
Koraal Tabak



Trail stats

3.92 mi
Elevation gain
764 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
764 ft
Max elevation
102 ft
29 4
Min elevation
-85 ft
Trail type
2 hours 19 minutes
February 8, 2016
January 2016
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near Santa Catharina (Curacao)

Viewed 2890 times, downloaded 51 times

Itinerary description

The hike starts at the water-side headquarters of the Fundashon Sint Joris Baai. On weekends, local kids can come here to learn how to windsurf for free. Walking along the coast, you immediately encounter the day's most difficult stretch of hiking.

A steep hill runs right up against the water and, although there is a path to the top, it isn't well-marked. From the summit, there is a great view over Saint Joris and a strange, triangular rock formation called "The Pyramid".

Once past the hill, the rest of the hike is easy. It leads to the point at which the Saint Joris Bay meets the ocean, and then continues along the coast. Leaving the water, you reach the foot of another hill, and there is good reason to ascend. The cave of Koraal Tabak, at the top of the hill, is very cool. This is a large, spacious cavern with multiple chambers, "doors" on either side and a few holes in the ceiling. You can climb up through one of these "skylights" for an incredible view over the area.

From there, it's an easy, pleasant walk back to the car.

Comments  (3)

  • marjavissers Mar 9, 2018

    We did this hike a few days ago, in march 2018. We found the first part really difficult with a lot of difficult climbing. Ofcourse, us coming from Holland, we are not used to hills and climbing but still.
    The rest of the hike is easy and interesting. You see the water hitting the rocks really hard and it is amazing. At one point there is a kind of fountain where the water is squizzed through a hole in the rocks.
    An option could be to skip the first part and walk form the starting point to the cave and then to the coast and then the same way back.

  • Jerremy Sep 12, 2021

    I have followed this trail  View more

    Difficult to reach the start. The land has been acquired by a private company and they will not allow you to go through by car. Alternatively you can drive to the kite surf area and walk from there (about 1.5km extra). The trail is barely signed and it looks like it hasn't been hiked up to the mountain in a few years. You will likely have to crawl under bushes with needles sometimes. The view at the top of the mountain is stunning though. Going down is even more difficult, as I couldn't find a clear path and the underground contains a lot of very dry sand and pebbles, without many options to use your hands. Moreover, you will not have much shadow.

  • Robert B1 Jan 23, 2022

    I have followed this trail  View more

    Followed this trail as part of a longer hike. The first part if the trail is indeed somewhat challenging difficult grip with a lot of loose sand / small pebbles and crumbling sandstone like rock (different than the diabaas you encounter elsewhere). I get the impression this part is not used very often. After that part, very rewarding views and a ver diverse landscape.

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