
Kilimanjaro Ruta Marangu día 4, Horombo Huts (3.720 m) - Refugio de Kibo (4.750 m)


Trail photos

Photo ofKilimanjaro Ruta Marangu día 4, Horombo Huts (3.720 m) - Refugio de Kibo (4.750 m) Photo ofKilimanjaro Ruta Marangu día 4, Horombo Huts (3.720 m) - Refugio de Kibo (4.750 m) Photo ofKilimanjaro Ruta Marangu día 4, Horombo Huts (3.720 m) - Refugio de Kibo (4.750 m)


Trail stats

5.95 mi
Elevation gain
3,251 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
23 ft
Max elevation
15,399 ft
Min elevation
12,203 ft
Trail type
One Way
3 hours 38 minutes
November 13, 2017
November 2017
Be the first to clap

near Ghombon, Kilimanjaro (Tanzania)

Viewed 312 times, downloaded 33 times

Trail photos

Photo ofKilimanjaro Ruta Marangu día 4, Horombo Huts (3.720 m) - Refugio de Kibo (4.750 m) Photo ofKilimanjaro Ruta Marangu día 4, Horombo Huts (3.720 m) - Refugio de Kibo (4.750 m) Photo ofKilimanjaro Ruta Marangu día 4, Horombo Huts (3.720 m) - Refugio de Kibo (4.750 m)

Itinerary description

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The ascent to the Kibo refuge begins by a path full of badly placed stones that forces us to continually look where to tread; this happens for about two kilometers until we reach the desert plain. From this point on, the path is wide, with a slight upward slope and without stones, which makes the walk easy.

At these altitudes we began to notice the lack of oxygen for the first time, in apparent normal running and without effort the body responded as if we were climbing through a more inclined terrain. When there were three hundred meters missing for the Kibo refuge, we found a slope and it was difficult to climb it on the basis of deep breaths (when climbing this terrain at two thousand meters would have been a comfortable walk).

Half a kilometer from Kibo snow began to fall and shortly thereafter it snowed on us, the cold was felt, our hands were freezing but many of us preferred not to get on and wet our gloves, we kept them dry for the final ascent.

In the shelter of Kibo we were accommodated in a room with 7 double bunk beds that in the center had a large table where the food was served shortly after we arrived. The aspect of the shelter is dilapidated and the hygienic services are painful.

After lunch they recommended us to take a nap until 5:00 p.m. when we got up to have dinner in the middle of the bunk beds at around 6:00 p.m.

After dinner we were advised to get into the bunk beds and rest as much as possible because they would get up at 22:00. The next day we learned that almost everyone had happened that on the first nap we slept something, but in the second everybody had a hot head thinking if it would continue to snow, if we could go up, if the climb would be dangerous, if we altitude sickness etc ... and all this remembering that in one of the lower bunks of our room we had gotten a boy who had fallen on the Kili and had broken some knee muscle and there he was sore enduring a good while until a stretcher arrived and they were able to go down to Horombo and from there an all-terrain ambulance would take him to a hospital center.

In the Kibo shelter, two companions suffered symptoms of altitude sickness and with great wisdom on their part decided not to risk the climb.

Finally, moderate title this route because although the terrain was comfortable to walk and with little slope, however we began to know what it was to have less oxygen than normal and discover the fatigue that caused us.

Data according to GPS
Distance: 9.9 km
Moving time: 3:25
Time stopped: 0:14
Total Time: 3:39
Moving average: 2.89 Km / h
Ascent: 985 meters
Descent: 14 meters


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