
Lago del Bernigolo, Cima Baresi e Porta delle Cornacchie da Lenna


Trail photos

Photo ofLago del Bernigolo, Cima Baresi e Porta delle Cornacchie da Lenna Photo ofLago del Bernigolo, Cima Baresi e Porta delle Cornacchie da Lenna Photo ofLago del Bernigolo, Cima Baresi e Porta delle Cornacchie da Lenna


Trail stats

10.62 mi
Elevation gain
2,605 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
2,605 ft
Max elevation
3,982 ft
Min elevation
1,506 ft
Trail type
Moving time
3 hours 33 minutes
4 hours 40 minutes
February 19, 2024
February 2024

near Lenna, Lombardia (Italia)

Viewed 140 times, downloaded 1 times

Trail photos

Photo ofLago del Bernigolo, Cima Baresi e Porta delle Cornacchie da Lenna Photo ofLago del Bernigolo, Cima Baresi e Porta delle Cornacchie da Lenna Photo ofLago del Bernigolo, Cima Baresi e Porta delle Cornacchie da Lenna

Itinerary description

Percorso ad anello da Lenna passando per:
- Santuario Della Madonna Della Coltura (0.4 km)
- Lago del Bernigolo (1.6 km)
- Cima Baresi Mauro (7.3 km)
- Porta delle Cornacchie (7.8 km)
- Chiesa Parrocchiale Dei Santi Pietro E Paolo di Roncobello (10.2 km)

good' and 'that teaching is bad'; you should never be sectarian. It
is hard for you to imitate me. The fox can never go where the lion
leaps; he would break his back if he tried to copy the lion. It is
indeed very difficult for most lovers of the Dharma to follow my way
of practicing. I hope that you, the aristocrat, will never lose faith in
Having said this to the rich man, Milarepa and his disciple traveled
on again for alms, [and soon] came to a town where they met a
yogi who appeared to be, and was dressed like, a Tantra-follower.
This Tantric yogi said to Milarcpa, "Dear Yogi, where have you come
from? Judging by your appearance, it seems that you are a person
having the Pure View, Pure Practice, and Equal Action.9 Have you
anything to say which may help to further my progress?" Milarepa
replied, "Do you have a real understanding of the View, Practice,
and Action? If not, I may tell you about mine, but you might not
quite appreciate it. It may be better this morning just to establish an
auspicious and beneficial Karma-relationship between us." "Never
mind," said the yogi, "I shall give you alms. I am a teacher of
Tantrism myself, and so have some understanding of these things
According to my School, the View, Practice, and Action are like this
.... " And he expounded the teachings at length. Then he asked
Milarepa; "Does your School agree with mine?" Milarepa replied, "He
who does not fear SaJllsara, renounce the world, and follow the in-
struction of a qualified Guru, with a very strong desire to attain Bud-
dhahood immediately- driven by his craving and evil instincts is liable
to become a mere babbler. Although he talks a great deal about the
View, Practice, and Action, he is most likely to go astray." And the
Jetsun sang:
Hearken, you great teacher!
It is hard to help others
H one does not renounce this world.
If you do not realize SaJllsiira and Nirviii:Ja are one,
And hold a faint idea but dimly in your mind,
In indulgence you will freely gratify [your senses],
And be carried away by the torrent of Eight
[You should carefully observe and ask yourself):
"Have I realized the truth of Two-in-One which
is beyond extremes, 10
Or have I thrown myself over the Four Edges?1
Is my practice free of 'mind effort'?
Am I haunted by the ghost of 'form and substance'?
Is my blissful and rapturous Samadhi
A delusive state defiled by 'grasping-craving'?
Have I been shackled by the laws of form
\Vithout grace and blessing?
vVhen I meditate on the identity of manifestation
and Guru12
Does my Awareness wander?
When I illustrate the truth through Tantric symbols,
Have I taught the Truth beyond all symbols?
Have I polluted with 'intentional effort,' and distorted,
The originally pure Self-mind?
Have I done that which I willed
In a way that righteous Lamas ne'er behave?
Did I ever ask myself: 'Am I aware
That wordly prosperity and achievements
Are but the hindrances set up by devils?' "
If you do not understand or practice
The teaching of a Lineage with grace,
The devils will mislead you with their art.
Then you will never free yourself
From the realms of misery and Sa111sara.
Rely then on a genuine Lineage, and practice
Your devotion without craving and self-indulgence.
Having heard this song, the teacher turned to Milarepa in faith
and reliance, crying, "This is indeed marvelous!" He bowed down at
the feet of the Jetsun and invited him into his house, giving perfect
offerings and service to him. He then asked Milarepa to accept him
as his disciple. The Jetsun knew that he was a destined person, and
granted his request. Thereupon, all three returned to Lashi Snow
Mountain. Having received the Initiation and Pith-instructions from
Milarepa, the teacher later acquired the Accomplishments and reached
the state of Emancipation. He was destined eventually to become
one of the heart-sons of Milarepa, and was known as Shangchub
Jarbo-the Teacher of Ngan Tson.
This is the story of Milarepa singing the "Song of the Staff" at
Jen Valley, and of his meeting with the teacher of Ngan Tson.


