
Lachtnafrankee and Glenary Village



Trail stats

10.07 mi
Elevation gain
1,490 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,490 ft
Max elevation
1,736 ft
Min elevation
516 ft
Trail type
5 hours 42 minutes
October 18, 2020
October 2020
Be the first to clap

near Harney’s Cross Roads, Munster (Ireland)

Viewed 549 times, downloaded 13 times

Itinerary description

A long (16 kilometer) but moderate walk in the gentler sections of the Comeragh Mountains with superb 360 degree views. Use Discovery Series 75, or better again, EastWest Map of the Comeraghs (1:25,000)
To get to the trailhead, take the R678 from the village of Rathgormack towards Clonmel. At Harney's Cross (S 204 261), turn left, uphill, and the trailhead is on your right, just past the cattle grid. There is ample parking.
You will see the cairn on Lachtnarankee (520) straight ahead of you and the ascent to this is relatively gentle via a path across open moorland. As you climb, be aware of the views towards the Nire Valley (below, to you left) and Knockanafrinn Ridge.
You will now descend via Stirra towards the woods where you will turn right and follow the fence, after which you will continue along the path. Notice the lovely No Man's Wood on your left, which might be a suitable spot for lunch.
Continue on down the path and thru the gate, and cross the road (downhill) toward the abandoned village of Glenary. Notice the numerous ruined houses, now mainly overgrown by vegetation, which were inhabited until the 1960's.
Turn right, along the "Bóthar Fada", cross the river and later a barbed wire fence and head uphill towards a T junction at the base of Long Hill. The Holy Year Cross is to your left, should you wish to visit it.
We will, however, turn right and climb the elegantly named Long Hill, before picking up a path leading uphill to The Punchbowl. To your left you should now see your car parked in the old quarry marked on the East West map as Finlay's Ditch.
Allow about 5 and a half hours for this varied and interesting ramble.


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