
Kumano Kodo (1er día) Takijiri-oji - Gyuba-doji-guhi


Trail photos

Photo ofKumano Kodo (1er día) Takijiri-oji - Gyuba-doji-guhi Photo ofKumano Kodo (1er día) Takijiri-oji - Gyuba-doji-guhi Photo ofKumano Kodo (1er día) Takijiri-oji - Gyuba-doji-guhi


Trail stats

8.47 mi
Elevation gain
3,196 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
2,421 ft
Max elevation
2,352 ft
Min elevation
306 ft
Trail type
One Way
6 hours one minute
September 1, 2019
August 2019

near Kurisugawa, Wakayama (Japan)

Viewed 114 times, downloaded 0 times

Trail photos

Photo ofKumano Kodo (1er día) Takijiri-oji - Gyuba-doji-guhi Photo ofKumano Kodo (1er día) Takijiri-oji - Gyuba-doji-guhi Photo ofKumano Kodo (1er día) Takijiri-oji - Gyuba-doji-guhi

Itinerary description

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First day of the trekking along the Kumano Kodo pilgrimage route.

Because the distances by car through Japan have nothing to do with what we are used to in our country and other places in the world, we have to say that we do not start walking too early, but the ease of going by van allows us to leave the I walk anywhere and resume it the next day.

After stopping by the information office, get the credentials for the road and little else ...... Since the girl was not in the job of telling us much more, we headed to one of the shops opposite where a girl Very nice offered us the information and all the help that the information center had not provided.

The start, just behind the store, a climb of steps, roots .... we go up a climb that is the business card of the Kumano Kodo and tells you "hey, guys that this is not nonsense, that the path of Santiago very well, but this is something else. "

That said it cost us that first cold climb but the landscape where we were entering was worth it and was an invitation not to leave.

The heat of the suffocating area, but what has been said, I have not seen more beautiful landscapes and the fact that all the way is done through a forest helps not to faint.

In general, the route is very well marked, has no loss, and since this is Japan, every now and then you find an oji where there is a stamp to record your step in the credential.

The first town we saw was Takahara, where there is a source for refueling water, which is totally necessary if you want to survive the route ... and some food too, but we brought national food that in those parts becomes an Asian luxury !

The next section goes up and down the leg-breaker roll that will take us to what will be our final stage, the Michi-no-eki Gyba-doji-guhi, there was a bus stop that had to take us to the starting point to Pick up the van and half a dozen eggs that we had left for the girl in the store so we could have a potato omelet that night.

Watch out! The bus schedules are very hurried, at 17:48 the bus passed and then nothingness .... so you have to ensure since the auto estop issue I am not sure how it works in Japan, and taxi service nothing you're welcome ... it must also be said that walking at night through these forests ... I didn't fancy absolutely anything and more after seeing poisonous snakes ..... (and I know it was poisonous because I put it the brochure!)


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