
Kilimanjaro Ruta Marangu día 3, Aclimatación. Horombo Huts - Cebra Rocks - Horombo Huts


Trail photos

Photo ofKilimanjaro Ruta Marangu día 3, Aclimatación. Horombo Huts - Cebra Rocks - Horombo Huts Photo ofKilimanjaro Ruta Marangu día 3, Aclimatación. Horombo Huts - Cebra Rocks - Horombo Huts Photo ofKilimanjaro Ruta Marangu día 3, Aclimatación. Horombo Huts - Cebra Rocks - Horombo Huts


Trail stats

3.57 mi
Elevation gain
1,280 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,280 ft
Max elevation
13,518 ft
Min elevation
12,048 ft
Trail type
23 hours 2 minutes
November 13, 2017
November 2017
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near Ghombon, Kilimanjaro (Tanzania)

Viewed 252 times, downloaded 32 times

Trail photos

Photo ofKilimanjaro Ruta Marangu día 3, Aclimatación. Horombo Huts - Cebra Rocks - Horombo Huts Photo ofKilimanjaro Ruta Marangu día 3, Aclimatación. Horombo Huts - Cebra Rocks - Horombo Huts Photo ofKilimanjaro Ruta Marangu día 3, Aclimatación. Horombo Huts - Cebra Rocks - Horombo Huts

Itinerary description

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The third day is acclimatization. From the Horombo Hut camp we climb up to Zebra Rocks and then ascend a few meters behind Zebra Rocks until we reach a promontory that allows us to see the immense volcanic plain that will take us to the Kibo refuge the next day. From there we descend towards the path that climbs towards the refuge of Kibo and instead of continuing to the right towards Kibo we do it to the left towards Horombo Hut.

This day of acclimatization, in other expeditions usually go up to Zebra Rocks and from there to Mawenzi Hut, which means to make almost twice as many kilometers as we did (I do not know if this influenced two expedition partners that in Kibo felt with symptoms of altitude sickness).

We got to eat at Horombo Hut and then we were able to drink at ease.

Data according to GPS
Distance: 6.1 km
Moving time: 2:12
Time stopped: 0:30
Total Time: 2:42
Average in movement: 2,74 Km / h
Ascent: 470 meters
Descent: 470 meters


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