
Lake Tekapo - Mt John [14/04/2017]


Trail photos

Photo ofLake Tekapo - Mt John [14/04/2017] Photo ofLake Tekapo - Mt John [14/04/2017] Photo ofLake Tekapo - Mt John [14/04/2017]


Trail stats

7.66 mi
Elevation gain
1,450 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,450 ft
Max elevation
3,419 ft
Min elevation
2,336 ft
Trail type
5 hours 17 minutes
April 20, 2017
April 2017

near Lake Tekapo, Canterbury (New Zealand)

Viewed 1452 times, downloaded 72 times

Trail photos

Photo ofLake Tekapo - Mt John [14/04/2017] Photo ofLake Tekapo - Mt John [14/04/2017] Photo ofLake Tekapo - Mt John [14/04/2017]

Itinerary description

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Route from the village of Lake Tekapo to Mt John, through the Visitor Information Center, the western part of Mt John Walkway, and the Mt John Observatory on the outward journey, and on the east side of Mt John Walkay (near the Lake Tekapo) on the way back.
The route begins at one of the first car parks in the village of Lake Tekapo, located just south of the same lake. Before going to Mt John, go through the Visitor Information Center to collect information about the route, and then take the direction of the Domain Road, parallel to the shores of the lake. Immediately Lake Tekapo is observed and some birds scourge the earth. At the beginning of the route, a thick fog makes the guitza and prevents to see Mt John and the extension of the same lake. However, the route continues with some informative sign on the Lake Tekapo Power Station, which uses water, and a beautiful pine forest between Lake Tekapo Holiday Park and the lake. Continuing along the asphalted track, you immediately reach the Tekapo Springs, a recreation center with hot water pools. In this point there are some informative posters on the routes of the area, and also a poster that indicates the beginning of the Mt John Walkway, which is circular. The posters also indicate the hours of the Astro Café, the coffee that is on the top. Taking the detour of the left, then, passing through the Tekapo Springs, the climb to Mt John begins, which is done only by careful paths. It does not take long to get the first height view of the village of Lake Tekapo and the same lake, still in the fog, fortunately. At this point, the path goes to the left for a giragonsa and is basically dedicated to climbing the summit, making a steep climb. When arriving to the top, a first sign indicates the fork of the path that turns into a small circuit that surrounds the top. By taking the path on the left you reach the cafe and the top car park, as indicated by a second poster later. Near the parking lot, a sign informs you about the routes, fauna and flora of the area, and another indicates that here is also the Mt John Observatory, an astronomical observatory of the University of Canterbury. Although the initial fog has become a thin rain that blends clothes and blurs the landscape, still some interesting elements of the observatory can be observed, such as a sundial and a carved compass on the stone that indicates the directions from various places in South Island of New Zealand. At the top of Mt John, then, he decides to stop while waiting for rain to flow.
Seeing that the fog does not stop making the guitza, it is decided to continue the route advancing by the Mt John Walkway. Before completing the small summit circuit, there is an informative poster on the Maori legend that explains the creation of Lake Tekapo by Rākaihautū, but just where the circuit is completed are other indicative and informative posters about how it was actually created Lake Tekapo and Lake Alexandrina (on the other side of the Mt John) from the melting of glaciers, as well as how the effect of the successive ages of ice also sculpted the same Mt John. A few meters from this point, however, the fog spreads a little and it seems that the shape of the Lake Tekapo is guessed to the right. Even with little hope, it is going on until, at a point where you have to jump a fence on a small scale, the fog seems to be completely dissipated and a magnificent landscape is opened in front. You can see the whole extent of Lake Tekapo (still with low clouds that disappear), the summit of Mt John, and even Lake McGregor in the north. Taking advantage of this gift, it is decided to temporarily return to the summit of Mt John to observe, now, the magnificent surroundings, including the town to the south, the background mountains, and Lake Alexandrina to the northwest, which was previously not visible. Returning to the point where it has dropped, you reach the northern end of the Mt John Walkway, where the views of the Lake Tekapo are more central, and where the Motuariki Island is clearly seen, inside the lake, and the Two Thumb Range range, including Mt Edward, which is just at this height perpendicular to the length of the lake. From here, the route is much closer to the shores of the lake while the eastern part of Mt John Walkway is being researched, finding some indicative sign. When arriving again near the Tekapo Springs, the circular route ends, not without first being able to get close to the lake to enjoy the views of the water, including the beach of stones and some birds that The feet are soaked, such as what are probably a pair of Paradise Shelduck, some ducks that are characterized by the different color of the head depending on their genus (white females, black males). As the light falls, the lake images with the silhouettes of birds look like a postcard. Now, from here and without fog, the view of Mt John, or that of Lake Tekapo in lull with the Two Thumb Range background (even observing the Sibbald Range, much more to the north) are much clearer and more visible . Finally, you reach the car park where the car was left, the starting point of this route.
It is a simple and well-indicated route, where the only difficult point is perhaps the beginning of the climb, which has a strong slope. Aside from this rising stretch, which is quite shady, the rest of the route passes through peat areas. The route has height views from Mt John, where there is a cafe where they sell drinks and snacks, as well as views of the lake, since half of the route passes near the shore. In short, if the weather conditions do not prevent it, as has been the case in this case, the route allows you to enjoy spectacular views of the Lake Tekapo environment, with the mountainous landscape typical of the area, and with the calm They always offer the waters of a calm lake. The fact that an astronomical observatory of the University of Canterbury has also been established at Mt John John John makes us think that the area must be really quiet, and that from that point on, the stars must do a great deal of joy.


