
Kumano Kodo (Ruta Nakahechi) – 2º día de Tsugizakura-oji a Hongu


Trail photos

Photo ofKumano Kodo (Ruta Nakahechi) – 2º día de Tsugizakura-oji a Hongu Photo ofKumano Kodo (Ruta Nakahechi) – 2º día de Tsugizakura-oji a Hongu Photo ofKumano Kodo (Ruta Nakahechi) – 2º día de Tsugizakura-oji a Hongu


Trail stats

15.3 mi
Elevation gain
4,039 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
5,384 ft
Max elevation
2,202 ft
92 5
Min elevation
198 ft
Trail type
One Way
9 hours 45 minutes
September 10, 2018
July 2018
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near Chikatsuyu, Wakayama (Japan)

Viewed 1533 times, downloaded 90 times

Trail photos

Photo ofKumano Kodo (Ruta Nakahechi) – 2º día de Tsugizakura-oji a Hongu Photo ofKumano Kodo (Ruta Nakahechi) – 2º día de Tsugizakura-oji a Hongu Photo ofKumano Kodo (Ruta Nakahechi) – 2º día de Tsugizakura-oji a Hongu

Itinerary description

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After checking that I carry a lot of weight, I see the way to take my backpack to the next point and I only take what is necessary for today, luckily I had a small backpack.
After breakfast I go by the road to the Minshuku Tsugizakura-oji and I am going to take the road, we have to do about 4 kilometers by road the old road was coming through here. The weather is still good, hot and humid, although in the afternoon there may be storms, today we have continuous ups and downs, but we reached a point where the road is in poor condition, so before making a climb , we have a detour.
We take the river bank and start a one kilometer climb to have 3 km down, again we join the initial path, here we find a statue called Jagata Jizo, but again we have a climb to the highest point of the day. On the way the information poles are made of wood, they are inscribed in the distance you are making, they are at a distance of 500 m.
Today I am also finding small temples with their toris, they are impressive in the middle of the forest, we also have our dose of stairs type climb.
From here we have a nice descent following a river, we reach the crossroads where the Akagi-goe road leads to the village of Yunomine Onsen, but we follow shortly we see a temple with a tori.
Further on we have another small temple called Hosshinmon-oji is known as "the door to awakening by the aspiration to enlightenment".
A little further on we had the possibility of taking a bus because the kilometers that were left were by road but it escaped me, thank goodness the road was with very little traffic. This part became a bit long and heavy, the arrival to Hongu is very beautiful, it is entered by the Kumano Hongu Taisha temple, one of the main ones of the Kumano Kodo route, as it was already late I could see the temple with few people.
Accommodation: Blu Sky Guesthouse, highly recommended.
The next stage.- 3rd
Blog Paco and its mountain routes
Official website Kumano Kodo
Official page Wakayama
Official tourism website Japan
Blog about Japan


PictographWaypoint Altitude 529 ft
Photo ofCruce de la ruta Kohechi Photo ofCruce de la ruta Kohechi Photo ofCruce de la ruta Kohechi

Cruce de la ruta Kohechi

PictographWaypoint Altitude 840 ft
Photo ofDesvio para Yunonime onsen Photo ofDesvio para Yunonime onsen Photo ofDesvio para Yunonime onsen

Desvio para Yunonime onsen

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,621 ft
Photo ofDesvio provisional Photo ofDesvio provisional Photo ofDesvio provisional

Desvio provisional

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,033 ft
Photo ofHosshinmon-oji Photo ofHosshinmon-oji Photo ofHosshinmon-oji


PictographWaypoint Altitude 188 ft
Photo ofHostel Blue Sky

Hostel Blue Sky

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,668 ft


PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,364 ft

Minshuku Tsugizakura-oji

PictographWaypoint Altitude 838 ft


PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,590 ft


PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,691 ft

Servicios y agua

PictographWaypoint Altitude 812 ft

Torii Funatama-jinja

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,350 ft


Comments  (1)

  • Photo of Os Pés do Caminho
    Os Pés do Caminho Aug 2, 2023

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    Wonderful trail. Thanks for sharing the trek. It was quite helpful.

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