PictographPhoto Altitude 1,588 ft
Photo ofFoto Photo ofFoto Photo ofFoto


PictographReligious site Altitude 1,606 ft
Photo ofSantuario Della Madonna Della Coltura Photo ofSantuario Della Madonna Della Coltura Photo ofSantuario Della Madonna Della Coltura

Santuario Della Madonna Della Coltura

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,641 ft
Photo ofL' Oro Photo ofL' Oro Photo ofL' Oro

L' Oro

PictographLake Altitude 1,679 ft
Photo ofLago del Bernigolo Photo ofLago del Bernigolo Photo ofLago del Bernigolo

Lago del Bernigolo

PictographLake Altitude 1,706 ft
Photo ofLago del Bernigolo Photo ofLago del Bernigolo Photo ofLago del Bernigolo

Lago del Bernigolo

PictographLake Altitude 1,690 ft
Photo ofLago Photo ofLago Photo ofLago


PictographLake Altitude 1,685 ft
Photo ofLago Photo ofLago Photo ofLago


PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,699 ft
Photo ofCantone Santa Maria Photo ofCantone Santa Maria Photo ofCantone Santa Maria

Cantone Santa Maria

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,750 ft
Photo ofWaypoint Photo ofWaypoint Photo ofWaypoint


PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,018 ft
Photo ofWaypoint Photo ofWaypoint Photo ofWaypoint


PictographPanorama Altitude 2,082 ft
Photo ofBordogna Photo ofBordogna Photo ofBordogna


PictographPanorama Altitude 2,133 ft
Photo ofPanorama Photo ofPanorama Photo ofPanorama


PictographPanorama Altitude 2,351 ft
Photo ofPanorama Photo ofPanorama Photo ofPanorama


PictographPanorama Altitude 2,762 ft
Photo ofPanorama


PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,873 ft
Photo ofBaresi Photo ofBaresi Photo ofBaresi


PictographPanorama Altitude 2,978 ft
Photo ofPanorama Photo ofPanorama Photo ofPanorama


PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,144 ft
Photo ofCase Sotto Photo ofCase Sotto Photo ofCase Sotto

Case Sotto

PictographSummit Altitude 3,845 ft
Photo ofCima Baresi Mauro Photo ofCima Baresi Mauro Photo ofCima Baresi Mauro

Cima Baresi Mauro

PictographSummit Altitude 3,900 ft
Photo ofCima Baresi Photo ofCima Baresi Photo ofCima Baresi

Cima Baresi

PictographSummit Altitude 3,961 ft
Photo ofPorta delle Cornacchie Photo ofPorta delle Cornacchie Photo ofPorta delle Cornacchie

Porta delle Cornacchie

PictographSummit Altitude 3,960 ft
Photo ofPorta delle Cornacchie Photo ofPorta delle Cornacchie Photo ofPorta delle Cornacchie

Porta delle Cornacchie

PictographPanorama Altitude 3,713 ft
Photo ofPanorama


PictographIntersection Altitude 3,674 ft
Photo ofPasso del Vendulo Photo ofPasso del Vendulo Photo ofPasso del Vendulo

Passo del Vendulo

PictographPanorama Altitude 3,566 ft
Photo ofRoncobello Photo ofRoncobello Photo ofRoncobello


PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,312 ft
Photo ofRoncobello Photo ofRoncobello Photo ofRoncobello


PictographPhoto Altitude 3,300 ft
Photo ofRoncobello Photo ofRoncobello Photo ofRoncobello


PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,291 ft
Photo ofOratorio di san Rocco Photo ofOratorio di san Rocco Photo ofOratorio di san Rocco

Oratorio di san Rocco

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,761 ft
Photo ofCantone san francesco

Cantone san francesco

Comments  (1)

  • Pietro già Feb 19, 2024 per me sconosciute ma di sicuro interesse escursionistico e non solo ; prima o poi andrò
    anche nella Bella Bergamasca

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