PictographCar park Altitude 2,385 ft
Photo ofAparcament a l'inici del poble

Aparcament a l'inici del poble

Aparcament a l'inici del poble

PictographInformation point Altitude 2,408 ft
Photo ofCentre d'informació per a visitants Photo ofCentre d'informació per a visitants Photo ofCentre d'informació per a visitants

Centre d'informació per a visitants

Centre d'informació per a visitants

PictographFauna Altitude 2,392 ft
Photo ofOcells en acostar-se al llac

Ocells en acostar-se al llac

Ocells en acostar-se al llac

PictographLake Altitude 2,382 ft
Photo ofLake Tekapo

Lake Tekapo

Lake Tekapo

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,359 ft
Photo ofBoira sobre el Mt John

Boira sobre el Mt John

Boira sobre el Mt John

PictographInformation point Altitude 2,369 ft
Photo ofCartell informatiu sobre la Central Elèctrica del Lake Tekapo

Cartell informatiu sobre la Central Elèctrica del Lake Tekapo

Cartell informatiu sobre la Central Elèctrica del Lake Tekapo

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,372 ft
Photo ofBoira sobre el Lake Tekapo

Boira sobre el Lake Tekapo

Boira sobre el Lake Tekapo

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,418 ft
Photo ofLlit de pinassa prop del Lake Tekapo

Llit de pinassa prop del Lake Tekapo

Llit de pinassa prop del Lake Tekapo

PictographInformation point Altitude 2,405 ft
Photo ofCartells indicatius i informatius sobre rutes Photo ofCartells indicatius i informatius sobre rutes

Cartells indicatius i informatius sobre rutes

Cartells indicatius i informatius sobre rutes

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,552 ft
Photo ofInici de la Mt John Walkway

Inici de la Mt John Walkway


PictographPanorama Altitude 2,694 ft
Photo ofVista del poble de Lake Tekapo per sota la boira Photo ofVista del poble de Lake Tekapo per sota la boira

Vista del poble de Lake Tekapo per sota la boira

Vista del poble de Lake Tekapo per sota la boira

PictographIntersection Altitude 3,264 ft
Photo ofCartell indicatiu

Cartell indicatiu

Cartell indicatiu

PictographIntersection Altitude 3,333 ft
Photo ofDesviament cap a l'Astro Café

Desviament cap a l'Astro Café

Desviament cap a l'Astro Café

PictographInformation point Altitude 3,360 ft
Photo ofCartell informatiu sobre rutes, fauna i flora

Cartell informatiu sobre rutes, fauna i flora

Cartell informatiu sobre rutes, fauna i flora

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,392 ft
Photo ofMt John Observatory

Mt John Observatory

Mt John Observatory

PictographSummit Altitude 3,409 ft
Photo ofMt John Photo ofMt John Photo ofMt John

Mt John

Mt John

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,412 ft
Photo ofElements del Mt John Observatory Photo ofElements del Mt John Observatory

Elements del Mt John Observatory

Elements del Mt John Observatory

PictographInformation point Altitude 3,327 ft
Photo ofCartell informatiu sobre la llegenda maori de la zona

