← Part of San Miguel de Allende


La Tinaja



Trail stats

4.34 mi
Elevation gain
676 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
676 ft
Max elevation
6,855 ft
23 3.7
Min elevation
6,262 ft
Trail type
2 hours 35 minutes
August 2, 2015
August 2015
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  •   3.7 1 review
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near San Lucas, Guanajuato (Mexico)

Viewed 295 times, downloaded 6 times

Itinerary description

This Hike is in an area of the municipo of San Miguel de Allende generally called Pena Blanca. It starts and ends at a village called La Tinaja. The main advantage of this hike is there is a foot bridge over the Rio Pena Blanca so you can do this hike even after heavy rains. For about the first 1/3 of the hike we follow a dirt road know as Camino a Los Torriles. we then veer off the road and up onto and over Pena Blanca. The ground in this area is covered with multi-colored chunks of agate. The area is heavily grazed so there is not much vegetation and the hiking is easy. The southern edge of Pena Blanca is the beginning of the Canada de la Virgen area and on the second half of this hike we walked along a ridge-line above one of the canyons until we came to a path that led us back to La Tinaja and our starting point.

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Comments  (1)

  • snipeman Feb 4, 2020

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    The ridge part of the trail is nice but the town is full of garbage and animal poo covers everything.

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