suposse you didn't use ropes, secure yourselves or similar, did you?
    2) Is there any place in Granja La part (days 5-8) where you were able to take some water, or did you have to bring the water for the 4 days from the beggining, from Kyangin Gompa?
    3) Any problem or consideration about camping? Was it easy to find places to set the tent?

    Again, thank you for all your sharing and information ;)

  • Photo of Albert F.
    Albert F. Feb 28, 2016

    Hi Eve

    1) We did not use any special equipment or ropes, nothing special. While carrying crampons all of us, only one use it. We found a short part of hard snow with steps carved in the snow, at least, in october.

    2) You'll find water in the way to Naya Kanga BC and in the BC of course. Naya Kanga BC is a very cold place to stay, but with water. After Ganja La you'll find water at the high aprox. 4.900 after the pass in several places. In fact, we camp here after climb the pass. We found water in Keldang, where there is a shepperd barrack where sleep is you want.

    In Dukpu we didn't found water, but we collect ir from some recent snow. Maybe in may you will find snow on the way from where melt water.

    We found also some water between Dukpu and Tarkehgyang (see waypoint day 8

    After Ama Yangri you will find water easily.

    3) No problems to find camps sites along the way unless the water. From Keldang to Takeghyand is a long way but possible.

    Maybe is a good idea to walk all the way in one day. After the earthquake maybe the way have change.

    No dubt for any more question.


  • evewen Feb 29, 2016

    Hi again, Albert
    Thank you very much, very helpful information =)
    About Keldang, actually I had read in an earlier comment of you that there was a basic hut - but do you consider possible to do Kyangin Gompa - Keldang, and Keldang - Tarkeghyang another day? The second day seems hard, not because of the distance, but of the altitude you lose. And I was also considering to do the Tserko Ri the day before Kyangin Gompa - Keldang... But not having to carry a tent would be quite good, and .I guess I could take a resting day in Kuangin
    About the earthquate, I have asked to people in Nepal and it seems that the situation it's allright in the area - and sure they'll thank tourism!
    Again, thanks a lot for answering these and other questions. I personally appreciate so much the information :)

  • Photo of Senderisme en tren
    Senderisme en tren Mar 1, 2016

    Hola Janire,

    No sé que hacemos hablando en inglés si creo que podemos hacerlo mejor (en mi caso seguro) en español.

    Hacer el Tserko ri el dia antes del collado puede ser duro, aunque la jornada siguiente entre Kyangin Gompa i Naya Kanga BC es corta (4km, tardamos 2h30min). El dia que acampamos allí, vimos un grupo haciendo bivac (en oct. tuvimos -8ºC) que luego durmieron en la cabaña de Keldang (mira fotos). Desde Keldang es un largo camino hasta Tarkeghyang, pero es una buena opción si quieres evitar de cargar una tienda.

    Tambien tienes la opción de subir desde Kyangin Gompa al Naya Kanga C1 (4.900m), aunque no soluciona demasiado la división de las etapas. Es un lugar muy frio, pero con agua.

    Foto de la cabaña:
    Fot interior cabaña:

    This is a message in Spanish. Sorry if you do not understand it.


  • evewen Mar 1, 2016

    Hola Albert,
    Te estaba contestando en inglés porque pensé que preferías dejar todo escrito así, yo también más cómodo en español :)
    Con esas dos posibilidades (refugio y vivaqueo en una mala), creo que descarto la tienda, es un peso considerable.
    Muchas gracias por las respuestas, ¡y por la ruta en sí! Es la que mejor pinta tiene de las que hay por la zona, se agradece todo el trabajo de compartirla.
    Un saludo,

  • Photo of Senderisme en tren
    Senderisme en tren Mar 2, 2016


    Ten en cuanta y asegurate bien que la barraca esta en pie después del terremoto.

    Te gustará el Langtang, ruta variada, y más 'alpina' que por ejemplo Annapurna.

    Feliz ruta

  • evewen Mar 6, 2016

    Sí, tengo un contacto en Kathmandu y le preguntaré qué sabe al respecto. Cuando vuelva de la Rosa, podré compartir qué tal está todo allí =)
    Precisamente quería ir a Langtang para diputados de algo más rural y no tan "mascado" como la ruta del Annapurna.
    ¡Gracias por todo, Albert, un abrazo!

