
Kilimanjaro Ruta Marangu día 5, Refugio de Kibo (4.750 m) - Uhuru Peak (5.895 mts) - Horombo Huts (3.720 mts)


Trail photos

Photo ofKilimanjaro Ruta Marangu día 5, Refugio de Kibo (4.750 m) - Uhuru Peak (5.895 mts) - Horombo Huts (3.720 mts) Photo ofKilimanjaro Ruta Marangu día 5, Refugio de Kibo (4.750 m) - Uhuru Peak (5.895 mts) - Horombo Huts (3.720 mts) Photo ofKilimanjaro Ruta Marangu día 5, Refugio de Kibo (4.750 m) - Uhuru Peak (5.895 mts) - Horombo Huts (3.720 mts)


Trail stats

14.49 mi
Elevation gain
4,085 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
7,290 ft
Max elevation
19,326 ft
Min elevation
12,236 ft
Trail type
One Way
one day 4 hours 30 minutes
November 13, 2017
November 2017
Be the first to clap

near Endoinet, Arusha (Tanzania)

Viewed 514 times, downloaded 35 times

Trail photos

Photo ofKilimanjaro Ruta Marangu día 5, Refugio de Kibo (4.750 m) - Uhuru Peak (5.895 mts) - Horombo Huts (3.720 mts) Photo ofKilimanjaro Ruta Marangu día 5, Refugio de Kibo (4.750 m) - Uhuru Peak (5.895 mts) - Horombo Huts (3.720 mts) Photo ofKilimanjaro Ruta Marangu día 5, Refugio de Kibo (4.750 m) - Uhuru Peak (5.895 mts) - Horombo Huts (3.720 mts)

Itinerary description

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At 22:00 we get up from the bunk beds, we put on everything we wear and we leave the shelter, the night is magical, it does not snow (although the ground is snowed), the moon is full, the sky clear, we see the white slope where we have to climb, you can feel the nerves and the illusion that we all have.

At 23:00 we start with Nelson (the chief guide) at the head. We light our fronts and begin to walk at high mountain pass, it seems that we were a team of elders. The initial steps assume that the forward boot places his heel at the height of the toe of the boot that remains behind, the steps are very short during the entire ascent.

The team consists of 8 expedition members and 6 guides. The climb of the slope that we will make towards the Gilmans Point if we were at 2,000 meters would be a climb without any difficulty, but at this point and with the lack of oxygen makes our breaths go off and we have the feeling that our heart beats like if we were running uphill.

The night views are beautiful, in the background we see the lights of the Kibo shelter and we begin to see lights that are of Kenyan populations.

When we are halfway down the slope, the first symptoms of exhaustion began. We went up with real suffering, we breathed with our mouths open to try to take as much oxygen as possible, and when we had to climb a step of 30 centimeters it seemed that we had climbed a meter in a jump. Almost all of them passed their backpacks to the porters.

The climb of the last 100 meters before Gilmans Point seemed like a bad dream. It was the steepest terrain and we also had to climb steps continuously which caused us exhaustion. In climbing the last 50 meters I think we spend almost half an hour. Nelson was continuously called "pole pole" (slowly).

After 5 o'clock in the morning we finally arrived at Gilmans Point (5,685 m). There we stopped a few minutes and found that two companions were affected by altitude sickness, they had no strength, they were groggy and the only thing they said was that they wanted to sleep even when they walked.

From the Gilmans Point the road that led us to the Kili consisted of crestear. The slope of the terrain was much more bearable and had nothing to do with the hard climb we had just made to the Gilmans.

It was still a dark night when we arrived at Stella Point (5,756 m) and from here the first lights of the day began to appear. Between 6 and 6:30 we started to make a summit at the Kili, the Uhuru Peak, at almost 6,000 meters (5,895 m).

The satisfaction was very great, especially when our two companions affected by altitude sickness managed to touch the wood of the sign that marks the roof of Africa.

Then we did a photo shoot, we enjoyed some very clear views of the huge crater of Kilimanjaro and its many glaciers that were in sight.

We descended directly towards the refuge of Kibo by a path of black earth (without any vegetation in spite of the good aspect that had the earth) in almost straight descent that allowed to nail the heels of the boots and to lower even running.

In Kibo we were fed at around 12:00 and after lunch we continued the descent to the refuge of Horombo.

The two companions affected of the altitude sickness were dedicated only to rest and one of them could go down by his own foot to Horombo. The other, did not fully recover and the porters had to get off on a stretcher to Horombo.

Needless to say, the degree of difficulty of this stage is difficult or very difficult due to the height and lack of oxygen, despite the fact that the terrain to climb does not have any technical difficulty.

Data according to GPS
Distance: 24,1 Km.
Moving time: 8:33
Stopped time:
Total Time:
Moving average: 2.83 Km / h
Ascent: 1,246 meters
Descent: 2,280 meters

Comments  (5)

  • Photo of Lobezno12
    Lobezno12 Sep 23, 2023

    Gracias Javier. Yo estoy en un grupo de 12 personas que llegamos a Tanzania el día 22 de enero 2024. Comenzamos a subir el 24 desde marangu. La subida desde kibo a Uhuru Peak será la madrugada del domingo día 28 de enero. ¿Como es esa subida final, tan dura es? Yo estuve en el campo base del everest en abril del año pasado. Y recuerdo que también tomé edemox.

  • Photo of javierdelav
    javierdelav Sep 23, 2023

    La subida final no reviste dificultad técnica alguna y no tiene terreno expuesto, es terreno fácil de caminar pero con pendiente. La dificultad ya sabes (campo base del Everest) que a partir de 5.000 metros el oxígeno escasea y eso es lo duro

  • Photo of Lobezno12
    Lobezno12 Sep 23, 2023

    Y las demas etapas como son? La de mandara a horombo, la aclimatación a zebra rocks y la de horombo a kibo

  • Photo of javierdelav
    javierdelav Sep 23, 2023

    Son fáciles, muy llevaderas, transcurren por senderos anchos y con poca inclinación de subida

  • Photo of Lobezno12
    Lobezno12 Sep 23, 2023

    Gracias 💪

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