Cartell informatiu sobre la llegenda maori de la zona

Cartell informatiu sobre la llegenda maori de la zona

PictographIntersection Altitude 3,350 ft
Photo ofCartells indicatius i informatius sobre el paisatge Photo ofCartells indicatius i informatius sobre el paisatge Photo ofCartells indicatius i informatius sobre el paisatge

Cartells indicatius i informatius sobre el paisatge

Cartells indicatius i informatius sobre el paisatge

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,268 ft
Photo ofBoira sobre tot el Lake Tekapo

Boira sobre tot el Lake Tekapo

Boira sobre tot el Lake Tekapo

PictographPanorama Altitude 3,232 ft
Photo ofVistes sense boira del Lake Tekapo Photo ofVistes sense boira del Lake Tekapo Photo ofVistes sense boira del Lake Tekapo

Vistes sense boira del Lake Tekapo

Vistes sense boira del Lake Tekapo

PictographPanorama Altitude 3,212 ft
Photo ofVistes del Lake Tekapo amb núvols baixos Photo ofVistes del Lake Tekapo amb núvols baixos Photo ofVistes del Lake Tekapo amb núvols baixos

Vistes del Lake Tekapo amb núvols baixos

Vistes del Lake Tekapo amb núvols baixos

PictographPanorama Altitude 3,245 ft
Photo ofVista del Mt John

Vista del Mt John

Vista del Mt John

PictographLake Altitude 3,317 ft
Photo ofLake Alexandrina

Lake Alexandrina

Lake Alexandrina

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,412 ft
Photo ofBrúixola amb direccions de diversos indrets d'Illa Sud de Nova Zelanda

Brúixola amb direccions de diversos indrets d'Illa Sud de Nova Zelanda

Compass with directions from various parts of South Island of New Zealand

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PictographPanorama Altitude 2,825 ft
Photo ofVistes del Lake Tekapo des de l'extrem nord de la Mt John Walkway Photo ofVistes del Lake Tekapo des de l'extrem nord de la Mt John Walkway Photo ofVistes del Lake Tekapo des de l'extrem nord de la Mt John Walkway

Vistes del Lake Tekapo des de l'extrem nord de la Mt John Walkway

Vistes del Lake Tekapo des de l'extrem nord de la Mt John Walkway

PictographPanorama Altitude 2,625 ft
Photo ofVistes del Lake Tekapo, la Motuariki Island i el Mt Edward (Two Thumb Range) Photo ofVistes del Lake Tekapo, la Motuariki Island i el Mt Edward (Two Thumb Range)

Vistes del Lake Tekapo, la Motuariki Island i el Mt Edward (Two Thumb Range)

Vists del Lake Tekapo, Motuariki Island i el Mt Edward (Two Thumb Range)

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PictographIntersection Altitude 2,425 ft
Photo ofCartell indicatiu

Cartell indicatiu

Cartell indicatiu

PictographPanorama Altitude 2,329 ft
Photo ofVista del Lake Tekapo arran d'aigua

Vista del Lake Tekapo arran d'aigua

Vista del Lake Tekapo arran d'aigua

PictographFauna Altitude 2,359 ft
Photo ofOcells prop de l'aigua incloent probablement un parell de Paradise Shelduck Photo ofOcells prop de l'aigua incloent probablement un parell de Paradise Shelduck

Ocells prop de l'aigua incloent probablement un parell de Paradise Shelduck

Birds near the water including probably a couple of Paradise Shelduck

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PictographPanorama Altitude 2,336 ft
Photo ofVista del Lake Tekapo amb ocells a la riba

Vista del Lake Tekapo amb ocells a la riba

Vista del Lake Tekapo amb ocells a la riba

PictographPanorama Altitude 2,372 ft
Photo ofVista del Lake Tekapo amb el Two Thumb Range de fons

Vista del Lake Tekapo amb el Two Thumb Range de fons

Vista del Lake Tekapo amb el Two Thumb Range de fons

PictographPanorama Altitude 2,369 ft
Photo ofVista del Mt John sense boira

Vista del Mt John sense boira

Vista del Mt John sense boira

PictographPanorama Altitude 2,392 ft
Photo ofVista de tota l'extensió del Lake Tekapo en calma amb el Two Thumb Range i el Sibbald Range de fons

Vista de tota l'extensió del Lake Tekapo en calma amb el Two Thumb Range i el Sibbald Range de fons

View of the entire length of Lake Tekapo calmly with the Two Thumb Range and the Sibbald Range background

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