  • evewen Nov 29, 2016

    Hola Albert,
    Finalmente no subí a Ganja La. Comento en la valoración en inglés por si ayuda a alguien, pero básicamente nadie por la zona me pudo asegurar que el refugio siguiera en pie y dados los daños en la zona, lo consideré bastante improbable. Además a finales de mayo la niebla y precipitaciones son constantes, y no sabía cómo sería arriba el estado de la nieve pero no eran las condiciones más idóneas. Opté por volver y subir a Thulo Syabru y a Goisaikunda. Me quedé a las puerta de entrar a la zona de Helambu, donde volvían a pedir pagar algunos permisos (no mucho, unas 500 rupias).

    Gracias por todas tus indicaciones y la ruta, una vez más ;)

  • evewen Nov 29, 2016

    I have followed this trail  View more

    I did partially this route during the second half of may, 2016.

    I reached to Kyanjin Gompa, there stayed one day and climb to Tserko Ri, but then came back and went to Thulo Syabru. There I took the path to Goisaikunda.

    In may of 2016 there was still a lot of work to do in the reconstruction for the area. A lot of locals lost their relatives (specially in Langtang town, where very few survived), houses and hotels. Destruction and pain are notorius. Good reason to go and leave money when nepali people more need it; they will welcome you and appreciate your stay.

    Until Kyangin Gompa and on the way to Goisaikunda (the part I did), it's easy to follow the path. There are different hotels to stay except in Langtang town, no problem about making your own day-to-day route. Just consider that on may 2016 some places were still lacking of electricity -but some places have solar panels. So there was no WiFi most of the time and is convenient to brign a battery for charging your lamps, mobiles, etc. But apart from that, everything you can need. (In Syabrubeshi no problem around WiFi and electricity)

    As you can read in the previous comments and Daquiaqui description, there was a shelter where you could sleep during the Ganja La Pass. When I went to Langtang, I asked to locals and nobody was able to confirmed me if this construction was still up -but considering the damage in the area, I think that probably fell down. Maybe it has been reconstructed or they are going to rebuild it; be sure if you are planning to use it during your trip.

    I highly recommend this area to enjoy a less massified route, be in contact with the locals and a people a little more influence of the tibetan culture. Also incredible views and landscape. Probably because of the season, but I also enjoyed a lot the vegetation (forest in the way to Langtang) and fauna.

  • Photo of Senderisme en tren
    Senderisme en tren Nov 30, 2016

    Hola Janire,

    Gracias por informarnos sobre el estado de de la situación del valle después del terremoto. Esperemos que se recupere pronto y la gente vuelva a visitar un vella que me encantó.

    Muchas gracias por todo

  • pethr Jan 14, 2017

    I have followed this trail  View more

    We started Sundarijal and ended the trek in Timbu (also possible in Tarke Gyang these days as there is a daily bus going there). This way you cut out a lot of hours on crazy buses. They say this way the trek is harder because of altitude gain, it is not true and with some planing and taking it easy towards Laurebina la you can do it easily.

    We did it in 17 days independently without a guide or porter in the second half of November. The weather was clear all the way with no snow in either pass.

    Ganja la was not easy, especially finding the path towards the top. In 2016, the pass was accessible by a series of ladders which makes it easier (or not) to go over.

    After we left the river under Ganja la there was no water along the path all the way to Tarke Gyang so plan accordingly (we were told you can find some going down into the valley etc.).

  • Photo of Senderisme en tren
    Senderisme en tren Jan 14, 2017

    Thanks a lot pethr for your comments.

    Best regargds

  • Photo of excellenthimal
    excellenthimal Jun 3, 2021

    Thanks for the descriptive detail of Langtang Trek. This page link mentioned Langtang Valley trek length in miles. Hope it will be useful for the reader.

  • Photo of excellenthimal
    excellenthimal Jun 3, 2021

    I have followed this trail  View more

    Thank you for the useful detail of Langtang Trek. I have also done the Langtang trek in 2012. I detailed my trek information with distance in this page: /

  • joey weiss Jan 26, 2022

    Holaa Albert,
    Soc Joey i m'agradaria parlar amb tu sobre aquesta ruta!
    Moltes gracias!

  • Photo of Albert F.
    Albert F. Jan 26, 2022

    Hola joey,

    Em pots enviar un missatge intern i en parlem.



  • Photo of mountain.angel
    mountain.angel Jan 17, 2024


You can or this trail